WHAT IS FAMILYWARE? Familyware is a family owned and operated copy and distribution service which provides quality educational and family oriented shareware and public domain software. We've gathered together all of the educational and family oriented software that we could find. We've tested and retested thousands of programs. Finally, we've placed the cream of the crop in this catalog. Whether your children are preschoolers or college students, you'll find a large selection of software for their educational needs. From DOS tutors to cookbooks, we're sure you'll find the exact program you've been looking for. The programs in our catalog have come from all over the USA and Canada. Our programs have been created by individual authors, therefore, each program is unique in it's own way rather than mass produced by a large and impersonal company. Some of our authors have created their programs for their own children and others for their own needs. Because of this, the programs we distribute have a personal touch that can not be duplicated by any of the programs on the commercial market. HOW MUCH DO YOU CHARGE? Our prices are as follows: 1 - 10 disks 3.00 per disk 11 or more 2.00 per disk All disks are 5.25 unless specified. Add 1.00 per disk for 3.5 We also charge a 4.00 shipping and handling fee per order. If you've ordered COD, we charge an additional 5.00. Foreign orders please add an additional 10.00. We must charge Florida residents 6% sales tax. We accept cash, check, money order or COD delivery. At this time, we do not accept VISA/MASTERCARD. It's important to note that not all of our programs fit on one disk. There are a few that had to be placed on two or more disks due to their size. You can print out a copy of our order form from the main menu. BUT I DON'T HAVE A PRINTER That's okay, we thought about you too. If you don't have a printer, simply write down the disk numbers of the programs you want. Calculate how much they will cost you judging by our prices outlined in the last section, add 4.00 or more to it depending on your type of order, give us your address and mail us the order. Soon you will recieve your disks. I'M NEW AT THIS. HOW DO I USE THIS SOFTWARE? We've kept the beginning computer user in mind while choosing our programs, so you'll find most of them easy to use. Most of our programs are self explanatory, but we've included a HELPME!.COM file on every disk just in case you need it. BUT THE PROGRAM JUST WON'T WORK! On the other hand, if you think you have a defective disk, send it back to us within 30 days of purchase. Attach a note explaining what type of computer you have and what happened when you tried to run the program. If we determine that it really is a defective disk, then we'll give you a 3.00 credit on your next purchase. Keep in mind that not all programs will work on all systems, so it's very important that you read the hardware requirements that is placed above each program description to make sure that you have the proper equipment to run the program. IF I CAN'T FIGURE OUT HOW THE PROGRAM WORKS, DO YOU OFFER TECH SUPPORT? Unfortunately, no. We can not offer technical support for our programs. As we stated earlier, we've tried to offer only the easiest and most user friendly programs on the shareware market today, so there shouldn't be that much of a problem running the software, but if you still run into a problem, we suggest that you contact the author. In most cases, they are very eager to help. AREN'T VIRUSES A HIGH RISK WITH SHAREWARE AND PUBLIC DOMAIN PROGRAMS? Truthfully? No, they aren't if you only buy or download from reputable dealers and bulletin boards. It's like anything else in life - BE CAREFUL! Our computers cost a great deal of money. We are certainly not going to be careless enough to allow a virus to slip through our system and trash the whole thing. It has to come through us before it can get to you, therefore we go to great pains to make sure that all of our software comes from reputable channels and even then it's tested and retested until we are positive it's clean. Don't allow virus scares to spoil your fun. The chances of any of us catching a virus is so slim, it's hardly worth worrying about. In our opinion, shareware and public domain software is of higher quality and much more abundant than commercial software. Don't miss out on all of the quality software that is available to you through us or other vendors and bulletin boards because of a "maybe". Just be careful where you obtain your software, that's all. ANY LAST WORDS OF WISDOM? Have a good time and happy computing! Henry and Jinny Husty Chairpersons of the Board, Presidents and VIP's (Very Important Parents)