Shareware works differently than its' commercial counterpart. You must first purchase commercial software and then decide at home whether it is the right program for you. This can lead to disapointments. Shareware allows a user to test drive the program before buying it. After you have tried a shareware program and decide that you like it and if you are using it on a regular basis, you are obligated to register the program with the author. Registration fees range anywhere from 5.00 to 100.00 depending on the author. In return for registering, you recieve such benefits as the latest version, a printed manual, phone support, customization and other niceties. Registering also encourages authors to create more shareware. If you've ever created anything that's taken a lot of hard work and time, you can appreciate the time and work authors have put into their programs. We encourage you to register any program that you find useful.