EGGW-LUTON INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT The following file has been produced so that both the existing WESTERN EUROPEAN Tour scenery disc and the FACILITIES LOCATOR can be used. Visualy the airport looks better overlaid onto the Western European Tour disc but this is not essential. The following files are included in the ZIP:- LUTON.TXT...........This File. LUTON.MOD...........Puts you on Rnwy 08 Luton Airport. UKEGGWRM.SC1........Static scenery file UKEGGWRM.DY1........Dynamic scenery file I have included in the file ALL the area Nav Aids which I have listed below. NB. In the case of two frequency settings I have had to adjust the correct frequency (shown in parenthisis) to one that Flight Sim can handle in ALL aircraft. NAME TYPE FREQUENCY HONILEY VOR 113.65 DAVENTRY VOR 116.40 BARKWAY VOR 116.25 BROOKMANS PARK VOR 117.50 BOVINGDON (BOVINGTON) VOR 113.75 LAMBOURNE VOR 115.60 COMPTON VOR 114.35 LUTON NDB 345 WESTCOTT NDB 335 HENTON NDB 395 WOODLEY NDB 352 ILS is available on 109.15 ATIS is available on 120.55 (*120.57) You can pick up LUTON Approach on 129.55 LUTON Tower on 119.95 (*119.97) and LUTON Ground Control on 121.75 To keep compatability I have kept runways 06/24 and 18/36 in their GRASS condition. Approach lights and ILS is only available for runway 08/26 NOTAM........925' tower 259 degrees from Brookmans Park VOR at a range of approx 3.5 miles ps. As I now have a copy of the new SEE03 I have re-done the Special Effects to take in the new options provided. ie. Street lighting and runway dusk/night colouring.