***** Reformmated. Please distribute CLINTON/GORE ON LABOR If America is to regain its competitiveness, we must revitalize the American workplace to increase productivity and expand opportunity. A Clinton/Gore Administration will not accept four more years in which Americans work harder for less money and pay more for health care, housing and education. Using the power of the White House, Bill Clinton and Al Gore will improve education and job training, provide affordable and accessible health care for all Americans, increase worker safety, open foreign markets and create an environment in which workers at the front lines make decisions instead of simply following orders. Bill Clinton and Al Gore have received the endorsement of the national AFL-CIO and many other unions for their detailed proposals and impressive records on standing up for Americas workers. Sign the Workplace Fairness Act to ban permanent replacement of striking workers and preserve the collective bargaining process. Bill Clinton is committed to the rights of working men and women to organize and bargain collectively, and supports the repeal of Section 14b of the Taft-Hartley Act to create a level playing field between labor and management. * Guarantee every American affordable, quality health care: control costs, improve quality, and expand preventive and long-term care by taking on the medical insurance industry and the drug companies. * Help workers gain more power in their companies day-to-day operations, the organization of their work places, and the type of compensation they receive. * Improve the quality and efficiency of government by working closely with public employee unions and organizations like the State Local Government Labor Management Committee to advance a positive understanding of the role of government. * Increase the minimum wage to keep pace with inflation and enforce the prevailing wage protections provided by the Davis Bacon Act. * Expand the Earned Income Tax Credit to guarantee a working wage so that no American who works full-time is forced to live in poverty. * Eliminate tax deductions for excessive executive pay. * Stop giving tax breaks to American companies that shut down their plants here and ship American jobs overseas. * Sign into law the Family and Medical Leave Act, which George Bush vetoed in 1990, to allow workers to take a leave of absence from work when a child is born or when a family member is ill. * Provide lifetime training by requiring every employer to spend 1.5 percent of payroll for continuing education and training for all workers, not just executives -- or pay the equivalent into a National Training Fund. * Train non collegebound youth for high-wage, high quality jobs through a National Apprenticeship program that will pool the expertise of schools, local businesses and unions. * Make adult literacy programs available by supporting clear and comprehensive state plans to teach everyone with a job to read and give every worker the chance to earn a General Equivalency Diploma. * Support a Chemical Right-to-Know law to inform and protect workers and vigorously enforce worker safety regulations already on the books. Fully enforce Occupational Safety and Health Administration guidelines. * Create hundreds of thousands of American jobs by opening up foreign markets and insisting that our trading partners tear down their trade barriers. * Extend unemployment benefits to jobless workers in the event of a recession. The Record * Governor Clinton led Arkansas in creating manufacturing jobs at ten times the national rate. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, Arkansas ranked second in the nation in job creation for the year ended May 1992. * Fought for high-quality, high-wage jobs. Arkansas ranked 6th in the nation in per capita income growth from 1990-1991. * Instituted state-provided workplace safety training that resulted in significant reductions in worker accident rates. * Supported several state minimum wage increases and changed the Arkansas minimum wage law to cover more workers. * Reduced overtime eligibility thresholds from 44 hours per week to 40. * Funded Arkansas Workplace Literacy programs and basic skills classes. * Signed into law a bill that mandated labor qualifications for the Director of the Arkansas Department of Labor. * Was the first Arkansas governor to recognize AFSCME as a bargaining unit at the Department of Labor. * Received the endorsement of the Arkansas AFL-CIO in every gubernatorial campaign he entered. * Senator Gore voted for the Workplace Fairness Act to ban permanent replacement of striking workers and preserve the collective bargaining process. * Voted for unemployment compensation to provide an additional 13 weeks of extended benefits to unemployed workers in all states. * Cosponsored the Family and Medical Leave Act. * Opposed Davis-Bacon amendments to create a sub-class of laborers working at lower wages. * Opposed campaign finance amendments requiring unions to report in burdensome detail all direct or indirect expenditures related to candidates for office or political causes.