***** Reformatted. Please Distribute CLINTON/GORE ON ISSUES OF CONCERN TO OLDER AMERICANS The generation that worked its way out of the Depression, won World War II, and endured the worst of the Cold War has seen harder times than these. But older Americans know that we can do better -- by them and by future generations. The Republicans in Washington have repeatedly tried to cut programs that protect the rights and prosperity of older Americans. Bill Clinton and Al Gore will protect the long-term solvency of Social Security; protect the integrity of the Trust Fund, and lift the earnings test limitation. A Clinton/Gore Administration will also work to enact a national health care plan in its first year; expand long-term care services; bring down prescription drug costs, and enact family and medical leave legislation to guarantee that working Americans can keep their jobs while they care for ailing parents. It is time to honor the compact between generations. Here's how: Protect social security * A Clinton/Gore Administration will protect the integrity of the Social Security system and ensure that it remains solvent in years to come. * Lift the Social Security earnings test limitation so that older Americans are able to help rebuild our economy and create a better future for all. National Health Care * Guarantee affordable, quality health care by taking on the insurance industry and drug companies. Bill Clinton and Al Gore will guarantee a core package of benefits for every American. * Preserve and protect Medicare benefits. Long-term care * Expand choices in care. Bill Clinton and Al Gore will give older Americans more control of their health care. Options will be expanded to include personal and home care, visiting nurse services, adult day care, and senior center services. Those who need little assistance in daily living are not forced into nursing homes. * Bring down prescription drug prices. In the last decade, the price of prescription drugs has risen at three times the rate of inflation. Some companies charge Americans more than people from other countries for the same product. Bill Clinton has endorsed Senator David Pryor's proposal to take away tax breaks from drug companies that raise their prices faster than the rate of inflation. Safe and strong communities * Fight crime by putting 100,000 new police officers on the streets. We will create a National Police Corps and offer unemployed veterans and active military personnel a chance to become law enforcement officers here at home. * Provide federal assistance to areas hard hit by crime if they adopt a comprehensive crime control plan that includes proven anti-crime measures, such as community-based policing, which puts more police on the beat. * Put neighborhoods at the center of our efforts to revitalize America by coordinating existing housing, education, employment training, health care, drug treatment and crime prevention programs. We will target resources community by community to make the most of federal housing funds. * Strengthen the HOME program to help community groups provide additional quality rental housing to low-income Americans. Sign the Family and Medical Leave Act * As President, Bill Clinton will sign the Family and Medical Leave Act which Senator Al Gore introduced. This Act will allow working parents to take 12 weeks of unpaid leave to care for a newborn child or sick family member, including an elderly parent. George Bush vetoed this legislation --leaving the United States as the only industrialized country in the world without a national family and medical leave policy. The Record * As Arkansas' Attorney General, Bill Clinton created the Advocates for the Elderly Program to help older Arkansans with their legal problems. * Chaired the National Association of Attorney Generals' Special Subcommittee on the Rights and Legal Problems of the Elderly; and testified before the U.S. Civil Rights Commission against discrimination against older Americans in federal programs. * Created the 1991 ElderChoices Program to allow seniors to use money normally reserved for nursing home care for long-term services of their choice -- from personal care to home health care to adult day care. * Led the nation's governors in fighting the elimination of Social Security disability benefits, and imposed a moratorium on terminations in Arkansas. The federal government subsequently changed its procedures. * Initiated a broad range of cost-effective in-home health care and supportive services for people recovering from serious illness, people with chronic or terminal illness, and people who need help with daily living but live outside their homes. * Removed the sales tax on prescription drugs. * During his first term, imposed strict regulations on nursing homes prior to similar federal regulations. Nursing home residents were granted a 14-day period in which to rescind a contract for services and nursing homes must now provide annual disclosure statements to residents upon application. * Sought and implemented a law mandating the appointment of senior citizens to state boards and commissions. * Expanded coverage of adult protective services in Arkansas. * Found state funding to purchase 100 new vans for senior citizen transportation. Additional funding for Meals on Wheels, and other transportation was made available through a 1991 one-cent-per-pack tax increase on cigarettes. * Instituted a special literacy project to encourage older adults to participate in literacy programs as both students and teachers. * Senator Gore voted for the Older Americans Act which expanded federal programs for Older Americans including "Meals on Wheels." The Act also expanded assistance for special needs programs for the frail and home-bound elderly and outreach activities for many elderly people. * Voted for the Older Workers Benefits Protection Act which overturned a Supreme Court decision and made it unlawful to prevent older workers from receiving employee benefits because of their age. * Voted for and strongly supports enforcement of the Americans With Disabilities Act. * Consistently opposed cuts to Medicare and other entitlement programs for Older Americans. * Fought for the Medigap law to protect seniors from buying worthless insurance coverage.