Dear Computer User; . I appreciate your time in downloading this file. This listing appeals to virtually all computer users. 'Freebies' is a valuable source of free promotional items, information, product help, and many other things for computer users. It is the largest centralized source of demo-disks in the U.S. Names and descriptions of promotional items offered are included, making this very easy to use. A major computer monthly - PC SOURCES - has reviewed 'Freebies' in their April '91 issue New Products section. The magazine staff felt that this would benefit their readers and was carefully considered among many hundreds of new products available. 'Freebies' is not a novelty or gimmick item which is later thrown away or used up. Experienced editors of PC Sources had to be satisfied that the product performs as promised. The resources offered, knowledge gained and contacts made in using this will continue to be of help for years. . Freebies contains names, addresses and phone numbers of almost every major computer company in the U.S (over 200 listed in registered version). All in alphabetical order and catalog format. Names and short descriptions of each company's major products (hundreds in the registered version!) is included. Windows-related, DOS, MAC and most computer systems, including mainframes, are supported. All companies listed offer some kind of promotional item. Each co. can be contacted by phone or letter to request info or free items which they'll gladly send. . Following is a description of the advantages, usefulness and what can be obtained through 'Freebies'. . 1) Actual working models of major software programs and demo disks. Many companies give away software as part of an advertising and promotion campaign, especially for new products. As you know, a working model is the very same software sold for a lot of money. However, they work only for a limited time (30-60 days). Or, they work forever but have some feature disabled. They are installed just like regular software. For example, our 32 page registered version has all of Microsoft's working models including Windows. We also list many others that are not advertised. These have most of the features of the full programs. Demo disks, however, mainly give a good overview of the product. Demos and working models make review and comparison of many brands of software easy. You do not have to pay for or return anything listed here. Demos and working models are sent on diskettes which can be re-used. High density and 3.5" diskettes can be expensive, as you know. A centralized demo disk listing, such as ours, will save a lot of time and expenses. For example, if you/your company requires any good software program you must decide among many. The field is crowded not only for just word processing or database applications. In order to get a demo for any of these normally requires finding the manufacturer name (not so easy unless you have the software package nearby), phone no. and right dept., searching through magazines, all of which involves time, dir. asst. charges, possible wrong info, etc. Our list is easy to use as it is organized by company name and major products they sell. Type of software, e.g., Word Processor, Spreadsheet, etc. is clearly noted. . 2) Best contact telephone numbers and extensions. Most phone nos. are toll-free. I have contacted each company and found the most direct phone nos. As a result, time spent on 'hold' or transferred will be greatly reduced. You'll reach the department directly responsible for the desired product. Often companies do not list their 800 number in ads or any other literature. But through research I've managed to find and include them here. This feature will save phone charges and time. . 3) Access to company experts, free tech support and opportunity to make contacts. You'll speak with the department which knows the most about the product. You can ask almost anything except the most technical questions. Sales reps. are often very helpful and many cos. listed offer free technical support. A lot can be learned, including basics. E.g., anyone with an interest in networks can find a network co. in this listing that will explain the basics. Because questions can be asked much more can be learned with less effort (and cost) than reading a book or manual. For many applications, e.g. Wordperfect, free support is available. Some companies do not have truly free tech. support (they charge for the telephone call). However, using the toll free phone numbers in Freebies, most of your questions will be answered as you'll be speaking with the most informed department. As a result, amount of time saved and opportunity to learn is greatly increased. This can be used to build up contacts and as an information resource. There is space to write directly on the listing if printed out. . 4) Video cassettes. These are also free. These videos describe the company and/or their products. The tapes can be re-used to tape favorite programs and will fit into any VCR recorder, VHS or BETA. . 5) Books, literature, discount catalogs, posters, personal organizers, etc. Many companies listed send thick informative booklets and literature describing many topics in the world of computers. To educate their users or as part of advertising campaigns they send basic 'How To' booklets. For example, some titles are, "Getting The Most from Your PC, Network, Mainframe, Connectivity, Telephone, etc. (titles depend on the company.)" The discount catalogs listed here often have every available software program (and most hardware). You'll find many discount software stores. Free promotional items such as pocket vinyl organizers, keychains, templates, letter openers, rulers, etc. are also sent. Posters can be mounted - one co. offers free large Norman Rockwell reprints. . No purchase is required at any time from the company. Take as much time as necessary to review the demo disks and other material. . *** FOR COMPLETE 32 PAGE REGISTERED VERSION *** (200+ companies with all their major products listed, 400+ demo disks, 21 videos, working models of ALL top cos. many of which are not advertised so this is the only place you'll know about them, more! Notification of future updates.) . Please send $10.00 (U.S. & Canada, free postage and handling) personal check, money order (US Funds only) made payable to Louis Puccio (or INFOLIST if a business name is required). Outside U.S. and Canada add $2.50. No special order form necessary - just write Freebies/(name of this BBS) on your envelope. IMPORTANT - when writing please include your mailing address printed in large, block letters on a small piece of paper, about 3 inches x 3 inches approx. Professionally printed, paper copy is sent. Saves you time in printing out 32 pages. Send to: INFOLIST BOX 2517 90 CHURCH ST. NY, NY 10008 . As our thanks in reading this long documentation we'd like to suggest a source for some good free software: ........................................................................ Contact McDonnel Douglas, Inc. at Mail Code 2811140, PO Box 516, St Louis, MO 63166. Fax - 314 233 6331. Request their two *FREE* CASE software programs - (flowcharting, org. charts, programming aids, etc.) - DFDdraw and SCdraw. They will send the disks or show you how to download from bulletin boards. Works with any PC. This is actual working software they have made available to the public at no charge. ........................................................................ . We also have available are the following 3 files: . 1) HOTELIST. A guide to the least expensive and best quality hotels in New York City. All hotels are in safe areas. Lists hotel names, addresses, phone nos., rates. Hotels in NYC are usually expensive - however, in the Hotelist you'll find rates of $65 to $130. One hotel has a view of Central Park. (Price - $3.00, includes postage) . 2) VIDEOLIST. Contains names, addresses and phone nos. of companies offering free videos only. Get up to 30 videos. Videos describe products and companies. * NOTE: FREEBIES 2.0 registered version lists approx. 21 videos. (Price - $3.00, includes postage.) . 3) PHONELIST. Describes how to make telephone calls without using coins and without paying for surcharges from hotels and other places that usually charge extra (a lot!) for calls made from their phones. Never worry about change for a call again! Totally legal. Same methods used daily by many businesses. (Price $3.00, includes postage) . When writing, on your envelope specify which file you'd like and the name of this BBS. . Once again, thank you for reviewing this file! We value all our customers and are committed to quality. I am sure you and\or your organization will find this unique product helpful. You will definitely and without question get back more than the $10.00 investment - not only in material goods, but in gain of knowledge and learning. The value of reliable knowledge is quite high and always pays back good dividends. - Louis Puccio, President. INFOLIST. . Specialized listings are also available. For example, reliable and inexpensive sources for computer (or other merchandise) equipment, supplies, etc. Let us know your requests/needs. Please write to the above address only if any questions at all. Thanks. . HELPFUL SUGGESTIONS The following will give you good results when using this list. Demos (sometimes called self-running demos) give a good idea of what software or other products can do. They are one of the ways cos. use to sell their products. They offer many advantages over buying the actual software for review, for example, some computer or M.I.S. depts. cannot get quick authorization for purchase of a wide variety of expensive software to review. Forms must be completed, red tape, waiting for approval, installation time, problems involved in returning commercial software, IF they allow you: keeping track of return dates, packing, postage, potential loss of items, 're-stocking fees', etc. All this makes it very difficult to review a wide variety of very good software. Due to the large number of e.g., very good word processing programs, it's a lot easier to order all the word proc. demos from one centralized listing instead of 10 - 20 different 'live' programs. With free demos, working models and written information you can examine many products with no hassles and cost and still make an intelligent decision. You can narrow your choices and then, if you like, you can purchase the actual product for a closer look. Demos are one helpful step in decision-making and allow a great opportunity to review a very wide range of software packages. . TYPES OF DEMOS . Some demos are 'interactive.' These prompt the user for information and have menu selections. Others are 'self-running' and require no action by the user. Another kind is called a 'working model' which was explained earlier. A few companies offer 'the real thing' at no cost to you, however, it stops working automatically after a set period of time. I have noted in Freebies which cos. offer working models. All other demo disks listed here are either self-running or interactive (user is prompted with questions). However, there are more working models available than are indicated because many companies don't state clearly what type of demo they offer. So you may get a surprise in the mail. . The left side of this listing indicates the company name, address and telephone contact number. Usually, demos will arrive very quickly. If not, after 15 days you can call again. To keep track, it's a good idea to note the date you called and the date demo was received. Also write down company contacts. Soon you'll have a listing of helpful contacts and friends within the industry. Next to the co. name is the demo you should ask for and it is also the name of the actual software. A brief description follows. Descriptions are a general guide and not a comparison or evaluation for any product. Some descriptions are shorter only because the software is complex and not easily described within the available space; e.g. an engineering or scientific program. If you're seeking a good database program, e.g., it would be best to request the demos for all database software and compare. Do not be guided mainly by the descriptions here in deciding on the best software. Good decisions are based on as much good information as possible. . When contacting the companies by phone, you can use the following short 'speech': "I'd like to receive information about _______" (name of demo) "Please send a demo disk (or video, booklet, etc.) also." Sometimes the operator will take your name and address and send it right away, or may transfer you to sales. Sales reps. are more than happy to send product information. They will send a demo, video, booklet, etc. to any individual or company and sometimes will ask basic information such as your company name, address, department, where you heard about their product (give them INFOLIST's name and address listed at the top), and other things. Do not be concerned about a salesperson pressuring you to buy. You can say that you'd like a demo for now and after reviewing it you'll call back. Many of sales reps. do not call again, I have found. You can, if you like, let them know what you think of the demo. In fact, they would be very happy to hear from you and perhaps there are other 'extras' which they can make available later on. It's a good idea to listen to their sales 'pitch', as you can learn some good basic information about the computer industry, computer products in general, etc. as well as their product. I've found them to be very informed. However, if you're too busy for a long conversation you can ask them to send the demo and after review you'll get back to them. They may ask what use you plan to make for the software. One suggestion is to say that you're evaluating the software for your own or your company's use. You can have any item from this list sent to your home address which may be faster than using your company address. You can still use a company name. . All software described in Freebies will work with IBM compatible computers. The most popular and largest selling software will work on all systems (MAC, Tandy, Windows, Amiga etc.) Due to updated software versions and no. of operating systems, hardware etc. it's not practical to note on the list every system which the software will work on. Make sure to ask if the demo or software listed here is compatible with your system. Everything on this list is currently available, however, free promotions sometimes end after a certain time. If you're told that something is unavailable, call later and request it again to make sure. Perhaps you might have reached someone who didn't feel like filling out a form or thought that the offer expired. Perhaps one or two companies will send demos or other 'freebies' only if a specific advertisement is mentioned. In this case, call later and when asked where you heard about their demo or freebie, you can say you're unsure but happened to jot down their phone no. Not all 800 nos. will work from every area of the country or from overseas and phone nos. may change. If you can't get through, call 800 555 1212 (toll free 800 # information) or regular directory assistance. If no 800 # is listed here, the co. doesn't have a toll-free no. Addresses also change frequently so you may wish to call first to get the best address. . FOR MORE THAN ONE DEMO If you have many PC's or workstations and require additional demo disks, you can mention the no. of PC's you own/are responsible for and ask if they will send the desired amount all at once. Many companies will oblige you. . CONTACTING COMPANIES BY MAIL . You can always write to any company (ATT: Sales Dept.) Include your name, address, phone, name of software demo (or other items) you want and your type of computer. Always include your phone number so they can verify the correct mailing address if necessary. Call first to get the absolute most recent address. . FREEBIES 2.0 COMPANY NAME/ADDRESS/PHONE DEMO DISK NAME. DESCRIPTION . ABRA CADABRA SOFTWARE APPLICANT TRACKING SYSTEM. 5510 9 ST. N. FOR PERSONNEL DEPTS. ST PETERSBURG, FL 33703 813 525 4400 . ACCEL TECHNOLOGIES TANGO SCHEMATIC. PC BASED SCHEMATIC CAPTURE. 6825 FIANDERS DR. (ALL THESE ARE WORKING MODELS) SD, CA 92121 TANGO ROUTE. - MULTILAYER, MULTIGRID 800 433 7801 AUTOROUTER. 619 554 1000 PCB PLUS. - CREATE PRINTED CIRCUIT DESIGNS. SUSIE. - PC SIMULATOR FOR DESKTOP ENGINEERING. TANGO PLD. - DESIGNING AND SIMULATING PROGRAMMABLE LOGIC DEVICES. . ACCOUNTING BY DESIGN BOOKEEPING BY DESIGN. 2140 SHATTUCK AVE. SMALL BUSINESS ACCOUNTING SOFTWARE. BERKELY, CA 94704 FOR USE WITH WINDOWS. 800 548 9179 WORKING MODEL 415 845 4716 . ACME SOFTWARE POWERSTOR. BOX 40734 HELPS TO EXPAND MEMORY FOR C PROGRAMMERS. PORTLAND, OR 97240 800 621 5663 503 235 2816 . ACTUS DATA MANAGEMENT. 10351 BOBB RD. FREE VIDEO. CUPERTINO, CA 95014 408 252 4444 . ACUCOBOL ACUCOBOL-85. 7950 SILVERTON AVE. TRANSPORT COBOL PROGRAMS TO MANY PLATFORMS. SAN DIEGO, CA 92126 DO NOT HAVE TO RECOMPILE. 619 271 7097 . AIMTECH ICONO-AUTHOR. 77 NORTHEASTERN BLVD. DESKTOP DEVELOPMENT SYSTEM. NASHUA, NH 03062 CREATES MULTIMEDIA APPLICATIONS 800 289 2884 FOR WINDOWS. DEVELOPS INTEREACTIVE PROGRAMS. 603 883 0220 . ALLEN COMMUNICATIONS QUEST. 5225 WILEY POST WAY FOR TRAINERS. CREATES COURSES SALT LK CITY, UT 84116 AND INTEGRATE TEXT, ANIMATION, 801 537 7800 MAKE VIDEOS, ETC. . ALPHA SOFTWARE ALPHA 4. 1 NORTH AVE. FULLY RELATIONAL DATABASE FOR BURLINGTON, MA 01803 NON-PROGRAMMERS. 800 451 1018 X 117 617 229 2924 . AMERICAN SMALL BUS.COMPUTERS DESIGN CAD 3. 327 S. MILL ST. TRUE COMPUTER AIDED DESIGN, IN 3D. PRYOR, OK 74361 918 825 4844 . AMERICAN TRAINING INTL. DEMO DESCRIBING THEIR COURSES. 12638 BEATRICE ST HAS COURSES FOR ALL POPULAR SOFTWARE PRODUCTS. LA, CA 90066 800 421 4827 DEPT 109 213 823 1129 . APPGEN CO. UNIX 4GL. 2000 S. DAIRY ASHFORD DEVELOPMENT SOFTWARE.MODIFIES UNIX APPLICATIONS HOUSTON, TX 77077 800 231 0062 . APPLIED BUS. TECH PROJECT WORKBENCH. 361 BWAY PROJECT MANAGEMENT. NY, NY 10013 212 219 8945 . ASAP SOFTWARE (SOFTWARE HAS LARGE CATALOG OF POPULAR SOFTWARE. 1945 TECHNY RD. RETAILER) ASK FOR SAMPLING OF DEMO DISKS WITH CATALOG. NORTHBROOK, ILL 60062 800 248 2727 708 498 3710 . ASHTON TATE 20101 HAMILTON AVE. APPLAUSE 2 - FREE VIDEO & DISK. TORRENCE, CA 90502 PRESENTATION GRAPHICS. 800 437 4329 X1308 FOR VIDEO. MULTIMATE 4 - WORD PROCESSING. 213 329 9989 (NOTE - DEMOS FOR THE NEXT 4 MAY NOT ALWAYS BE AVAILABLE.IF NOT, CALL AGAIN AT ANOTHER TIME.) DBASE 4. - DATABASE. FULLWRITE. - WORD PROCESSING. (FOR MAC) RAPIDFILE. - FILE MANAGER, WORD PROC., LABEL MAKER. DBASE DIRECT FOR 3270. - CAN ACCESS MAINFRAME APPLICATIONS. (FOR THIS, ASK FOR - EXT. 1705) . ATHENA TECHNOLOGIES ACCUDRAW. 160 E. MAIN ST. DRAWING PROGRAM FOR WORDPERFECT. WESTBORO, MA 01581 CREATES FORMS, ILLUSTRATIONS, 800 525 3577 DRAWINGS, ETC. . ATTACHMATE EXTRA FOR WINDOWS. - CAN ACCESS MAINFRAME 13231 S.E. 36 ST. APPLICATIONS THROUGH PC. BELLEVUE, WA 98006 800 426 6283 EXTRA FOR DOS. - SAME AS ABOVE EXCEPT IT 206 644 4010 RUNS ON DOS. ZIP MAIL. - LAN E-MAIL PRODUCT. NOW!. - ALLOWS PC TO USE MAINFRAME INFO. MORE EASILY. CAN ADD MENUS. . AUTOMATED DESIGN SYSTEMS GRAPHIC FACTS ABOUT NETWORKING. 375 NORTHRIDGE RD. FREE BOOK. $25.00 VALUE. ATLANTA, GA 30350 800 366 2552 404 394 2552 . AZ-TECH SOFTWARE EVERLOCK - FOR COPY PROTECTION. 305 E FRANKLIN EVERTRAK - FOR SOFTWARE SECURITY RICHMOND, MO 64085 EVERKEY - HARDWARE SECURITY 800 227 0644 816 776 2700 . BELL ATLANTIC THINX. 13100 COLUMBIA PIKE WORKS WITH WINDOWS. GRAPHICS SILVER SPRINGS, MD 20904 PROGRAM, COMES WITH SPREADSHEET 800 388 4465 AND DATABASE. WORKS WITH MANY 304 284 1370 OTHER APPLICATIONS. . BLYTHE SOFTWARE OMNIS 5. C/O OMNIS FOR MAC OR PC. WORKS WITH WINDOWS. 1065 E HILLSIDE BLVD A DATABASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM. FOSTER CITY, CA 94404 WORKING MODEL 800 843 8615 800 223 8050 CA 415 571 0222 . BINARY TRIANGLES DECISION TABLES. 4940 ALZEDA DR. (FREE TUTORIAL - $20.00 VALUE.) LA MESA, CA 92041 FULLY EXPLAINS HOW DECISION TABLES ARE USED 619 579 3042 IN PROGRAM DESIGN. . BORLAND QUATTRO PRO 1.0. SPREADSHEET WITH GRAPHICS. CUSTOMER SVC. BOX 660 001, SCOTTSVALLEY, CA 95066 800 331 0877 408 439 1064 . BRIGHTILL ROBERTS HYPERPAD. 120 E WASHINGTON ST CREATE HYPERTEXT AND OBJECT-ORIENTED SOLUTIONS. SYRACUSE, NY 13202 800 336 1166 216 494 3781 . BOOLE AND BABBAGE 510 OAKMEAD PKWY. SYSTEMS AUTOMATION EVALUATION GUIDE. SUNNYVALE, CA 94086 FREE RESOURCE BOOKLET TO ASSESS DATA CENTER 800 822 6653 M.I.S.DEPT. NEEDS. 408 735 9550 MAINVIEW - ACCOUNTING SOFTWARE. . -------------------------------------------------------------- Registered version has 200+ companies! Hundreds of satisfied customers, no complaints. -------------------------------------------------------------- This program may not be sold or marketed as part of a package without written consent of the author. May be distributed freely. * * *