GMTA = Great Minds Think Alike LOL =lauging out loud BTW = By The Way... OTF = on the floor (laughing) GTRM = Going To Read Mail afk = away from keyboard :| = bored < also :I > bak = back at keyboard BBL = Be Back Later brb = be right back J/K = Just Kidding Txs = Thanks :) = smile {} a hug :D = smile/laughing :( frown :* = kiss :'( crying ;) = wink O:) angel :X = my lips are sealed }:> devil :P = sticking out tongue (_)] Beer \\//_ Vulcan salute \o/ Praise the Lord, pray, whatever... ->>>>>>>-- Feather=just teasing, tickling NIFOC -- Nude In Front Of Computer :0 -- smiley face of one with braces (i.e., Jon) CUL8er - See you Later OIC - Oh I See :0 - Kiss with mouth open (be careful when hitting the shift key when typing :) --- you could give a :0 to somebody you intended to give a :) too!) :p - Kissing with tounge stuck out () - Cuddling <> - Making Love >< - Opposite of above - not to be used in polite company :[ - Dracula bite on the neck :O - Yawn (falling asleep) {} - fuzzie hug \/-- - square root (not used often) |_|} - cup of coffee (or other beverage) OA-Q - Leaving O-|-< (dead body)Useful for bad jokes, or good jokes ` :") ------smiling indian(you all know how to make a sad indian) C|:) ------wearing a cap [|:) ------wearing a top hat :S ------confused, or silly face zzzzz -------very bored :L --------drooling :L~~ --------drooling on keyboard $) ---------greedy X) ----------closed eyes (hmm)Ooo.. :) ---thinking happy thoughts (hmm)Ooo.. :( ---thinking sad thoughts (hmm)Ooo.. ]:> ---thinking naughty thoughts @--`-,---- A rose for you.... ########## Train tracks/fence (I don't know what you'd use this for) =:H Rabbit face (cute huh?) BFD Big Flying Deal! WGFF? Who Gives A Flyin...? DITYID Did I Tell You I'm Distressed? S:) Smiling Pompadour (or Geeky haircut) PU That Stinks! SOL Smiling Out Loud (or You're Out of Luc