SYSNET POLICIES This network was created and designed strictly for Sysops of the Metro Toronto and surrounding areas.We will however accept membership from other areas if enough requests are noticed. Very simple network folks. Just plain common sense with the below being followed. No fees,no mandatory conferences. We do ask you carry NETADMIN only to keep tabs on what changes are happening with the network. Any system that uses the PCRelay software can join our network.There is no policy in regards to geographical areas. We believe the future and quality of the network depend on it's distribution and participation. Membership to this network will not be restricted by the size of the Sysop's system.The only cost of the network is your phone call,plus the network software (See below where to obtain it) if you do not already have it.New conferences will be added by request of users and/or nodes and hubs. 1. All network related discussion is to be kept in the Netadmin conference.This conference is to be restricted soley to the sysop. 2. The final decision on any network issue will be held by a vote in the Netadmin conference. Majority will rule and in case of a tie,Platinum Express will cast the final decision. 3. Alias's are not permitted in the network. 4. No profanity or racisim of any kind. Let's keep it clean folks! 5. Sysop's participating in the network must be operating a legal licensed copy of Bbs Software. 6. No illegal activity of any kind permitted. 7. Please,no OVER quoting (smile). 8. Most importantly, have fun and enjoy! Isn't that what telecommunications is about? You can reach Platinum Express at the below numbers.... Platinum Express Online Services -------------------------------- Data 1 : (416)884-4088 1200/2400 Mnp 5 Data 2 : (416)884-5987 1200/14.4 Hst/V42bis/Mnp 5 =================================================== Voice Support ------------- Computer Print (Head Office) (416)770-6917 10 am - 7 pm EST Contact : Glenn Jarvis Computer Print (Toronto Division) (416)588-3479 1 pm - 9 pm EST Contact : Gerry Lavallee ***************************************************************************** * Please,if you call voice,please call during our office hours above.Thanks!* *****************************************************************************