Quick Installation Instructions for Novell ========================================== PART 1. 1> Log into server as a supervisor (or equivalent). 2> Attach to all other servers with supervisory capability. 3> Create subdirectory SYS:VIEW on all servers. 4> Pick an userid. We selected 'mailer' for the userid of our gateway machine. 5> On each server, create the userid MAILER. The userid MAILER must have full read/write to the SYS:MAIL directory. It must also have full read/write to SYS:VIEW. 6> Give the group EVERYONE read-only access to SYS:VIEW. 7> Change the system login script on each server to include the following lines: set viewroot = "F:" #F:\view\check Step 7 will allow the mail system to find the proper network volume, and will cause a 'new mail waiting' message to print at login time. 8> Copy all .EXE files to the SYS:VIEW directory of each server. NOTE: Only the master server requires PCONFIG.EXE & POSTMAN.EXE 9> Create a batch file called mail.bat that will run SYS:VIEW\VIEW.EXE Also create CHECK.BAT for SYS:VIEW\CHECK.EXE PART 2. 1> Create a boot disk for the mailer machine. 2> Pick one server to be the 'master' machine. The MAILER logs into the master server and attachs to all others. 3> On the bootdisk, make sure that MAILER attachs to all other servers. Also, MAP a drive letter to the SYS: of each server. For example, we have 4 servers and mailer at login time has the following attachs/maps: MAP L:=BIZ1/SYS: MAP J:=STUDENT/SYS: MAP H:=BIZ3/SYS: {mailer is logged into BIZ2 which has F: as its SYS:} 4> run pconfig from the \VIEW directory of the master server. The following is from within the PCONFIG program.... 5> Select 'f1 define servers' Fill in the drive letter and server-name for each server. Remember that we attached to other servers in our bootdisk autoexec.bat. Up to 8 servers can be defined. Only servers configured on this screen will be searched for mail. 6> From the main screen select 'f3 general setup' Fill in your company name: ie: School of Business Administration Official hostname for your LAN: ie: novell.business.uwo.ca Mailer delay: How often to check for mail? We use 15 seconds. External SMTP: 0 LAN email only. POSTMAN loops through all mailboxes then waits, then repeats again. You can select that an user written program executes with each loop. That is why the 'user function' entry has been included. When POSTMAN is executed, it will check each mailbox to verify that is it valid. It will stop and display an error if it has a problem with a mailbox. POSTMAN cannot continue until the problem is resolved. PART 3. 1> This is the quickest way to define mailboxes. Go into the SYS:VIEW directory on each server. Create a file called VIEW.MBX. VIEW.MBX contains a list of userids contained on that server. An user can only have a mailbox on ONE server. At our site, it is possible for someone to have the same 'username' on each server. We force people to select a home server. Simply list the userids on this server. One entry per line, (make sure the MAILER is on the list!) For example: F:\VIEW\VIEW.MBX on server BIZ2 contains, MAILER MBRAMWEL HTOMLI SMOSS CKAY and so on.... 2> Once all mailboxes have been defined, boot the mailer machine and start POSTMAN. The title screen should show how many servers and how many mailboxes are defined. 3> Log into the server from another workstation. Type MAIL to bring up the mailer (did you Remember to create MAIL.BAT?). 4> Compose a message to someone. Since each server has a list of userids, you need not know where an user is located. The POSTMAN will search the list on each server. If the user is not found, then POSTMAN will return the mail message to you. Make sure you have configured VIEW on your workstation before you send a message. Let me know how you made out..... Mark Bramwell mark@hamster.business.uwo.ca 519-661-3714 feel free to call if it bombs on you. Make sure you are next to your keyboard.