*-*-*-* Silver Xpress Mail System *-*-*-* (c) copyright 1988-1992 by Santronics Software Summary of features and what's new in Silver Xpress Version 3.0x! o New look and feel pull down menu system with mouse icons. Users can customize menus as well to create a hard disk menu system. Remote Host Operators can customize menus for industry specific services. Each remote host can have its own menu system. o New Hypertext help system in any part of the system. o QWK mail compatibility. o Backward compatible with Silver Xpress X.2X mail format. o Supports MHS mail system with optional Xpress MHS product. o Supports CAS Fax System with optional FaXXpress product. o Tremendous Xpress Forms Processing System for many types of new off-line applications such as Store and Forward Order Entry, Off-line questionnaires, Scheduling, Database Inquiries, etc. o New, one of a kind, mail maintenance system. o New File Cabinet and viewing System. o New built-in Ansi device driver. o Improved pick list logic with "List on List" concept. o Supports unlimited number of signatures with "List on List" concept. o Crash Call interface system for telecommunications program making Silver Xpress "Gold Xpress-Ready". o Hot keys to call external programs, including shell to dos from any point in Silver Xpress. o The world's fastest mail search system with boolean rules and "Search and Act" logic. o A whole new dimension in methods to find and read mail, with book marking and skip already read or deleted mail system. o New kill mail and shredding system. o New tag mail system for "Search and Act" Logic. o New Xpress Windows commands with ability to skip Xpress Window messages. o New internal editor for "Short Mail" concept. o Full mouse support, 43/50 line mode support. o New Packet Loader system with packet management, directory switching, and smart packet specification and detection system. o Enhanced off-line configuration system with Interactive system. o New Xpress Answering Machine System! o New Group Mail System! "Another form of carbon copy" o New Archiver Detection with support for upto 20 different archivers. o New Exec Swapping to support large editors and archivers. o Supports up to 32,000 conferences, with over 1700 messages per conference. o New HOLD mail concept which allows users to create mail to "send later". o New REPLY and HOLD file backup system. o New Smart Program Existence Checking System. o New user definable language file. o First of its kind File Upload and Attachment System. o New Reply File Extension Matching System. o New ability to skip welcome screens (after the initial use). o Optional bulletin system with new bulletin viewing system. o Built-in file scanning system to product "New Files" listing. o New Xpress Remote Services System for customized applications. o Enhanced netmail abilities including new FrontDoor options and point support. o Support for LAN multi-user installations. o Support for alias and handles. o New custom color design system with ability to pass your color setup to others! o Improved mail quoting system. o New abilities to hook up with 3rd party applications for file cabinet system, quote system and spell checkers. o New ability to process mail with 3rd party applications. o Desqvu support for shadow buffering and time slicing. o Unlimited message length support. o Supports Ansi Mail. o New optional Xpress Log System. o New mail importing system. o New canned mail system. o Improved Join Area Logic. Only those areas with messages will be shown. o New Automatic Conference Joining system. o New Direct Mail Beeper System. o Utilizes 30% LESS memory when reading mail. New stuff for version 3.01 o Enhanced Help system, improved configuration options. o Speech Friendly Interface with intelligent Mail System for the Blind. o Easier integration with outside editors. o New BOSS key with optional display system. o New Screen Saver system. o Enhance Printer system with option to choose from list. o Improved Mail Process system for executing processes on mail. o Enhanced CAS FAX integration o New Signature and Tagline System, including Stealing Tag Lines. o Enhanced Reader Session, Improved Ansi Mail Viewer o New Concept Based Quoting System. o New True/Traditional Carbon copy system with Blind Carbon option o New Secured Cross Reply System. and many more new and fixed features to discover when you try the all new Silver Xpress Mail System!