DOSpass v1.0 November 14, 1991 Some of my users run programs from the 'DOSSHELL' that is furnished with MS-DOS 5.0. It's an OK menu system with some similarities to Windows. I wrote this program after one of my users put a password on a menu item, and then forgot it. I generally don't like password security since VERY few users will implement it properly. (i.e. passwords that aren't easy to guess and aren't taped to the PC). Anyway I got around the problem by deleting the menu item and re-setting it up. This seemed pretty sloppy, so I dug into the menu system to see if there was a better way. I discovered that the passwords are stored in the 'dosshell.ini' file in (nearly) clear text. MS adds (or subtracts) 26 to (or from) each character in the user's password until they get an upper case letter. So if your password was 'junk', the computer would store it as 'PATQ'. If the password was already in uppercase, no change is made and it is stored in CLEAR text! By the way, since they chose this incredibly simple scheme, you can use either the original password or the converted one ('junk' or 'PATQ'). Anyway, this program will print a list (on the screen) of each menu item including those in sub-menus. If there is a password, it will print that too. I release this program into the public domain. Use this program at your OWN RISK! I take no responibility for any flaws that might be in the code. Nor will I accept responsibility for any damages (consequential or otherwise) that may result from the use of this program. Feel free to review the source code prior to executing the program. (Geez, I wish we didn't live in a world where you had to worry about being sued everytime you did something nice for someone.) Daniel Sherer Compuserve ID: 72607,1142 PS. This works great on all the systems that I've tried it on. If you have problems, or suggestions, I would love to here from you.