PM File & Disk Utilities Version 1.3 ASH Software, Inc. October 1991 PM File & Disk Utility October 1991 TABLE OF CONTENTS ........................................... 1 Introduction ................................................. 2 Registration Information ............................... 2 License Agreement ...................................... 3 Support Information .................................... 4 Installation ................................................ 5 Overview .................................................... 5 Summary ..................................................... 6 The following are trademarks of IBM Corporation OS/2 Presentation Manager -1- PM File & Disk Utility October 1991 INTRODUCTION PM File & Disk Utility (PMFDU) was designed and written to provide a useful set of utilities for manipulating disk files and directories on computer systems using IBM OS/2. PMFDU requires version 1.2 or greater of the IBM OS/2 or its equivalent. PMFDU is a Presentation Manager (PM) program which provides a consistant user interface for interacting with the program. PMFDU is distributed as a "shareware" program. This means that you are encouraged to try the program before you register your copy. You are also encouraged to provide unregistered copies of the programs to your friends and colleagues. If you find the program useful and decided to keep a copy, you must pay a registration fee. REGISTRATION INFORMATION PMFDU is a copyrighted program of ASH Software, Inc. and is protected by copyright law. If you obtained a copy of PMFDU from a friend, a shareware disk vendor, a bulletin board, or an on-line computer service, you have an unregistered copy. You are authorized, and encouraged, to use this program for a period not to exceed 14 days. If you wish to continue using PMFDU after this time has expired, you must register and pay for your copy of the program. The registration fee is $35 for a single copy of PMFDU. This fee entitles you to: A disk with a registered copy of the latest version of PMFDU; A copy of CLFDU, which is a command line version of the program. a disk with an unregistered copy of PMFDU for distribution to friends and colleagues; a copy of this manual; information about future releases and upgrades; and technical support via FAX, mail, or electronic mail. Network, site, and corporate licenses are available by contacting ASH Software, Inc. LICENSE AGREEMENT COPYRIGHT: PMFDU is Copyright 1991 ASH Software, Inc. You are granted a license to use your copy of PMFDU only uder the terms and conditions provided in this license agreement. -2- PM File & Disk Utility October 1991 UNREGISTERED COPIES: Unregistered copies of PMFDU are distributed to allow you to try the program before you actually pay for it. These copies are not "free" or "public domain" copies and remain the copyrighted property of ASH Software, Inc. You are granted the right to use the program at no charge for a trial period not to exceed 14 days. If you wish to continue using the program after this period, you must register and pay for your copy of the program. If you do not wish to register your copy, you must cease using the program. You may, however, keep copies of the program to share with others. REGISTERED COPIES: Registered copies of PMFDU are sent to registered users of the program. These copies may not be distributed to others. MULTIPLE COPIES: If you are a registered single computer user of PMFDU, you may have copies of the program on more than one computer (for example home and work) provided there is no possibility that any two copies of the program will be in use at the same time. This right may not be used to expand the number of computers covered under a site, corporate, or network license. You may install PMFDU on a computer connected to a network provided there is no possibility that more than the licensed number of users can use the program at any one time. BACKUP COPIES: You may make as many copies of the registered copy of PMFDU as you need for normal backup purposes. You may make an unlimited number of copies of the unregistered PMFDU and give them to others provided you include all of the files distributed with the unregistered copy. You may not give copies of the registered version to any other person for any reason. DISTRIBUTION: PMFDU can be distributed via individual copies of the unregistered version to friends and colleagues, via bulletin boards, via online computer services or via a shareware disk vendor provided no charge is made beyond a nominal copying and handling charge. PMFDU, or any part therof, may not be included with any other product nor can it be offered as an incentive to purchase any other product without the express written consent of ASH Software, Inc. USE: PMFDU is an extremely powerful program. Every attempt has been made to protect your computer software and data from damage by PMFDU, however improper use of the program may result in the loss of computer software and data. The user assumes full responsibility for chosing to use PMFDU to accomplish your intended goals. ASH Software, Inc. limits its warranty to replacement of a defective disk or manual. -3- PM File & Disk Utility October 1991 LIMITED WARRANTY: ASH Software, Inc. warrants, for a period of 90 days, to registered owners of PMFDU that the program will operate in accordance with the documentation provided and that the diskette and manual will be free from physical defects which cause them to be unusable in normal use. ASH Software, Inc. will, at its sole discretion, repair or replace any defective items or refund the purchase price of PMFDU, provided such defect is the fault of ASH Software, Inc. and not the result of misuse or abuse. The above refund, repair, or replacement is the sole remedy for any defects, documentation errors, or program errors. Under no circumstances will ASH Software, Inc. be responsible for any other costs or damages whatsoever resulting from your use of PMFDU or your failure to read, understand, or follow the instructions provided in the documentation. ASH Software, Inc. MAKES NO OTHER WARRANTIES, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND OF FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. ASH Software's warranty is expressly limited to the cost of replacement of any defective disk, manual, or program provided with PMFDU. GUARANTEE: If you are dissatisfied with a registered copy of PMFDU for any reason, you may return the entire package for a refund at any time within 90 days after your purchase. TECHNICAL SUPPORT Technical support for PMFDU is available to registered users and to unregistered users during their evalulation period. Electronic mail support is available via Compuserve (GO MAIL). FAX or mail support is available by contacting: ASH Software, Inc. 516 E. Fox Den Drive Knoxville, TN 37922 FAX: 615/675-3907 CompuServe: [71260,1362] -4- PM File & Disk Utility October 1991 INSTALLATION PMFDU is as easy to install as it is to use. There are only two files to copy, PMFDU.EXE and PMFDU.HLP. All that is required is to copy both files to the same directory on your hard disk. It may be desirable to place these files in one of the directories pointed to by your "PATH" statement, but it is not necessary. Once you have copied the files, installation is complete and the program is ready to use. OVERVIEW Once you have the program installed, you can execute the program in one of several methods. You can run the program directly by typing the name or you can use the "START" command to start a copy of PMFDU running. You can also include a "START" command in your "STARTUP.CMD" file so that a copy of the program is run each time you boot your system. Regardless of the method you use to execute the program, it will initially appear as a program icon. PMFDU makes extensive use of "on-line" help. Context sensitive help is contantly available by pressing the "F1" key or by pressing one of the various help buttons. Help can also be obtained by selecting the help menu. This is the prefered method of obtaining assistance as the "shareware" version of the program does not include a manual. PMFDU provides a number of useful functions for manipulating files and directories on your disk(s) and diskettes. The "File" menu contains functions for manipulating and searching files. The functions provided are: "Text Search" provides the capability to search a group of files for the occurance of a given string of text. If the file contains the text, the file will be included in the list box. "File Search" provides the capability to locate a file, or group of files on your hard disk(s) or diskette. Files which match the scope and file specification will be included in the list box. "Delete Files" provides the capability to delete a file, or group of files on your hard disk(s) or diskette. Files which match the scope and file specification will be included in the list box to be deleted if requested. You should exercise great caution when using this function! -5- PM File & Disk Utility October 1991 "Attributes" provides the capability to alter the attributes of a file, or group of files. Files which match the scope and file specification will be included in the list box to be altered according to your selection. The "Disk" menu provides functions for manipulating entire directories. The functions provided are: "Statistics" provides information with respect to the entire disk or diskette as well as information about a particular directory. The directory information will contain information for both the directory and all directories encapsulated by the base directory. "Delete Tree" provides the capability to prune, or remove, an entire directory. All files in all encapsulated directories are removed as well as the directory itself. You should exercise great care when using this function! As you will see, PMFDU is a powerful program and great care should be exercised when using this program. With a few commands, it is possible to erase the entire contents of a hard disk! The user is cautioned to pay close attention to what the program is requesting. If in doubt, press "F1" to obtain help or "Exit" the function until you can ascertain what the function is going to do. PMFDU always works from the contents of the list box. It is imperative that you examine the entire contents of the list box BEFORE you instruct PMFDU to complete the requested function. The list box will contain the files or directories which are going to be operated upon by the subsequent operation. SUMMARY Used properly, PMFDU adds capabilities and functionality which are needed for pruning directories, removing unwanted groups of files, searching for the location of files, and searching for text strings within groups of files. ASH Software, Inc. would welcome your comments on PMFDU as we continually strive to improve the product and its functionality. We can be reached by any of the methods shown above. For those who prefer using the OS/2 command line, we have developed a version of this program called Command Line Fixed Disk Utility (CLFDU). While this program does not have all the capabilities of PMFDU, it provides very similar tools for those who work from the command line. CLFDU is automatically sent to all registered users of PMFDU. -6-