The Christmas card program was released in December of 1990. This file contains the source code to that program. It is a good example of what you can do with Fastgraph. This program was written in Microsoft C 5.1 and linked with Fastgraph Professional. It is a simple program that produces a dramatic animation effect. Files in this distribution: xmas.c -- source code xmas.h -- function prototypes (created by the compiler) xmas.doc -- original documentation xmas.ppr -- art file xmas.exe -- the program readme.txt -- this file Zipfile name: For more information about Fastgraph, contact: Ted Gruber Software P.O. Box 13408 Las Vegas, NV 89112 (702) 735-1980 (voice) (702) 796-7134 (bbs) The source code in this file may be freely distributed, and modified for your own use. Please do not modify the art file. If you want to release your own Christmas card, draw your own picture.