E-Mail or Echo-Mail is messages that you the caller leave in a special message area set aside by the Sysop. This area is accessed by other BBS systems in a Telecommunications network. This means that you leave a message in conference #4 which may be named RC_flyers. Later at a time determined by the Sysops a BBS #2 calls into BBS #1 and downloads the messages in RC_flyer conference and then loads these into its special conference area. Then its callers read these messages and reply to any left to them. Later when BBS #2 again calls into BBS #1_ BBS #2 uploads messages from its special conference area into conference area RC_flyer and downloads any messages already in RC_flyer This allows you the caller to leave and receive messages to other BBS systems without the long distance fees. Some Sysops charge a small fee for this if they are connected into the special networks such as Fido or Wildnet. There is normally at least one Hub and several Nodes in an Echo Mail Network. Remember that most Echo Mail is left to ALL and not Private. So when you Log on to your BBS you will not be Flaged Automatically that you have New Mail waiting. So always check the conference areas for New Mail.