CyberWindows 1.1 - 11/1/91 IMPORTANT: If you are using CyberWin 1.0, you will need to make a slight change to each entry in your CyberWin.Map file (the path needs to be on a separate line from the filename). See the new .Map file for examples. INTRODUCTION: CyberWindows is an interface for Microsoft Windows 3.0 which is based upon cyberspace as described in William Gibson's Neuromancer and Count Zero. In these novels, programmers/hackers enter the computer network through neural jacks and "see" it directly. They move through it by punching commands into their cyberdecks. CyberWindows was written in Visual Basic 1.0 and requires VBRUN100.DLL in order to run. This file is available in the MSBASIC/Visual Basic library on CompuServe and also shows up on many BBS's. CyberWindows 1.0 is freeware: use/distribute it as you wish. There are no guarantees that it won't screw up and crash your system. It really shouldn't (I use it on my system), but if it does, don't blame me. INSTALLATION: The CyberWindows files can be placed in any directory, but C:\WINDOWS\CYBERWIN is the default. If you use any other, you need to specify it as a start-up parameter (ex: CyberWin.Exe D:\Shells\CW). If you want CyberWindows to replace Program Manager or File Manager as your shell, place a "run={PATH}\CyberWin" under the [windows] section of your WIN.INI file, where {PATH} is the location of the CyberWin files. Program Manager/File Manager will still be your "real" shell, but it'll start as a minimized icon. The CYBERWIN.MAP file contains a selection of standard Windows programs; it can be edited (see below) to contain the programs you want. THE INTERFACE: You navigate CyberWindows using the arrow keys on your keyboard. The number pad can be used to jump to one of nine "sectors," positioned like the numbers on the pad. Within each sector, there are five columns and rows (numbered zero to four). A cursor shows your position on the map. You can replace the cursor with anything you like by replacing the CYBERMAP.ICO icon. Since the icon is quartered in size on the map, it should be big, thick, and simple to be clearly visible. CyberWindows was written for a 101-key keyboard; the effects of using another type are unknown. Note that CyberWindows does NOT use a mouse (cyber-cowboys punch deck, not mice). EXECUTING PROGRAMS: Programs are run by moving into their square when they are directly in front of you. When you are in position, the program's name will appear to the left of the map. You may type in any needed parameters before entering the program. Programs may only be run by entering from the front; you move over them if you enter their square from any other direction. CUSTOMIZATION: The CYBERWIN.MAP file contains the list of programs CyberWindows can access. It can be edited using Notepad, or any other ASCII editor. The first line is the number of programs that follow. Each program entry that follows has six lines: Name, Path, Filename, Sector, X, Y. Since sector jumps place you at (2,4), you probably won't want to use the 4 row. Also, be sure to leave "corridors" to move around in (but, since you can move sideways or backwards over programs without executing them, you can pack them in if space gets tight). There must be an icon file (.ICO) with the same filename as each program and it must reside in the CyberWindows directory. Note that this requires a unique filename for each program. If you don't have anything to make/edit .ICO files with, there are several shareware capture/ draw utilities available on CompuServe and BBS's. NOTES: Since this is an early version, it's a bit crude (no auto-extraction of icons from .EXE files, no choice of directory location, manual editing of CYBERWIN.MAP, no error handling, etc.), but it serves. I'll post any updated versions as they're developed. I'll probably include the source code in future versions, but right now I feel it's a bit too disorganized. You can send comments/suggestions to me on CompuServe at [73737,1237], or reach me on The Matrix in Birmingham, Alabama. UPDATES SINCE 1.0: CyberWin.Map file format changed. Current directory is changed to that of program to be executed to allow for .DLL's not in DOS path. Command-line parameter allows user-specified directory for CW files. Enjoy, Wendell Martin