(view this file with Windows Notepad) Find-It ver 2.0 for WINDOWS® is the ultimate file finder. Find-It ©1991 by RME Enterprises Find-It searches ALL of the selected disk, even files marked hidden, system, read-only, or directories marked the same! Any file can be found! You enter the file search name using a database style with the *? characters as you would think they should be used. By that I mean: use * to represent from 0 to any number of characters use ? to represent 1 unknown character. So, using the search file name of *s*t* would find: 'setting, assets, shoot'. Without using a period in the search file name, the search spans the filename and extension. Once the program locates matching files, you can process those file by performing an unlimited amount of commands. You are offered a checkbox to select the file types: those being normal, in ARC, in ZIP, in ARJ, or in LZH files. The appropriate items are illuminated with counts to let you know that there are those file types. You then process the files through commands. The commands are anything that can be processed through DOS. You use the filter characters !@ as such: ! represents the found file @ represents the parent file (the ARCed file that contained the found file). You may deselect any of the files found before processing. This new release is loaded with improvements: - can operate in the BACKGROUND (even as an icon) (when registered) - when operating in background can STOP search - Availability OPTIONS after search Alarm, Reactivate, Display after search (if found) during search Display list during search (when found) Background operation - can REACTIVATE itself (user selected) if it's an icon - saves option configuration for later sessions - has UMLIMITED FileTypes (previously allowed 8) - now does MULTIPLE MASKS of filenames (ie. SpreadSheets *.wr1 *.wk1 *.wks) - has a built-in search TIMER which displays upon completion - can now search through .ARJ and .LZH compressed files as well as .ARC and .ZIP - now displays the FILE'S date according the WINDOWS date format - can display files as they're found or wait until it's done - registered owners can UPGRADE WITHOUT COST, copy this right over the old version If you're a previous registered user, you may delete (in WIN.INI) the line FileTypes=.... or make it FileTypes0= and replace the space with a comma between the file types. Otherwise you will loose those original formats, as the previous line is incompatible in version 2.0 (because of the unlimited masks). ie. original FileTypes=AllFiles *.* ArcFiles *.arc ZipFiles *.zip new format FileTypes0=AllFiles *.*,ArcFiles *.arc,ZipFiles *.zip In this version to search multiple masks just type in the mask followed by a space, the next mask, etc. In the FileType field don't use spaces when typing. ie. CORRECT WRONG AllFiles All Files All_Files By registering Find-It ($15.00 US), it will be ENHANCED to be able to operate in the background and search for files contained in '.arc', '.zip', '.arj', and '.lzh' files. You can register using VISA or MasterCard by calling (313) 623-6970. Or by Mail (Include a self addressed stamped envelope!) to: Find-It c/o RME Enterprises 7514 Maceday Lake Rd. Waterford MI, 48329-2626 Quantity Description Amount ________ Super Search for DOS $ 10 ea _________ ________ Find-It for Windows 3.0 $ 15 ea _________ (Michigan residents add 4% sales tax) Tax _________ Total _________ Payment: Check [ ] Visa [ ] MasterCard [ ] PO [ ] ____________ Name: _____________________________________________________ Company: _____________________________________________________ Address: _____________________________________________________ Work Phone: (___) ___________ Home Phone: (___) ___________ Card Number: ____________________ Exp Date: ________________ Signature of Cardholder: _____________________________________ Comments: ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ Software License Agreement: You are free to copy Find-It for noncommercial or commercial use subject to the following conditions and restrictions: Find-It must be copied in unmodified and unregistered form. This documentation file MUST be supplied with the software. No copying or distribution fee may be assessed other than the basic charges for the cost of the coping medium. Find-It may not be distributed with any other software or hardware product(s) without the express written permission of RME Enterprises. Distribution of the software in registered form is strictly prohibited. No one may modify Find-It for any reason, in any way, including but not limited to, decompiling-compiling, patching, disassembling, or reverse engineering the program. This restriction also applies to all program outputs such as the opening screen. RME Enterprises hereby disclaims all warranties relating to this software, whether express or implied, including without limitation any implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. RME Enterprises will not be liable for any special, incidental, consequential, indirect or similar damages due to loss of data or any other reason, even if RME Enterprises or an agent of RME Enterprises has been advised of the possibility of such damages. In no event shall RME Enterprises' liability for any damages ever exceed the price paid for the license to use the software, regardless of the form of the claim. The person using the software bears all risk as to the quality and performance of the software. COMPUSERVE ID 70670,1740