The Philosopher's Stone Roger Bacon THE WONDERS OF MODERN TECHNOLOGY...? Time marches ever onward, inexorable and generally bastorial, whilst Bacon ambles along slowly behind like a small boy hoping that if he dawdles enough he will escape Mum's clutches but fat chance, as usual! Here on my desk sits a laptop, a Tandy 1400 LT and I also got delivery of a ...wait for it Zenith equipped with TWO CPU's (an 8085 and an 8088) plus a mind blowingly huge ten, yes I said TEN, megabyte Winchester, cor, wow, far out! ...and very grateful for the both of them, let me add hastily lest I be thought of as ungrateful, which are being added to my Cavalcade of Computing which in case you didnt know is a personal museum of planned obsolescence that I use to teach kids with by way of introduction to the real horrors behind the thin veneer of Onward & Upward, heh, heh! Alright so this LCD display is less than mind blowing but its a nice tidy little machine, albeit somewhat weighty. Never got to play with a hard drive before, takes a bit of getting used to especially since its not quite as idiot proof as I'd hoped, tried to transfer this program onto it and apparently succeeded but where is it? Back to the good ole floppies again..! Nevertheless, I'm quite impressed, particularly as it means that anything I might go out and get in the laptop genre will, by the law of development, be that much better than this, hopefully a bit faster too, as this thing is a bit of a turtle compared to my Amiga...of which more anon. Anon. Goodbye Commodore and thanks for all the fish! Yes, its taken three years but you've finally managed to alienate me with your combination of insufficient to non-existent customer support, surly and inadequate dealerships, blind disregard for the mother lode of user support on which you've been coasting for far too long and general disregard for the laws of survival in consumer land. I dont know what Apple, IBM and Sony are up to (if anything - after all, corporate giants tend to be more interested in ass covering than innovation) but if I were you, Commodore, I'd be looking for a good line in caskets and a suitable place to start digging the hole... My next computer will be whatever fits the multi-media bill the nearest, doesnt cost an arm and a leg and uses file and screen formats that are as universal as possible to the next generation of average machines. This rules out Targa equipped 486's (with or without the amazing Intel lobotomy chip) any of the current Macs and just about everything else on the market at the moment or in the immediate future of, say, two years. Until then I'll just have to soldier along with the Amiga 1000 for video work, IBM for text and telecommunications and Mac for DTP, avidly reading the mags and hoping that some boffin somewhere has drawn the obvious conclusion too and is doing something about it. Meanwhile I'll buy a nice little laptop powerhouse and by the time you read this the Pork Barrel should be up and running, which is the working title for Bacons soon to be launched BBS..., can't you see America rushing out to buy modems even as I type!? Nope, nor can I and why would anyone want to log onto a BBS run by an absent minded, surly, opinionated old curmudgeon who is a self confessed idiot (as in idiot proof and proud of it!) and general subscriber to the irrational and unfashionable idea that there's nothing wrong with caring for one another and ruthlessly expunging clever, cocky little know-it-alls from the airwaves along with a wide variety of other undesirables none of whom will be made welcome. Hey, I'm an Alien, don't forget! It's your constitution, not mine! Freedom of speech? Get real, it depends on your platform. Jesus, yes! Swaggart, no! This of course is diametrically opposite from the less reactionary views of some of my friends and advisors but I thought I'd just warn you now, so you don't have to wait with bated modem. I'm a great believer in human diversity and that includes opinions, practices and viewpoints but I reserve the right not to propogate those with which I personally disagree. My argument is that it's my phone line and you are a guest in my electronic house, so to speak, which does not automatically give you the right to behave in a way that offends me. Some of the things that offend me are anti-religious sentiment - I think that people's religious beliefs should be respected and accomodated as long as their practices do not involve curtailing the freedom of others to express their particular views on the subject - pornography, which I find morally repugnant and gratuitous violence ditto. (How to get hate mail!) Actually though, the point of this particular outlet, is to supply information rather than to act as a general forum though one hopes that it will evolve to that point as part and parcel of the information interchange. I cant really be more specific except to say that the BBS is designed to be a clearing house for educators and pupils which is at least in part the reason behind the somewhat draconian infringements upon what some will insist upon perceiving as their civil liberties. Being an educator of young children forces one to confine oneself to a narrow range of expressed opinion concomitant with the probable audience which effectively constrains one to 'the moral high ground' as one principal put it to me when I lost my temper and used plain speech in the hearing of a minor! (Figure it out for yourself!) The hypocrisy of this situation is, of course, immediately obvious but the reality of litiginous parents (or their legal advisors) coupled with chicken hearted administrations has cost plenty of teachers their positions for the crime of behaving 'normally' or appearing to behave in a manner that might be seen as sanctioning behavior that is every day fare on TV but unacceptable from educators. Yes, its bullshit but its also the harsh reality we have to live with and I, for one, am not prepared to go to the wall just to uphold a point. Its gotten to the point where we all have to carry rubber gloves to handle a bleeding child with and are supposed to carry around spray bottles of dilute bleach for the same reasons and if we so much as touch one we can be accused of assault whilst parents are perfectly happy to abrogate their reponsibilities and expect us to provide pastoral care that is otherwise lacking, all the while maintaining some weird kind of force field between ourselves, our private lives and our charges as though we existed in different dimensions from everyone else. Beam me up Scotty, there is DEFINITELY no intelligent life down here! No, of course I don't put on the damn gloves (has anyone stopped to consider the possible psychological trauma of a generation of children who grew up with adults who wouldnt handle them without donning rubber gloves, first? Should do wonders for the growing ranks of the wetsuit brigade!) because they're MY children by default but it does give me a chance of getting infected with AIDS which, incidentally, is getting close to being commonplace in schools in that there are more than a few schools with one or more infected children. On the other hand - you'll be glad to hear - I dont touch them unnecessarily either (though I could think of several who could use a good hug) because God forbid it gets me painted as some kind of weirdo with human emotions and for much the same reason I do not tell them or their parents that I love them as I am, of course, an emotionless 'educator' not a human being at all and anyway who needs love in this modern world? Perhaps its me, perhaps I shouldnt be a teacher at all, perhaps I shouldnt even be writing this or even thinking anything of the kind. Just to really put the Seal of Disapproval upon the whole thing - at least insofar as a fairly vocal segment of the population is concerned - I might as well add that I'm a Christian albeit probably not a particularly shining example of one (who is?) and that I believe in God does not make me a bigoted loony nor does it exempt me from responsibility or due consideration of the viewpoints of others. If, after all that, you ever want to read another of my articles or log onto the Pork Barrel (if and when it emerges from the vaporware stage) then I will be glad to know that I am not alone in my strange little oasis compounded of old fashioned values and latter day humanism. Amongst my friends and acquaintances are drug abusers, adulterers, fornicators, homosexuals, criminals (various - convicted or otherwise) and a wide variety of other practices none of which I espouse but neither do I sit in judgement of them, knowing my own faults only too well and having veered from the straight and narrow too often to be in any position to pontificate on the mistakes of others. I only mention this in support of my contention that one has a perfect right to be selective about what parts of the human spectrum one cares to display for the edification of others which is why I insist upon the editorial right to shape my BBS the way I want. This, in answer, to many previous discussions on the subject with the Editor who does not agree with me although he somehow yet manages to keep ModemNews a liberal yet basically inoffensive publication to the majority. His argument is, if I understand it, that it is better to create a forum which is theoretically open to anything but which by example tends to naturally exclude extremes by gentle dissuasion and concensus rather than by forceful censorship and it is a tenet that has served him well with the help of his contributors and audience. My problem is that I am specifically aiming at two opposing groups, teachers and students Grades 6 thru 8 the latter having not had access to this kind of service before and therefore, from experience, one expects a certain amount of abuse judging from previous encounters. There is likely to be a certain amount of opinionated disapproval from a certain adult section of the community that still entertains the idea that repression equals solution (if you cant see it, its not there - or the Ostrich Theory) and so a harmless exchange of banter on the message base could very well result in the suspension of service. Just to make matters worse there is another group of students who are quite likely to try and ruin the service simply because it amuses them to do so and that is why I have decided to adopt a Draconian editorial stance. Last but not least, living in a community that is predominantly Christian, with all that implies regarding subject matter, opinion, language and practice one would be well advised to exercise careful judgement to avoid generating unfavorable albeit opinionated comment. Given all that plus the work it entails, why bother? Nothing ventured, nothing gained, at least the experience will teach me something, I suppose! Our famous Philospher can be found at his own BBS; Wing'n'a Prayer 804 824-5443 2400 baud