"Where Have All the Bad Guys Gone?" by Michael D. Berman With the collapse of the Soviet Union (destined to become the most overused phrase of the year), the question must be raised: Where will the United States turn for an enemy? After all, the USSR had the whole maleficent package: a frightening, dehumanizing ideology, the world's largest, fiercest army, and a network of satellites and puppet governments, all bent on crushing the American Way of Life under their atheistic, hob-nailed heels. The Soviets gave us threatening phrases and malefactors for every generation: from "the missiles of October" to "the evil empire," from Joseph Stalin to Boris Badenov and Natasha. Even their color was sinister. It evoked rivers of blood, eternal hellfire, and that traffic signal you ran and got nailed at. Now, in one fell swoop, all that beautiful wickedness is kaput. Americans need adversaries. What would the Mission Impossible team be without maniacal Third World despots? Or the Republican Party without "welfare recipients"? When Darth Vader bought the farm, this nation wept. And imagine what poor Tom Clancy is going through. How will he measure up to "The Hunt For Red October" and "The Cardinal of the Kremlin" in light of the New World Order? "The Icelandic Scourge" and "At Dawn, Switzerland!" just won't cut it on the bestseller lists. Americans demand more. But all is not lost. There are a host of candidates which might, with the right mix of paranoia, totalitarianism and xenophobia, fill the vacuum of evil that came about when the hammer and sickle rusted away: o The early returns on the Commonwealth of Independent States indicate that one or more of these new nations could supplant the Big Bad Bear. Let us not forget that Uncle Joe Stalin was a Georgian. The chance that one of the former vassal republics might belch forth a new and improved dictator is not beyond the realm of possibility (though, admittedly, it would be difficult to take someone called the "The Terror of Tajikistan" seriously). The smart money's on Ukraine, aka, "The Republic With an Attitude" — "Not the Ukraine. Just Ukraine. Actually, Mister Ukraine to you." All Ukraine needs is one madman to claim Finders Keepers privileges with the ICBMs on its soil, and before you know it, Chicken Kiev will be a four-letter word from sea to shining sea. Not that Ukraine is the only former Soviet missile parking lot to worry about. If our Michael Jordan-led Olympic basketball team starts to run up the score against Kyrgyzstan or Uzbekistan in Barcelona, don't stick around for the final buzzer. Just head for the basement and lock the door. The post-game repercussions, mushroom clouds and all, will make the British soccer riots look like a thumbwrestling match. o Even a month ago, the world's terrorist organizations would have been a pretty safe bets as new embodiments of all things nasty. But since Hezbollah and Islamic Jihad have set most of their hostages free, we've lost that hating feeling. However, Algeria, with its recently elected fundamentalist Islamic government, might be a dark horse. We'll have to wait and see. The zealots' ascension is a promising start, but they won't reach the Soviets' heinousness until they burn some American flags, start lopping off limbs for parking violations, and get their hands on some nuclear party favors. o George Steinbrenner, though not a sovereign nation per se, displays qualities similar to those of our favorite Soviet dictators. He has fallen into disfavor and been ousted, but is now making a push to be "rehabilitated" and brought back into the good graces of the proletariat. Furthermore, the abysmal production of the Yankees mirrors that of the Soviet economy. o Germany is a perennial, as well as sentimental, favorite. However, Deutscheland seems satisfied simply conquering the world markets for now, so we can't count on them just yet. But when Braun shavers start pushing Remington Micro-screens off store shelves and into the dustbin of history, a new Anschluss won't be far behind. You read it here first. o Ditto for Japan. Even worse, Tokyo has "The Godzilla Option." These are sad days, now that and John and Jane American have a dearth of bad guys to check under their beds for. It may take a while for the void to be filled. But fear not. Until the next "evil empire" comes along, we can comfort ourselves. After all, we'll always have Nixon to kick around. Copyright 1992, Michael D. Berman