README.TXT: NOTES FOR USING PMDBM.ICO & PMDBM.PIF by Don Gray Nov. 9th/91 REQUIREMENTS: ALL of PMDBMs files (registered) Memory - EMS (expanded) - XMS (extended) WINDOWS ver 3.x running in Enhanced MODE NOTES: The two files referenced above work well on my system, which is a i486 with 16megs. of RAM on the Motherboard. My current Video card is EGA (8 bit) with a colour EGA monitor. I am using MS DOS 5.0, Nortons Desktop for Windows (NDW) ver 1.0 along with Norton Utilities ver. 6.01. THE PIF! ******** In order to run a Non-Windows application, which the current BETA release of PMDBM is, Windows needs some info about the program and how it should interact with other programs. If you do not define such a file, Windows uses its default settings. The Windows manual describes how to create and edit a PIF file using the PIF Editor. The settings in this PMDBM.PIF has been set up as follows: PROGRAM FILENAME: D:\pmd\pmd_win.bat I have my PMDBM.EXE file on drive D: in a directory called PMD and start PMDBM.EXE from a Batch file named as above. You should change this to the Drive, directory from where you presently have PMDBM.EXE stored and call the file you normally do to start this application. WINDOW TITLE: Opitional naming convention, but I have indicated PMDBM! OPITIONAL PARAMETERS: None required START UP DIRECTORY: D:\pmd This you should change to where you want WINDOWS to start PMDBM, as in my case my *.HDR and *.FIL files are located in this directory. MEMORY REQUIREMENTS: KB Required: 400 KB Desired: -1 For further details, suggest that you consult the WINDOWS manuel, but these settings DO work for me. Les GYURKY helped me to arrive at these setting and I've stuck with them. DISPAY USAGE: What I have shown is my preferance, but these can be changed to suite your needs and should not have any effect on the operation of PMDBM. I have elected to CLOSE WINDON ON EXIT as I wish to close each and every file that was opened by this PIF file on exit. ADVANCED: These are not important to have PMDBM running succesfully, except for the MEMORY OPTIONS. Being that I have a large pool of memory to draw from and with Les improving on the memory swaping with each NEW release of PMDBM beta (experimental), the setting that I have can and should be adjusted for your system needs. THE ICON ********* You may or may not like my choice, but if you have something you would like to share, do let us ALL have a peek at it. LAST WORD *********** I make no guarantees. Use at your own descretion and risk. All I really know for sure is that they work for me! Enjoy. Regards, Don Gray CRS NANET Toronto, Canada conference number 43 HOME of PMDBM