This file contains information that was not available when the manual was printed and other information that may be helpful for the new WinComm user. If you would like to print this file it is called UPDATES.TXT and can be found in the Macro directory. You should note that references in the license agreement that refer to WINDOS now apply to WinLink. WINDOS was renamed to WinLink to more accurately reflect its operation. Additional WinComm Features Dialog Box Reference - System Defaults Page 3-18 Block Cursor The WinComm cursor can be changed from a vertical bar to a block by checking the Block Cursor box in the System|Defaults dialog box. Add the session integer ID number 67, 0 = Vertical Bar, 1 = Block on page 10-39 of the Manual. Auto Size The WinComm window will automatically adjust to 24 lines 80 characters and center horizontally on the screen if the Auto Size box is checked in the System|Defaults dialog box. The auto-sizing will occur when a session file is opened. Add the session integer ID number 68, 0 = Normal, 1 = Auto Size on page 10-39 of the Manual. Global Phone A global dialing string can be dialed before the telephone number (entered in the Dial: edit box in the Terminal Session Parameters view of the session editor). This string is assigned in the Global Phone Prefix edit box, and it will be sent to the modem if the character L precedes the telephone number in the Dial: edit box. Add the session string ID number 51 on page 10-41 of the Manual. Run Scheduler Macro The Run Scheduler Macro check and edit box allow naming of a compiled macro file that will automatically run when, 1) a session is stopped or 2) macro execution is halted. Typically they are used by the dialing directory and scheduling macros supplied with WinComm, but any macro can be named here to run when the above conditions are met. The macro, for example, might load a session file that has function keys to run other macros or a macro that customizes the WinComm menu bar. Add the session string ID number 52 on page 10-41 and the session integer ID number 68 on page 10-39 of the Manual. See the dialing directory macro operating instructions at the end of this file. Session Editor Reference - Function Keys Page 3-28 A Function key can be programmed to send a break by inserting the code "^$MS" in the function key edit box in the Function Key Option view in the Session Editor. The code should not include the quotes and no other characters should accompany the break code. MS is a number representing the number of milliseconds the break should occur. The same code can be used in a macro SEND statement to send a break. For example: ^$500 would send a break for 1/2 second. - Modem Settings Page 3-29 If your modem sends call progress codes (such as "ringing") that are not found in the Modem Result Codes For: view of the session editor, you must check the Skip Unused box. This will cause WinComm to ignore any codes other than the ones shown. You may need to check this box if you get an Error With Modem Connect Code message. Add the session integer ID number 69, 0 = Normal, 1 = Skip Unused Codes on page 10-39 of the Manual. - Terminal Setup Page 3-36 Nondestructive backspace can be selected for the Terminal emulations by checking the box in the Terminal view of the Session Editor. Add the session integer ID number 70, 0 = Destructive, 1 = Non-destructive on page 10-39 of the Manual. Keyboard Operation A xoffhold can be cleared by pressing the Shift+Esc keys. A xoffhold can occur in error (with software handshaking selected) if noise on the communication line causes the xoff character to be received. A break can be sent by pressing the Ctrl+Shift+Break keys. The break will be sent as long as the keys are depressed. Keyboard Mapping Pages 5-3 and 5-4 When WinComm is connected using a VT-52, VT-102 or ANSI emulation, the F1 key no longer acts as the context sensitive help key. The default mapping codes that are shown for F1 through F9 (including Shift and Ctrl) on pages 5-3 and 5-4 have been changed. F1 now transmits the code shown for F2, F2 the code shown for F3 etc. F9 transmits the code shown for F11. Mouse Operation In addition to the normal methods of using the mouse in Windows, WinComm supports several techniques to send characters and words displayed on the screen, copy selected text to the clipboard and in some terminal emulations will send codes to position the host cursor. To transmit a word or a file name displayed on the screen: Double click on the first character of the word or file name. If you want to only send one character at the position of the pointer, select the One character double left click option on the Display view of the Session Editor. To send any text in the current display page: Select the text by click+dragging the left mouse button and while the text is selected press the right mouse button. The highlighted text will also be copied to the Clipboard. To send any text in the screen scroll buffer: Check Pause on the Command bar, use the vertical scroll bar to view the text you want to send, click+drag the left mouse button to select the text and press the right mouse button. The selected text will be transmitted, copied to the clipboard and Pause will automatically uncheck. To mark text for copy to the Windows Clipboard: Check Pause on the Command bar, click+drag the mouse to select the text and select the Edit|Copy menu item or press the Ctrl+Insert keys. To send codes to the host to reposition the cursor: Position the pointer at the character position where you want the cursor to be located and double click the right mouse button. If there are tabs in the text, the cursor might not position properly the first time you double click. This operation is supported in VT-52 and VT-102 terminal emulations. Macro Manual Updates Clarification of codes returned in the DIALOG? statement when a "push button style" control is selected. DEFPUSHBUTTON will always return a 1 when selected. DEFCANCELBUTTON and CANCELBUTTON always return a 0. PUSHBUTTON will return values of 2 or greater depending on the sequence and number of PUSHBUTTON controls. This is true even if there is no DEFPUSHBUTTON. Page 10-23 the sentence under LISTBOX NOTES should be changed from: ...DIALOG will be assigned a value of 150 for the first LISTBOX in the dialog box statement group, 201 for... to: ...DIALOG? will be assigned a value of 150 for the first LISTBOX in the dialog box statement group, 151 for... Additional Macro Statements: NEXTCHARS? Returns the next characters in the communication buffer. The number of characters returned is 255 or the number of characters in the communication buffer, whichever is smaller. If there are no characters in the buffer NEXTCHARS? returns a null. See the note on page 10-53 of the manual under NEXTCHAR?. MACROTRAP(enabled) Page 10-50 Returns Nothing Arguments enabled = Integer 0 = Trap Off Turns trap off 1 = Trap On Turns trap on immediately 2 = Set Trap Turns trap on when a prompt statement group returns TRUE Use MACROTRAP(2) when you use a PROMPT statement group to test for a matching string before enabling MACROTRAP. When WinComm encounters a MACROTRAP(2) statement, trap will set and MACROTRAP will be enabled after PROMPT? returns a value greater than 0. The following pseudo-code demonstrates the flow. MACROTRAP(2) PROMPT . PSTR(3,1,"Testing") . PEND DO i=PROMPT? UNTIL(i !=0) do NEXTCHAR? or NEXTCHARS? processing here until finished MACROTRAP(0) end sample Add the following dialog box control MFLISTBOX lft,top,wdth,hght,disp_file;tabs,select_file Creates a multiple selection list box in a dialog box. lft,top,wdth,hght = The position and size of the listbox disp_file = The name of the text file (composed of CR LF delimited strings) to be displayed in the listbox. ;tabs = Optional comma separated string for setting tab stops in the listbox. The tab stops are given in dialog units which is 1/8 of the average width of the system font. If the ; is not present, the list box will have one tab stop that is set to a very high value causing any text following the tab to not be displayed in the listbox. select_file = The name of the file the MFLISTBOX will create when the dialog box is exited. The file will contain CR LF delimited strings of the items selected in the listbox. SAMPLE CODE from DIALDIR.WMS var2$="dialdir.1;40 190 255 310 330 340 " ;dialdir.1 has list, set 6 tabs. var1$="dial.que" ;dial.que will contain the selected list. DIALOGBOX 10, 18, 357, 170, 21, "WinComm Dialing Directory" MFLISTBOX 2, 20, 354, 105, VAR2$, VAR1$ . . END SAMPLE The FLISTBOX also supports the optional tab field as described above. COPYFILE(source_filename,destination_filename) Copies a disk file Used just as the DOS COPY command. The macro statement WINCOMMVER? now also returns the Windows 3 operating mode in the form: 3.00,E. The last character represents the operating mode; R = Real, S = Standard and E = 386 Enhanced. Dialing Directory Macro The dialing directory macro gives you a convenient method of viewing and editing the most important settings in all session files. In addition, selected files can inserted in a queue which WinComm will dial in sequence or if a time is entered, at a selected time. Three macros make up the dialing directory set. DIALDIR.WMC is the main display and editing macro. It is the only one of the three that should be started using the Macro|Run menu item. The other two macros will be started by the DIALDIR macro when they are needed. The macro source code is included with the WinComm package so you will be able to modify dialing directory operation if it doesn't meet your needs. Dialing Directory Operation 1. Create Session Files for all services to which you want to connect. 2. For totally automated operation create macros that log on to the service, carry out any operation required and disconnect from the service when finished. Be sure to include the respective macro name in each session file and select Autorun. 3. Run the DIALDIR.WMC by selecting the Macro|Run menu item. The first time the DIALDIR macro is run it will create a directory of all session files. This may take a few seconds. 4. Press the [Toggle Display] button to verify all settings are correct in each session file. 5. If you need to change any settings, click on the session you want to change and press the [Edit Session] button and make the changes. 6. To immediately dial one or more numbers in the sequence they are displayed in the list box, select them and press [Dial Selections]. Use the Ctrl key and click on the selection to select non-contiguous session files. 7. To re-order the queue, select the session files you want in the queue and press the [Set Dialing Que] button. Another dialog box will display. To order the queue, select the session you want to move, type the position where you want this session to appear in the queue in the New Order: edit box and press the [Order Que] button. Repeat until all sessions are in the proper sequence. 8. To set a time to start the queue, order the queue as in step seven. Select the first session in the queue you want to start at the later time and edit the time you want the dialing to start in the Start Time: edit box. That entry and all entries following will be dialed beginning at that time. 9. When any new session files are created or renamed and you want to add them to the dialing directory, select the [Rebuild Directory] button. The DIALDIR.WMC macro will create a file called DIAL.QUE that contains the information displayed in the list box. When the [Dial Selections] button is selected the DIALDIR macro starts (chains to) the SCHEDULE.WMC macro which opens and starts each session file listed in DIAL.QUE. As each session is opened, it is removed from the file and the SCHEDULE macro continues until there are no more session files left in DIAL.QUE. If the queue is re-ordered or the start time is changed in the queue (by selecting the [Order Que] button), dialing will be handled by the SCHEDULE1.WMC macro which operates much the same as SCHEDULE.WMC.