The Down and Dirty Dozen Batch Utilities ---------------------------------------- Version 1.0 Copyright (c) 1989 by G&G Computer Services 39 Cathy Circle Portsmouth, RI 02871 Disclaimer: ----------- The Down and Dirty Dozen Batch Utilities (c) program is provided 'as is' without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied. The entire risk as to the quality and performance of the program is with the user and should the program prove defective, the user and not the authors will assume the entire cost of all necessary remedies. None of the authors warrant that the functions contained in the program will meet any users requirements or that the operation of the program will be error-free or uninterrupted. G&G, its employees, and associates claim no responsibility for any damages incurred during use of this product. Introduction: -------------- In trying to create custom batch files from time to time we find ourselves running into the proverbial brick wall or trying to use a menu program that didn't do all we wanted it to. The Down and Dirty Dozen are a dozen batch routines that were written in 'C' and assembler which will aid you in creating a very useful and professional looking batch file. System Requirements: -------------------- The Down and Dirty Dozen will run on all 100% compatible IBM machines. System requirements: 128 KB of memory. An extended DOS environment of 512 is suggested but not required (due to the use of SET commands in the demo batch file included in this package, running it may require extending your environment space before use) (refer to your DOS manual). Files ----- The following files listed below should have been included in the ZIP file: 0-9.COM - will wait for the number key 0 to 9 to be pressed then will return it as an error level. (refer to your DOS manual under 'IF ERRORLEVEL (X) THEN' for more information) BEEP.COM - will make the speaker beep when called. CLW.COM - when called this routine will clear a part of the screen you specifying row, column, width, length, forground and background color numbers (see chart below for color numbers). Format: CLW Ex: CLW 10 27 14 46 0 7 10 = starting row 27 = starting column 14 = ending row 46 = ending column 0 & 7 = sets up black text on a white background (reverse video). VALID Fore/Background colors: 0 = black 1 = blue 2 = green 3 = cyan 4 = red 5 = purple 6 = yellow 7 = white 8 - 15 = enhanced versions of numbers 0 - 7 (does not apply to background colors) DAY.COM - returns the day number as an error code. Ex: If today is Sunday the program will return a error code of 1 and if today is Friday then it will return an error code of 6.(refer to your DOS manual under 'IF ERRORLEVEL (X) THEN' for more information) DEMO.BAT - is a demonstration of all the batch utilities in action (due to the use of SET commands in the demo batch file included in this package, running it may require extending your environment space before use) (refer to your DOS manual). DR_BOX.EXE - when called this routine will draw a box with single or double lined border at the position you specify. Format: DR_BOX Ex: dr_box 10 27 15 50 1 10 = starting row 27 = starting column 15 = ending row 50 = ending column 1 = for single line box (2 for double lined box) FCLS1.COM - will clear the screen by splitting the display on the screen from the middle out. FCLS2.COM - will clear the screen by squishing the display on the screen from the top/bottom into the center. IS_TODAY.EXE - will check the date and compare it to a date specified by the user and return an error level of 1 if thay match. (refer to your DOS manual under 'IF ERRORLEVEL (X) THEN' for more information). Format: IS_TODAY Ex: is_today 12/25/1991 if true it will return an error level of 1. MODE_ON.COM - will check the system display mode and return as an error level (refer to your DOS manual under 'IF ERRORLEVEL (X) THEN' for more information). Possable error levels are: 16 = 640x350 64 color graphics 15 = 640x350 b/w graphics 14 = 640x200 16 color graphics 13 = 320x200 16 color graphics 10 = 640x200 4 color graphics (PCjr.) 9 = 320x200 16 color graphics (PCjr.) 8 = 160x200 16 color graphics (PCjr.) 7 = 80x25 b/w text 6 = 640x200 2 color graphics 5 = 320x200 4 gray graphics 4 = 320x200 4 color graphics 3 = 80x25 16 color text 2 = 80x25 16 gray text 1 = 40x25 16 color text 0 = 40x25 no color PRT_ON.COM - will check printer port specified by the user. It will return an error level of 1 (refer to your DOS manual under 'IF ERRORLEVEL (X) THEN' for more information) if the printer is off. (The printer has to be connected to the computer in order for this to work, also some models of printers will return an error level of 1 when the printer is ON (check with your printer manual)). PRTAT.EXE - places the cursor at a user defined place on the screen and will print specified text (if any). Format: PRTAT [optional text] Ex: PRTAT 10 20 Yo dudes and dudettes 10 = row 20 = column Yo dudes and dudettes = string to print ORDDRM - this is the registration form for this product. READ-ME.TXT - this file. YES_NO.COM - will wait for the 'Y' or 'N' key to be pressed. If the 'Y' key was pressed it will return an error level of 1. If the 'N' key was pressed it will return an error level of 2. (refer to your DOS manual under 'IF ERRORLEVEL (X) THEN' for more information). Miscellaneous: -------------- This product is shareware and may be distributed freely. If you find it of use after a reasonable test period, please send $10.00 (U.S. FUNDS) per copy or $30.00 for a site license to: G&G Computer Services 39 Cathy Circle Portsmouth, RI 02871 When you register your copy, you will be placed on the update list. Once on the list, you will be notified of updates to this product and the release of new products from our company. For any questions, problems, or suggestions call by modem : - Ups and Downs BBS Portsmouth, RI 1-(401)-683-5961 or - Swat BBS Swansea, Mass 1-(508)-675-8503 and leave feedback to the sysop. Both of the above Bulletin Boards support 300/1200/2400 Baud and and operate 24 hours - 7 days a week.