April 4, 1992 First public release of MaxiMiser 2.0(9) MAXIMISR.DOC is file configure to dump to Epson compatible printer. While it is readable from desktop, it will not look correct. April 8, 1992 2.09a - General Release MaxiMiser will now allow you to do a + or - from a message when entered Qwikscan. In previous versions you could only read the message you selected. You may now enter any valid position number in qwikscan. Previously you could only select a position that had alread been displayed. Fixed minor problem when you were in different font size from the normal and selected a Text Search. Previously the dialog box did not account for the different font size and the input position was outside the dialog. May 5,1992 Fixed reversed entries for QWK and REP directories in CONFIG.PRG Fixed Bombs if you selected Cancel in fileselector when loading Taglines Fixed Bombs if you selected Cancel in fileselector when selecting Merge When scanning bases you are now taken back to the base selection menu instead of the main menu. Fixed a problem when jumping to an external editor. When you returned the text would be screwed up. This will no work. Did some more work with the reformat so that it will now properly NOT reformat a line with a CR in it. Fixed some code that would prevent private messages to Qmail Fixed problem where I would kill a file with extension of QWK regardles of what you had selected (ie QW0). Did some more work on the close window routine. This is still not perfect but if you double click it will now close easier.