history file for logger version 3.03, dated 5-02-90 at 9am { 3-30 added findname function, 4-6 added findprob function } { 4-8 modified 'elapsed time' to be additive vs a replacement } { 4-14 added fixes to ModMemo, for when they grow larger than original } { 4-15 transferred it back into a TSR, temp rm first find as first step } { 4-19 removed 'blankbill' added catches to suspend mode } { 4-21 replaced netdrive with logdrive (expanded to dr:\path\xxx.dbf) } { 4-23 mod PgUp/PgDn to +20/-20, if browse hits inactive rec...continue} { 4-24 chg start date/time to include stop date/time, start NO change on mod } { 4-25 added 'IsLock' bool to NOT write the clock stuff during a rec write} { added refreshing to internals of find and browse, rm'ed totalrecs} { 4-28 fixed findon bool to clear, rm'ed un-needed actions in suspend } { 4-30 in browse, changed it to remember where it browsed before so subsequent} { browses will start from where it left off { 5-01 now ver 3.03, added changes to modify rec save -> now it will stop on } { edit done to ask if you want a 'maint re-write' or a 'new append' } { also fixed two bugs in modify memo save, boolean not set sometimes } { cleared the memo, and it was appending a memo always when it shouldn't! }