SAMPLE OF THE TEXT OF THE C-TUTORIAL Since C is not a beginners language, I will assume you are not a beginning programmer, and I will not attempt to bore you by defining a constant and a variable. You will be expected to know these basic concepts. You will, however, be expected to know nothing of the C programming language. I will begin with the most basic concepts of C and take you up to the highest level of C programming including the usually intimidating concepts of pointers, structures, and dynamic allocation. To fully understand these concepts, it will take a good bit of time and work on your part because they not particularly easy to grasp, but they are very powerful tools. Enough said about that, you will see their power when we get there, just don't allow yourself to worry about them yet. AND SO FORTH..... HOW TO TAKE THIS COURSE It is very simple to operate this course. Just download 1INTRODU.ARC, de arc it then read the text files with your word processor and try out the sample source code in your C-compiler. Then download 2STARTED.ARC, read it, and so on. If your word processor is not very convenient for reading ASCII files, then use any of the text editors in area P of this BBS, or use the C program, LIST which is located here in this area; PRINTEXT.ARC (There is a compiled version of it, but it is much more fun to use the one you compile yourself.) I took this course about a year ago. I can't say enough for it. And it was only $10! What I contributed here was to regroup the text for lesson one with the program examples of lesson one. The text of 2 with the examples of 2 and so on. This course is so slick you'll think you know C with only 14 hours (yes plan on about an hour per chapter) of time. It may seduce you into a false sense of knowing, but I think that is better than erring on the side of self doubt which is what you feel when you look at a thick book or take a course but can't spend the required 10 hours a week doing homework. Review by Walter Clark OCA-BBS (714) 738-4331