Small C Compiler Version 2.2 The Small C compiler translates a subset of the C language into assembly language. It runs under PC/MS-DOS 2.1 and later. Small C is compatible with the Microsoft and Small Mac assemblers. Small C takes full advantage of the ability of these assemblers to generate relocatable object code, to maintain libraries of relocatable modules, and to link separately compiled program modules. It supports a small memory model with one code and one data/stack segment. Small C supports arrays of one dimension. Functions always return integer values. External functions are automatically declared. Initialization of global variables is supported. The preprocessor supports #include, #define, #ifdef, #ifndef, #else, #endif, #asm, #endasm commands . The following control statements are supported: if, switch, case, default, break, continue, while, for, and do/while. All expression operators are supported. Only signed and unsigned integer and character data types are supported. The following standard C features are not supported: structures, fields, unions, arrays of pointers, and casts. Small C supports UNIX-like I/O redirection and command-line argument passing. The Small C library includes over 80 functions -- a nearly complete set of the standard UNIX/C repertoire. Binary as well as character stream I/O is supported. The formatted I/O functions printf() and scanf() are included. Random access to files is provided. Programs can request additional file buffering. The compiler itself is written in Small C and is distributed with both object and source code. As a self compiler, Small C can be modified to work in other environments and to meet special needs. Since everything is revealed and fully documented, Small C has tremendous value as an educational device. Small C uses a single pass, recursive descent parsing algorithm. It generates p-codes for internal use, and optimizes its output. The Small C language and compiler are fully described in "A Small C Compiler: Language, Usage, Theory, and Design" by James E. Hendrix. Copies are available from: M&T Publishing, Inc. 501 Galveston Dr. Redwood City, CA 94063 Phone: 1 (800) 533-4372 An older CP/M version of the compiler is also available. That version is documented in "The Small-C Handbook" which does not cover the theory of operation. The Handbook is also available from M&T Publishing, as long as supplies last. J. E. Hendrix P.O. Box 1435 Oxford, MS 38655