INVOICE Remit to: From: _________________________ Timothy Weber P.O. Box 6573 _________________________ Ithaca, NY 14851 _________________________ CompuServe: 70511,2247 _________________________ GEnie: T.WEBER4 _________________________ Contact Individual: Product ID: 4111-308 _________________________ _________________________ Signed: _________________________ Qty Unit Price Total ___ Full license for Frames software, $30.00 _________ version 1.11 I use ___ 5 1/4" ___ 3 1/2" disks. Note that Frames has been delivered and accepted by the customer. This license entitles the registrant to use of Frames as specified in the accompanying documentation, and to support and notice of future upgrades. Site licenses are available; details are available upon request. Frames is copyright (c) 1992 by Timothy J. Weber.