AV-Sync has officially closed operations, effective 8-31-92. After some SIX years as a quality service, AV-Sync has gone "out of business". We leave the BBS world with no debt, and many regrets. Unfortunately, it was impossible to continue operations in a manner befitting the expectations of our users. As some old-timers may know, the system started out as a small, 2-node service with 250 meg. As the months went on, it grew to a respectable 7+ gig service with more than enough nodes to guarantee few busy signals. Plans were underway for extensive Usenet echoes, file area expansion, and more. We attribute our former success to the fact that we never carried games, X-rated pictures, or illegal software. Every effort was made to guarantee file integrity. Our users appreciated this. We know, due to an 80% subscriber renewal figure. AV-Sync was always a non-profit service. All income was used to the fullest extent to keep updating drives, modems, power bills, phone lines, insurance, and other costs the normal user of a BBS or service never takes into account. We don't know of many services which guaranteed full UPS backup, along with a large generator, just to keep things running during power outages. That's something people never take into consideration. They just know that the system is usually there when they want access. We also called users back on a timely basis when they lost passwords, needed help with configuring their communications programs, etc. on OUR dime. That also figured into operating costs of a 24-hour voice line and long distance charges for file-finding & return calls, postage, etc. The only thing money can't buy is TIME. It can buy equipment, it can pay the bills, and it can provide for the extras.... but when a system grows as large as we were, and can't pay for help to run it, then there's a major problem. It was originally a hobby, then it was love for helping people. In the last days, it just took too much time. The SYSOP has a regular job, a wife, a house, and a LIFE. Thankfully, AV-Sync never suffered what many services do: Unappreciative users. Tons of BBS ads. Leeches. Upload/download ratios. Flamers. .......... and general "twits". Our policy was steadfast from the beginning: You get what you pay for. If a user was confident enough in our service to pay for it, this automatically told us that they were a serious individual, and were welcome to all we could provide. Knowing a serious modem user invoked a sense of pride, and a sense of helping others. We certainly did that, and a lot more during our existence. We also said from the start that when the time became unavailable to provide a good service to the commmunity, we would cease operations. That time has come. The face of the modem world is changing. That bargain basement modem someone just bought is in the bargain realm for a reason. Now the high-speed modems are changing, and everyone who doesn't eventuallly upgrade to the new CCITT standard will be out of luck when those GREEN telco boxes on your block are colored BROWN. You'll know it's fiber then. (According to sources inside Southern Bell.) This is recent information. Recent scares of modem taxes are, for the most part, a bunch of BS; however, no one can say that it will not be a part of a much larger bill being passed through legislation as we sit and wait. It will take someone looking through miles of documents to tear it all apart. Government agencies are prone to "no comment" when someone gets close. In our searches and diggings, we recieved a lot of those non-comittal statements. Though we had no debt, and weathered the "recession" well, the future is too uncertain to risk continuing. One person called us "chicken", and then decided to close their own system down a week later. Interesting. We would like to recommend and acknowledge all of the boards which we have enjoyed a good relationship with, and who have received MANY files from AV-Sync: Executive Network (Andy Keeves) ... You know by all the files with dates in parens. (MM-DD-YY). Channel One (Brian & Tess) Sound Advice (Roy Timberman) ... Our top downloader. Flagship Express (Harvey Pierce) Rose Media (Vic Kass) Chicago Midi (Dave Nosek) Canada Remote Systems (Jud Newell) Sound Of Music (Paul Waldinger) Not a bad bevy of boards to say the least, and we recommend them highly. All equipment and assets are for sale, including the file base. Since the file base is mostly shareware, we are only charging for time and maintenance of the tapes. For a list, please send a self-addressed #10 envelope and return postage to: AV-Sync P.O. Box 49567 Atlanta, Ga. 30359 First come, first served. .............. and we will miss it.