pcANYWHERE 3 and pcANYWHERE 4.xx operate properly when they communicate to each other's direct counterparts. In version 3, the HOST is known as ANYWHERE, while the REMOTE is known as ATERM. Communications between versions III and IV is possible with the following limitations: ATERM calling AWHOST ATERM can call AWHOST only if AWHOST is set-up to expect ATERM as the caller. To set this up, .Run AWHOST and from the Main Menu, .Select "Caller Information" . .Select the caller that uses ATERM (press the INSERT key to create a new entry if this caller is a new caller). .Go to the "Terminal type" field and select "ATERM". .Save the changes to the caller information file by pressing ESC. You are now ready to communication from ATERM to AWHOST. Be aware that graphic translations are not fully supported for this connect type. File transfer from ATERM to AWHOST or vise versa In order to transfer files between ATERM and AWHOST, you will need AWHOST version 4.03c or higher, and the AWSEND.ZIP file from the SYMANTEC BBS. Refer to the end of this document for information on the SYMANTEC BBS. ATERM is to connect to AWHOST and activate a file transfer in the usual manner via AWSEND. The file transfer screen will look like the screen from version III. Currently, there is no feature for transferring files from AWREMOTE to ANYWHERE (version 4.xx to version 3.xx). AWREMOTE calling ANYWHERE AWREMOTE calling ANYWHERE can be accomplished by configuring AWREMOTE and ANYWHERE in the following manner. From the AWREMOTE main menu, .Select "Connect Via List of Hosts" .Select "Non-ANYWHERE host via modem" .Select "View/Modify Host Entry" and confirm that the "Terminal emulation" is set to "VT-220/8bit" After the changes are made, save the changes and exit back to the main menu. From the ANYWHERE main menu, .Select "Terminal type" and set the value to VT-100 You are now ready for communication from AWREMOTE to ANYWHERE. As stated above, no file transfer capabilities are available in this configuration. Be aware that graphic translations are not supported for this connect type. SYMANTEC has a number of useful documents that are available through this BBS.