Path:!!!wupost!!chinacat!cud-sender From: TK0JUT2%NIU.bitnet@UICVM.UIC.EDU Newsgroups:, Subject: Cu Digest, #4.43 Message-ID: <> Date: 14 Sep 92 02:16:00 GMT Sender: Reply-To: Organization: the Computer Underground Digest gateway Lines: 766 Approved: Xref: Computer underground Digest Sun Sep 13, 1992 Volume 4 : Issue 43 Editors: Jim Thomas and Gordon Meyer (TK0JUT2@NIU.BITNET) Archivist: Brendan Kehoe Shadow-Archivist: Dan Carosone Copy Editor: Etaion Shrdlu, Srr. CONTENTS, #4.43 (Sep 13, 1992) File 1--Moderators' Corner (More FAQs) File 2--Re: Piracy/Social Context (#4.42) File 3--Re: Piracy/Social Context (#4.42) File 4--PD-related IFAC symposium, 9/23, Madison File 5--Cliff Figallo Online (From EFFector Online, # 3.04) File 6--Bill Clinton on Electronic Technology (From EFFector 3.04) File 7--Call for Cu-Related Papers for MSS Cu-Digest is a weekly electronic journal/newsletter. Subscriptions are available at no cost from The editors may be contacted by voice (815-753-6430), fax (815-753-6302) or U.S. mail at: Jim Thomas, Department of Sociology, NIU, DeKalb, IL 60115. Issues of CuD can also be found in the Usenet news group; on CompuServe in DL0 and DL4 of the IBMBBS SIG, DL1 of LAWSIG, and DL0 and DL12 of TELECOM; on Genie in the PF*NPC RT libraries; from America Online in the PC Telecom forum under "computing newsletters;" on the PC-EXEC BBS at (414) 789-4210; and by anonymous ftp from ( and For bitnet users, back issues may be obtained from the mail server at European distributor: ComNet in Luxembourg BBS (++352) 466893. COMPUTER UNDERGROUND DIGEST is an open forum dedicated to sharing information among computerists and to the presentation and debate of diverse views. CuD material may be reprinted as long as the source is cited. Some authors do copyright their material, and they should be contacted for reprint permission. It is assumed that non-personal mail to the moderators may be reprinted unless otherwise specified. Readers are encouraged to submit reasoned articles relating to computer culture and communication. Articles are preferred to short responses. Please avoid quoting previous posts unless absolutely necessary. DISCLAIMER: The views represented herein do not necessarily represent the views of the moderators. Digest contributors assume all responsibility for ensuring that articles submitted do not violate copyright protections. - ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Sun, 13 Sep 92 11:21:01 CDT From: Moderators Subject: File 1--Moderators' Corner (More FAQs) Some more Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs), incuding some not exactly asked but thought we'd respond anyway: 1. WHY DOES CuD REPRINT STUFF THAT'S ALREADY APPEARED ON USENET OR FROM EFFector WHEN MANY READERS HAVE PROBABLY ALREADY SEEN THESE POSTS? We estimate that about one-third of our readers do not have conventional net access and read CuD from BBSs, public access systems without net-connections, or from other sources where they wouldn't see valuable information (such as the EFF posting below). Therefore, we try to provide a variety of material that would interest an incredibly diverse readership. 2. WHY DO THE MODERATORS SAY SOMETHING IS COMING OUT IN ISSUE #4.xx AND IT DOESN'T APPEAR UNTIL SEVERAL ISSUES LATER? Sometimes our own personal schedules prevent us from writing up our own material or following up on items. Usually, however, it's because of practical concerns, such as keeping issues to about 40 K (which means that two 20K posts intended for a single issue must be split if we have several 5-10K posts to include) or trying to keep thematic issues in sequence (such as the SPA issue which will most likely be two or three sequential issues), or--as is the case this week--because of a long post that comprises most of an issue, which moves everything forward. Hence, #4.44 will be The Cuckoo's Egg issue, and the following two will be SPA issues. WHEN DO YOU KEEP REMINDING PEOPLE THAT CuD WILL NO LONGER BE AVAILABLE AS AN ALT GROUP ON USENET? Because we are still receiving occasional posts inquiring why the version is not available on a given site. We are trying to be politely subtle in reminding sysads TO SWITCH OVER because the ALT version is about to disappear! NOBODY ASKED, BUT WHEN RESPONDING TO PREVIOUS ARTICLES: *PLEASE TRY* to keep cited material to a minimum. Generally, it is far better to summarize a post and make sure your own response is sufficiently clear that it addresses that post in a way that allows others to understand what the issues are. Good writing need not depend on long cites unless, of course, those cites are critical to the response. WHY DON'T THE MODERATORS ACKNOWLEDGE RECEIPT OF ARTICLES? We try to acknowledge *all* of them. Our system has no auto-reply, and everything is read by humanpholk. Sometimes things slip through the cracks. We'd like to think this is rare. We do our best. HOW DO I KNOW IF SOMETHING I'VE WRITTEN IS APPROPRIATE FOR CuD? If it addresses some issue of cyberculture, raises issues, provides new information, or generally says something people might find interesting, send it over. If it's not relevant, we'll let you know. NOBODY ASKED, BUT WHEN SENDING CONFERENCE ANNOUNCEMENTS: It helps to send stuff *prior* to the conference rather than a day or before it's to occur. Two-three weeks or more should be the minimum. - ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 11 Sep 92 15:16:56 JST From: "Robert J. Woodhead" Subject: File 2--Re: Piracy/Social Context (#4.42) With regards the following article, I have some comments. >Date--Tue, 1 Sep 1992 10:22:44 -0700 >From--James I. Davis >Subject--Software Piracy--The Social Context In CUD 4.42, James I. Davis argues that property rights in information are a bad idea. I would like to argue the opposite. First of all, I believe we can take it as a given that information has value. Ask any stockbroker, bookie or 5-star General if you don't believe me. Whenever commodities of value exist, so does the possibility of trade; buying and selling. In a free-market economy, prices are set based on supply and demand, with sellers attempting to maximize the equation of (# of copies sold)*(profit per copy). The fundamental difference between the sale of information and the sale of breakfast cereal (or any other physical commodity) is that when information is sold, nothing physical is transferred. Once you have a bit of information, you can sell it zillions of times, and what's more, anyone you sell it to can do likewise, if they were so inclined. Wherein lies the problem - if everyone can sell every bit of information they buy from another, the value of information, and thus the incentive to create it, plummets. Which is why it is only very rarely that information is actually sold - what you buy is the right to USE the information for your own benefit. Information industries have always been with us - book publication for example. There have been many analogies made between book and soft-ware publishers, but there is a fundamental difference; whereas it costs more to Xerox a book than to buy an original, the digital nature of software reverses the relationship. Why buy an original when you can get an identical copy much cheaper? My answer to the above is that when you make a copy, you are stealing from two groups of people : the people who create and distribute the software, and the people who legitimately buy it. In the first case, you are showing a lack of respect for the creative efforts of other people; in the second, you are forcing the legitimate customers to shoulder a larger share of the development expenses than they would otherwise have to. Mr. Davis totally misunderstands this relation-ship, as he demonstrates in his final paragraphs where he attempts to show that even with "24 billion" in piracy the software industry is still profitable. Most of that 24 billion came out of the pockets of legitimate users. Mr. Davis also misunderstands the meaning of the "Fair Use Doctrine," which applies to how information that has legally been acquired may be redisseminated. FUD has little or nothing to do with the concept of software piracy. What FUD does say is what the purchaser or recipient of information (eg: a computer game or a TV program) can do with the information - for example, it says you can make as many backup copies as you want, but not give them away. He then goes on to state that the enforcement of property rights in information would require a police state. Nonsense. What it requires is the proper application of contract law, something we have hundreds of years experience with. When you buy the right to use some infor-mation, you agree to abide by the restrictions placed upon you by the seller. If you don't like the restrictions, don't buy. If you decide to say "Screw You!" to the seller and steal it, expect to get censured it. He further argues that enforcing property rights impedes the proper dissemination of the storehouse of knowledge. I would argue the opposite. By placing value on particular types of information, such property rights guide the employment of human ingenuity in the direction of providing the most valuable and needed information, and the rewards given to those who create, or who have the wisdom to cause to be created, the most valuable information, encourage others. He bemoans the problems of schools and software, yet in fact the major reason why tons of wonderful software isn't available cheaply is due to the fact that schools are notorious for buying 1 copy for the entire school system (I speak from personal experience here). Very few companies specialize in educational software for schools for this reason. And his textbook example (sorry) is specious because it has nothing to do with software and everything to do with the cost of printing books. Lastly, Mr. Davis, after arguing that property rights = police state, advocates that we entrust to the government the duty of deciding who is to be paid for creating what information. Anyone who has actually seen how much time and money is wasted due to infighting about grants from the NSF would never make such a suggestion. He also brings up the red herring of "it isn't the creators who get the money, but the entrepreneurs." Hell, they risked the money to pay the creators, they deserve the rewards. Having been on all sides of the equation, I can tell you, in general everyone gets what they deserve. If a creator is truly that, and not just a hack programmer who can code a module, he can negotiate a % of the profits - just like in the movies. (except computer firms usually aren't as sneaky accounting-wise) Finally, he argues that property rights aren't needed to ensure software production. My answer is, yes and no. While many people create for the heck of it (me included), the fact is, there needs to be a way for people to protect the fruits of their labors if they choose to protect them. If the GNU approach is better than Micro-softs, then the marketplace will decide. The fundamental difference between myself and Mr. Davis (and the GNU folks) is that they feel that the government should make everyone do things the way they want, and I think that contract law and private agreements are all that are needed. I'll quote his last paragraph: >(4) But but but, how will software get written, who will finance it? >Knowledge is a _social_ treasury, and should be funded socially. >Public competitions, grants, a social fund supported by users, >whatever. We >have som>e models already: the university and federal >research model; the arts funding model; the GNU experiment; the >freeware and public domain experience. We're a creative and energetic >group -- we can figure it out. Welfare for Hackers. What a wonderful idea. (heavy sarcasm) Any hacker worthy of the name would spurn it. - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 10 Sep 92 09:14:49 EDT From: morgan@ENGR.UKY.EDU(Wes Morgan) Subject: File 3--Re: Piracy/Social Context (#4.42) >From-- James I. Davis >Subject-- Software Piracy--The Social Context > >Anne Branscomb, a strong advocate of property rights in information -- >admits that there is nothing "natural" about property rights (see her >essay "Property Rights in Information"). Property rights are social >conventions that are struggled over. And we shouldn't give up that >fight to the SPA. I disagree with several arguments used against said rights. >Re: software "piracy" in schools, perhaps we should see an extension >of "Fair Use Doctrine" to software use in schools. A bit of recent >history -- broadcast TV shows were not intended to be copied and >viewed at leisure at home. But to have stuck to that point, the courts >would have criminalized a substantial number of adults who were >time-shifting with their VCRs to watch soaps or football games or >whatever. Whoa! That wasn't the deciding factor at ALL! The decision was based on the notion of "personal use". As I understand it, the courts decided that individuals could record programs for later viewing. The court af- firmed the copyright of the broadcasters when they disallowed rescreening and/or rebroadcasting for profit. Even though you can tape "Days of Our Lives" for yourself, you CANNOT charge people to view, nor can you rebroadcast the program on your local Public Access channel. What's the difference between taping/rebroadcasting a TV show and copying/redistributing software? In each case, the initial step (taping or copying, respectively) is legal FOR PERSONAL USE ONLY; the second step (rebroadcasting/redistributing) is a violation of copyright. You'll notice that most software licenses allow you to make a backup copy FOR PERSONAL USE ONLY. >So "fair use", originally intended to allow book reviewers >to quote from works, was de jure extended to a de facto reality -- >people "stole" TV shows, and enjoyed them. I understand that fair use >extends to school use as well. Here's a relevant quote: "Section 107 of the Copyright Act establishes four basic factors to be examined in determining whether a use constitutes a "fair use" under the copyright law. These factors are: a) The purpose and character of the use, including whether such use is of a commercial nature or is for nonprofit educational use; b) The nature of the copyrighted work; c) The amount and substantiality of the portion of the work used in relation to the copyrighted work as a whole; and d) The effect of the use in question upon the potential market for or value of the copyrighted work. No one factor is determinative of a person's right to use a copyrighted work without permission. (EDUCATIONAL USE ALONE IS NOT SUFFICIENT TO MAKE A USE IN QUESTION A FAIR ONE.)" [Source: "Questions and Answers on Copyright for the Campus Community", the Association of American Publishers and the National Association of College Stores, Inc., 1991] We may agree that copying software meets criterion (a); the others are more difficult to justify. The crux of this particular problem lies in criterion (d). Copying software DEFINITELY affects the "potential market" for that software; if I can copy it, I don't have to buy it! >Why don't people just see that loaning disks, copying programs, etc. >is wrong? Because it's not obvious, and it certainly isn't "naturally" >wrong. I disagree. I find it painfully obvious that I should not take someone else's property and redistribute it injudiciously. >The SPA has to cultivate a mindset that isn't there. Most of the license agreements I've read are explicit "right to use" licenses, as opposed to a "transfer of ownership". If you purchase a copy of the software, you agree to abide by the terms of the agreement. You can argue the propriety of that agreement until you're blue in the face, but you still have a legal obligation to abide by its terms. The same notion applies to the terms of an apartment lease, a car rental con- tract, or the deed to one's home. Each of these contract contains several clauses which bind the parties to certain limitations. >You give >me knowledge, you still have use of it; now I can use it too. Computer software is not "knowledge". I can certainly share knowledge with you; I can teach you everything there is to know about Quattro Pro, WordPerfect, or Microsoft Windows. However, "sharing knowledge" does not include giving you something (the software it- self) for which I do not possess redistribution rights. >It's not like I stole your silverware or pinched your car. A >rather noble attribute, sharing, is turned into a crime! Sharing, while noble, only applies to those things which are yours. As I mentioned earlier, the computer software you purchase is not usually your property. Would you make a copy of Webster's Dictionary and give it to a friend? I don't believe that you would; most people would intuitively classify such copying as "wrong". The 'intangible' nature of computer software (some say "It's just bits on a floppy disk") does not negate this "common sense" approach. >And we are >all to be enlisted in this SPA scheme for policing property rights of >software companies. No thanks. Gee, why don't you just Xerox (tm) your entire printed library for me? I guess that would be just fine, right? >Property rights and information just don't go together: If we accept this notion, why do we have patents? After all, patented works are just a tangible expression of a particular piece of knowledge. Copy- righted works are a tangible expression of another kind; why should they be treated differently? >(1) The enforcement of property rights in information requires a >police state. The SPA encourages people to squeal on each other by >calling an 800 number. So? Most major companies have a "graft and corruption" number. Many government agencies (IRS, BATF) have similar facilities. Even local governments get into the act; do you have "CrimeStoppers" broad- casts on your local TV stations? >If the laws were enforced, I would bet that >_most_ computer users would be guilty. So? This is starting to sound like "everybody does it, so it must be allowed"......and that's a load of poppycock. >Hence, the population is >criminalized, and subject to police and court control. It has been estimated that over 70% of US taxpayers attempt to mislead the IRS on their yearly tax returns. [Source: US News and World Report] The IRS cannot audit every return, but they usually detect (and punish) the worst offenders. Does that "incomplete enforcement" somehow justify the illegal actions of the unpunished offenders? Hardly. The SPA (or the Copyright Office, or whoever) will never have the resources to police *everyone*. I suspect that the 'software police' will eventually follow the same principle as the IRS -- get the worst offenders. In fact, SPA's current actions reflect this trend. They (the SPA) aren't going after Joe Shmo and his Commodore 64; they're targeting the big corporations and universities. >Just because >the laws aren't enforced in totality doesn't mean that they can't be >used. Are you trying to create a distinction between "a bootleg copy of Turbo C on my son's PC" and "copying Turbo C for everyone in my office"? I don't believe that you can make this work; in each case, the action is improper. The fact that "my office" is more likely to be caught/punished than my son is irrelevant; both cases are improper. >(2) Enforcing property rights in information prevents the "storehouse >of knowledge" from being used optimally. I do not accept the equivalence of computer software and information, but I'll address a few of these points anyway....... >Hence society and civilization is held back. With the growing number of "public access" computing sites, this may very well become a moot point. Many high school computer facilities have "public hours" for their community(ies); many public libraries are establishing com- puter facilities for their patrons. I fail to see how "I can't get a free copy of Lotus" impedes the progress of civilization. >The lost productivity due to conflicting >standards and interfaces required because of proprietary interfaces >etc. is one example. This is true; however, are you going to force each and every company/school/person to adhere to some particular "nonproprietary" interface? If so, how do you hope to accomplish it? >The lost educational opportunities resulting from >schools not getting the software they need in the quantities they need >is another. I agree that this is a real problem. However, many software companies are now discounting bulk licenses for schools. Inexpensive "student versions" are available for many popular software packages, such as WordPerfect, Maple, and MATLAB. >The lost time of researchers who must duplicate research >because they are prevented from sharing information because of trade >secrecy or international competition is another. Please explain how "globally free" software would affect this situation. >The unavailability of >textbooks in poor countries because they cost as much as a month's >wages (or software that costs as much as a year's wages) is another . Several publishing houses in the Third World pirate textbooks; since their countries are not signatories to the Berne Convention, the original publishers cannot recover their losses. >(3) Property rights in information aren't needed to ensure software >production, creativity, advancement of society, etc. The freeware and >public domain library testify to this. People create for many reasons, >of which financial gain is only one, and I would argue, not the most >important. People may create for many reasons, but *companies* create for financial gain. >Finally, is the software >industry profitable today? Yes. It is profitable AT THIS TIME. Will it continue to be profitable in a society where piracy is allowed on any scale? I doubt it. >Even with the $24 billion in "piracy". >How can this be so? Because what the software companies "lose" is >revenue with no associated cost (the "pirate" has done the labor, and >presumably provided the equipment and disk). This is the difference >between stealing cars and duplicating software. That's incorrect. If I steal your car, you (or your insurance company) will have to pur- chase a new one. Honda (or GM, or whoever) has now given out TWO cars, but they have recognized a profit on each one. If I steal a copy of Lotus 1-2-3 (remember, you DO NOT OWN your copy; you merely have a license to use it), I do not have to pay Lotus. You don't have to pay for another copy; you still have your original. Lotus has now (effectively) given out TWO copies, but they have only recognized the profit from one copy. That sounds like a loss to me........ >(4) But but but, how will software get written, who will finance it? >Knowledge is a _social_ treasury, and should be funded socially. >Public competitions, grants, a social fund supported by users, >whatever. We have some models already: the university and federal >research model; the arts funding model; the GNU experiment; the >freeware and public domain experience. We're a creative and energetic >group -- we can figure it out. There's one topic which hasn't been addressed in this article; I rarely see it addressed in any article on this particular subject. The whole concept of copyrights (and patents) is based on the notion that the creator of a commercial product is entitled to some compensation for their effort. With patents, this compensation is realized through an exclusive production license for a certain number of years; with copy- rights, this compensation is realized through a similar exclusive license. (I believe that a personal copyright extends through the life of the owner, plus a certain extension after the owner's death.) By your arguments, I would not realize any significant compensation at all for the software I develop. In your society, I would just toss my product i into the population, and we'd all live happily ever after. That doesn't work, and it isn't right! If I pour 4 years of my life into the development of SnarkleFlex, I DESERVE to profit from it (assuming that people want to purchase/use it). We could certainly argue that software should be PATENTED. If software were patented (instead of copyrighted), both sides could be served equally: - The creator (or creating firm) would receive an exclusive license for the initial production of the product (software). This would ensure that the creator(s) received compensation for their efforts. - After a certain period of time (10 years? 20?), the product would lapse into the public domain; it could then be redis- tributed freely. As an alternative, previous versions of a particular package could lapse into the public domain upon the release of a newer version. For instance, SnarkleFlex 1.0 would become PD upon the release of SnarkleFlex 2.0. If I've done a good job on SnarkleFlex 2.0, people will prefer it to version 1.0; they'll buy the new version, I'll realize my profit, and other people can treat version 1.0 as PD. In fact, casting SnarkleFlex 1.0 into the public domain may actually CREATE new customers for version 2.0; after using the old version, they may decide to buy the new version! (Of course, I could also save money by dropping support for any versions that pass into PD status. Many companies drop support for older versions on a regular basis; for example, I don't think you can get support for SuperCalc 3 at this time) - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 10 Sep 1992 14:00:00 EDT From: Jeff Johnson Subject: File 4--PD-related IFAC symposium, 9/23, Madison - -+++++- Forwarded Message Date--Fri, 28 Feb 92 15:00:51 PST From--mad@mambo.Stanford.EDU (Marcia A. Derr) Subject--PD-related IFAC symposium The International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC) is holding symposium on Automated Systems Based on Human Skill (and Intelligence), September 23-25, 1992 in Madison, Wisconsin. According to the symposium announcement, ``the objective of the symposium is to bring together engineers, system designers, and end users, to bring about a closer integration between users, who often possess specific skills and designers who often seek designs to replace rather than enhance skills.'' The symposium will address such topics as - aspects of skill-based manufacturing, - human work design criteria, - design of better systems, - valuation of alternative work structures and organizations, and - participation of people involved. For more information, contact Prof. Frank Emspak School for Workers UWEX 610 Langdon Street Madison, Wisconsin 53703 USA Phone: 608-262-2111 FAX: 608-265-2391 - ------- End of Forwarded Message (Contributor Note:: There is a file on the CPSR archive server called IFAC CALL4PAP which can be retrieved by submitting the command GET IFAC CALL4PAP to the address LISTSERV@GWUVM.GWU.EDU, in the text of electronic mail. -peh) - ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 11 Sep 92 13:47:52 EDT From: Rita Marie Rouvalis Subject: File 5--Cliff Figallo Online (From EFFector Online, # 3.04) FIGALLO ONLINE AT EFF.ORG Cliff Figallo became the new director of EFF-Cambridge at the beginning of the month. Former director of The Whole Earth 'Lectronic Link (the EFF's birthplace), Fig is charged with developing and coordinating the Cambridge office's outreach activities, increasing active EFF membership, and expanding overall awareness of the EFF's programs in the computer-conferencing community and the world at large. Commenting on his new task, Figallo said, "EFF came upon the online scene a couple years ago with a big splash. I'd like for us to continue splashing. EFF is uniquely engaged in many useful and important activities in the areas of online civil liberties, sane lawmaking and advocacy of improved electronic highways for the future. I want news of these activities to get out to the people for whom we are making a difference. I also want us to develop better channels for these same people to communicate their wants and needs to those of us with access to the legal, informational and technical resources. Our purpose is to serve those wants and needs for the betterment of the world. "More specifically, I will encourage people to become members of EFF by demonstrating to them the value of a membership. One should expect noticeable benefits from paying membership dues and I intend to make it plain that those benefits exist and will only increase as more people become involved in telecommunications. I will also be working with regional groups who may be interested in forming local EFF chapters so that we can learn together how such affiliations can enhance our mutual effectiveness. "I'm excited about working here. I believe in what EFF is all about." Cliff can be reached as - ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 11 Sep 92 13:47:52 EDT From: Rita Marie Rouvalis Subject: File 6--Bill Clinton on Electronic Technology (From EFFector 3.04) STATEMENT OF BILL CLINTON FOR THE INSTITUTE OF ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONIC ENGINEERS (IEEE) Bill Clinton for President Committee * 1317 F Street, NW, Suite 902 * Washington DC 20004 Telephone 202-393-3323 FAX 202-393-3329 e-mail "We face a fundamental economic challenge today: to create a high-wage, high-growth national economy that will carry America into the 21st century. We need a long-term national strategy to meet this challenge and win. "Our productivity and income have been growing so slowly because we've stopped investing in the economic infrastructure that binds our markets and businesses together, in the education and training necessary to give our workers world-class skills, and in the research and development that can restore America to the cutting edge of the world economy. As a nation, we're spending more on the present and the past and building less for the future. We need a President who will turn the country around and refocus on the long view. As President, I will divide the budget into three parts, creating a separate 'future budget' for the federal government to make investments that will enrich our country over the long term. Today the federal government spends only 9 per cent of the budget on investments for the future; a Clinton Administration will double that. We will pay for it by diverting resources no longer needed for defense, but we will ensure that every dollar we take out of military R&D goes into R&D for civilian technologies until civilian R&D can match and eventually surpass our Cold War military R&D commitment. "As President, I will create an investment tax credit and a new enterprise tax cut that rewards those who invest in new businesses that create new jobs. I will also make the research and development tax credit permanent. "My administration will create a civilian research and development agency to support research in the technologies that scientists have already identified as the basis for launching new growth industries and revitalizing traditional ones over the next two decades. This civilian DARPA will coordinate R&D to help companies develop innovative technologies and bring new products to market. And without inhibiting the competition that drives innovation, we will encourage and promote collaborative efforts among firms and with research institutes for commercial development just as we have done with defense technologies for 40 years. "A Clinton Administration will create a high-speed rail network between out nation's major cities. And in the new economy, infrastructure means information as well as transportation. More than half the U.S. workforce is employed in information-intensive industries, yet we have no national strategy to create a national information network. Just as the interstate highway system in the 1950s spurred two decades of economic growth, we need a door-to-door fiber optics system by the year 2015; a link to every home, lab, classroom and business in America. "For small defense manufacturers hit by cuts in defense spending, the Small Business Administration will provide small conversion loans to help finance their transition, and launch a Technology Assistance Service -- modeled on the Agricultural Extension Service -- to provide easy access to the technical expertise it takes to convert to commercial production. "To enjoy the full benefit of these investments, we must do everything possible to open up markets now closed to American products. My administration will provide the leadership for Japan and the European countries to join us in coordinating our macroeconomic policies and in reaching multilateral trade negotiations. But we will also provide the muscle to open up Japan's markets to competitive U.S. products using a stronger and more carefully targeted "Super 301" approach. We favor a free and open trading system, but if our competitors won't play by those rules, we will play by theirs. "All the investments in the world won't mean much if our workers don't have the education or the skills to take advantage of the opportunities they create. My administration will fully fund Head Start, increase funding for Chapter 1, and provide seed money for innovative education projects. However, we will also raise standards by establishing a national testing system in elementary and secondary schools and instituting report cards for ever state, school district, and school in the nation, to measure their progress. We will also create a nationwide apprenticeship program for those young people who choose not to go to college, and a national trust fund for college loans for those who do. These loans will be repaid either as a small percentage of income over time or with a couple of years of national service. "With the strategy I have outlined, we can restore the American Dream by enabling every citizen and every business to become more productive, and in so doing, restore our nation to the front lines of high technology. - ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 13 Sep 92 18:59:51 CDT From: Jim Thomas Subject: File 7--Call for Cu-Related Papers for MSS Jim Thomas is organizing a session at the Midwest Sociological Meetings (April 7-10, '93) on "NEW INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES AND CRIME." The topic is broad, and includes computer deviance (hacking, viruses, computer crime, copyright, etc....); Methodological, ethical, legal, and other issues related to researching the topic; Law enforcement uses of new technology; New definitions and types of crime shaped by the "techno-revolution" in computers and telecommunications; and uses of technology to commit crimes or avoid detection. Empirical papers from a qualitative perspective are preferred. The deadine for paper titles and short (50-150 word abstract) is OCTOBER 15, 1992 Send them to: Jim Thomas Sociology Northern Illinois University DeKalb, IL (60115 (voice: 815-756-3839 ; fax: 815-753-6302) Or: tk0jut1@niu.bitnet / / - ------------------------------ End of Computer Underground Digest #4.33 ************************************