³GIF User Group (tm) ³Membership Information. ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ[ Update 06/24/92 ]ÄÄÄÄ APPLICATION INSTRUCTIONS ßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßß ú You can send in your application via mail. Please do not forget to send us an OFFICIAL PROOF of your age and also date of birth. (You must be 18 years or older). ú You can upload or mail your application to us but it will not be processed until we receive your OFFICIAL PROOF of age and date of birth. ú We are listed on the Fidonet Nodelist. You may also crash your application to us at Fidonet 1:152/37. We will place it on hold and wait for your OFFICIAL PROOF of age and date of birth to arrive. SHIPPING MEDIA ßßßßßßßßßßßßßß ù All GIF files will be placed on 360K, 1.2M 5¬", 720K 3«" or 1.44M 3«" diskettes . All disks & packaging are provided by us. PRICES ßßßßßß ù The service fee per diskette (not per file or program) is as follows : 360K : $1.95/disk (340 kbytes) 3 minimum disks) 1.2M 5¬" : $3.95/disk (1.2 megabytes) .............(3 Minimum Disks) 720K 3«" : $2.95/disk (720K-bytes) .............(3 Minimum Disks) 1.44M 3« : $4.95/disk (1.44 megabytes) .............(2 Minimum Disks) DC2000 40/80 Meg tape using Colorado 120 Meg tape back System. : $55.00/tape (includes tape) GIF-DISK-OF-THE-MONTH. : $8.95 (3 x 1.44M disks) GIF-TAPE-OF-THE-MONTH. : $45.00/tape (includes tape) All prices already include shipping & packing charges. ú No shipping charges if shipped within the US & Canada. Add $3 postage and handling per/order for International orders. ù You may order any quantity of GIF files, but a three 3 disk minimum for 360K, 720k and 1.2Meg disks orders and 2 disks minimum for 1.44Meg Disks orders. ù Each diskette is guaranteed as to quality; however, all GIF files are shipped "as is", without any warranty. ù Payment must be by check, or money order (no C.O.D.'s) and *MUST* be in US currency ONLY. ù If your order requires more diskettes than the check covers, a partial shipment will be made, and you will be notified via mail GIF CLASSIFICATIONS : ßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßß There are 4 classifications of GIF files : Class 1 : General Pictures. Class 2 : R-Rated Pictures. Class 3 : Adult Pictures. Class 4 : Adult Movies/Slide Show (Must use 1.44 Meg disk type due to size). You must tell us which classification of GIFs you wish to purchase from. PAYMENT ßßßßßßß We except only Personal checks, pre-paid money order or travellers checks in US Currency ONLY. Address all payments to : TDS International Network Send payment, application form and proof of age to : TDS International Network (Attn: GIF User Group Deparment) P.O. Box 3092 Eugene, OR 97403 Your order will be prepared & shipped to you once we have received your payment. BBS Support ßßßßßßßßßßß The PC ToyShop Information Exchange (503)-342-4447, (8/N/1), 24 Hours, 6 lines, HST DS. VOICE ßßßßß Call (503)-729-2565 (24 hours).