Hi friends! Someone asked me recently, "Why someone should join a small network like Harenet?" My first reaction was, why not? I did give it some thought though, and came up with a good number of excellent reasons. First of all, it's cheaper on the phone bill! Another issue, is that small means more intimate, less "rules", and you get to know the folks who are in the network. New users aren't overwhelmed by the sheer mass of people... and they will seldom get "slammed" because they ask a "silly question". HareNET is a small network, but some of the people who have been involved in the network are rather knowledgeable, experienced folks. Among the members are... echomail guru's computer programmers computer dealers a windows beta tester a major super-regional sysop some extremely knowledgeable DOS users And... they are all kind and considerate people, who will make a real effort to help anyone who asks, and enjoy chit-chat. Last but NOT least... is the track record of systems and sysops that have joined HareNET. It seems that HareNET provides a good platform for folks to get acclimated to echomail. Once they have been participating in HareNET for a while... the users (and sysops) seem to be able to join whatever other networks they wish... and fit right in.