Just who is this guy anyway? The semi official bio of Robert Parson Robert Parson is author of The Wired Future series and the continuing column The Electronic Identity in International Online Magazine. Mr. Parson is a Broadcast Journalist who has worked at several Radio and TV stations throughout the U.S. during his 15 year career. He is currently the News Director/Operations Manager for the Awareness News Network, a network that provides news and information to radio stations throughout Arkansas. Robert has won writing awards, has been honored by Chambers of Commerce and was an applicant for the Journalist in Space Program before the Challenger disaster (the JIS program remains suspended). In 1981, he produced a series of reports about the breakup of the AT&T system in the United States. Robert has also worked in Market Research and Financial Planning. Information Management and Distribution has always been a major factor in his career. International Online Magazine is one facet of that life's work. His entry into computers was slow at first. "I make my living writing, so I decided I needed a computer. But after doing some serious thinking about it, I realized that at that time all I really needed was a dedicated word processor." The word processor he bought, the Canon Cat, was quite unique. It had an unusual, but easy to use interface. Inexplicably, it also had an internal modem. That was his first introduction to computer communications. Although he could read only ASCII files, he realized the potential of telecommunications. Although he no longer uses the Cat, it still holds a special fascination. "It was the only machine I've ever used that was truly user friendly." Robert started writing for International Online Magazine when it was still known as Arkansas Bytes. "I read an article that bothered me and started writing a response." When the response shot up to 10k in size and he still wasn't finished, he rewrote, edited and broke it into five sections. The end result was The Wired Future series. Publisher/Editor Michael Gray offered Robert a position as a Consulting Editor with the magazine, which he accepted, the outgrowth of which is The Electronic Identity Column. Robert says he tries to explain information technology in layman's terms. "People often buy something and even if they know how it works, they may not fully understand it or how it affects their lives." Robert is married with two children and lives in Fort Smith, AR. He is, in his words, "moderately active" in the Fort Smith BBS community, can be found on the International Online Echo and subscribes to the national online service GEnie. He says he doesn't use pseudonyms on BBSs because "I have nothing to hide. I am my comments." E-Mail addresses: I/O echo Robert Parson GEnie R.PARSON1 Can be found regularly on Fort Smith, AR BBSs and on Arkansas Valley BBS, Russellville, AR using the name Robert Parson.