****************************************************************************** Comments entered by========> JIM LUCAS Wanted to let you know that Lightning Communications declared bank- ruptcy on September 8th. I am one of the casualties as I bought one of their 14.4 fax/modems on a sysop deal for $240 and it has since failed on me. I had seen an article in both Computer Shopper and in Boardwatch Magazine along with a favorable write-up in Boardwatch which prompted me to choose Lightning Comm for my 10th node line. I contacted Boardwatch and they mentioned that LC also stuck them for advertising fees. Thought it might be an idea for a story in one of your successive issues. Take care and best of luck with I/O! Dear Jim, Time and time again I hear of rip offs such as yours. I suggest to anyone who deals with mail order to read the BUYER'S BEWARE in the Computer Shopper Magazine. I personally suggest that when you see an GREAT! Bargain, that you look to the company and how long its been around. These fly by night operations are out there and only YOU lose. There is something to say about paying a little more for a name brand or going to a local computer store. Best to you Jim....good luck. Michael Gray - Publisher ****************************************************************************** JIM LUCAS closed the magazine on Sat 3-Oct-1992 at 03:42 hours.