How to get a FREE registered version of International Online Magazine It is very simple, when you download this months issue (IO1192.ZIP). There is a readme.exe file that you need to run. You will be given two options, print to screen or print to printer. With print to printer you will get a fill in the blank form. Just fill in the requested options and mail it in. Allow 5 to 10 days, then call Arkansas River Valley BBS (501) 968-1931 or 968-7390 and download your key file. The key will be archived using .ZIP and using the letter of your first name and your full last name. Place your serial.num (KEY FILE) into the directory with the IO Magazine. EXAMPLE - My name: Michael Gray I would download - MGRAY.ZIP Your key file will not be password protected. If the key file is tampered with in anyway, IT WILL NOT WORK properly.