LIGHTS! CAMERA! A NEW VERSION OF MACROMEDIA"S ACTION Multimedia presentation package, Action 2.0 for Windows, now includes data driven charting capabilities with automatic motion and DDE links. The new feature lets users create full motion 2-D and 3-D charts, such as pie and bar charts, and link them to Windows Applications that support DDE. Microsoft Excel or Lotus 1-2-3 for Windows are such programs. When source spreadheet data is changed, the moving Action! chart is automatically updated. The update supports new MIDI sound support and improved capabilities for importing slide presentations. Users can now import images from applications such as Harvard Graphics, Persuasion, Lotus Freelance, or PowerPoint in a single step; automatically separate text and graphics and apply a multimedia template. Action 2.0 for Windows also includes Macromedia's new royalty free application player, PlayAct, allowing any PC running Windows to playback an Action! Presentation without Action! running on the system. Check out this program.