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One day Alan Cottrill and I were talking on the phone, and we were discussing echomail and how it operated. Alan wanted to join a net that I was currently involved in. There was one catch, he couldn't unless he ran the same BBS software as I was running. Since that net was out of the question, he was looking at another net. This net had only one problem, it cost to much! For the longest time the net idea never came across either one of us. After a long while I had changed BBS software, and there I had the same problem as he did. Then one day the phone rang. I picked it up and Alan was on the other end. He had mentioned the idea of creating our own net. After hours of deliberating, we decided to start one. The only question we had now was, what type of processor we were going to use. So we attempted to use the one I was running. After a few calls and many headaches, we found out that many people wouldn't join because of the processor. So we changed to the process style we are using now. The Two Simplest Rules - ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ There are only two rules that we require you follow to carry USNet echomail. You must be able to run a Fido Style packer. The final and simplest rule, treat everyone in the net as they were a family member. Meaning, show respect to everyone. USNet Nodelist - ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ The nodelist is the most important part of USNet. The nodelist will connect you with every system, unless they are not flagged as PVT or DOWN, in USNet. You can request the nodelist from 10:100/3 using the magic filename NODE. The following is an example of the nodelist. Region,10,The_Pentagon,Region_1,Jeff_Bowman,1-216-493-4413,2400,CM,XA,TZ:-5 ; Host,100,The_Ultimate_BBS,Canton_OH,Alan_Cottrill,1-216-456-2547,2400,CM,XA Hub,2,The_Ultimate_BBS,Canton_OH,Alan_Cottrill,1-216-456-2547,2400,CM,XA ,3,The_Pentagon,Canton_OH,Jeff_Bowman,1-216-493-4413,2400,CM,XA,TZ:-5 ,4,Hall_Of_Fame_BBS,Waynesburg_OH,Walter_Vorhees,1-216-866-9375,2400,CM,XA ,5,Red_Eagle,Alliance_OH,Richard_Bacorn,1-216-823-3242,9600,V32,H96,V42 Here is what this means. The region is to be considered a state. The host will be considered a city and the others will be considered houses. Front End Mailer - ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Outside of the nodelist, this will be the MOST important aspect of USNet. A front end mail is a program that runs in front of your BBS. When a user calls your system, he will be actually calling your mailer and your mailer will pass the baud rate to the BBS program. Such mailers include: Front Door D'Bridge Binkley There are many items that will be included with your mailer. One item will be the control file. The following is an example of a control file: ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ USE ZONE 1,10 NODELIST C:\FD\NODELIST\NODELIST.* PVTLIST C:\FD\NODELIST\USNET.* ; ; DIAL / / DIAL ; These are to strip the 1 and the area code out of local numbers 1-216-456 456 ;Canton 1-216-477 477 ;Canton 1-216-493 493 ;Canton 1-216-297 1-297 ;Ravenna 1-216-866 866 ;WaynesBurg 1-216-823 823 ;Alliance END ; PHONE ; This Is To place Numbers That Are PVT Unlisted! END ; ; COST [BAUD RATE] COST 13 150 ; Default: 18 cents for domestic calls ; Default: 150 cents for international calls 456 0 ;Canton 477 0 ;Canton 493 0 ;Canton 1-297 13 ;Ravenna 823 2 ;Alliance END ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ The USE ZONE command is to compile certain zones inside a nodelist(s). The nodelist command will compile 1 and only 1 nodelist. The nodelist command MUST exist for everything to work properly. The PVTLIST command is used to compile another nodelist. The Dial command will strip assigned numbers out of the raw nodelist. The PHONE command works just like the dial command, but this command will insert numbers that have been flagged as private. But you will need the number of the private system. One final command need to get you started is the COST command. This command will insert the set amount (dollar amount) onto an outgoing message. Handling Of Echomail - ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ This will be very simple task once you understand the concept. The routing of echomail is very simple. The nodes, considered houses earlier will send ALL echomail to a hub. A hub is a meeting point of echomail in a given point. Once the hub processes the echomail, he in turn will either send the new mail to another hub, region, or zone. Once this is accomplished everything will run in a cycle. All echomail tags, meaning area names, will be handled inside of a files called AREAS.BBS or similar. The following is an example of my AREAS.BBS ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ The Pentagon - Canton, Oh.. # 216-493-4413 Jeff Bowman ; 100 USNET_CHAT 200/1 230/1 100/2 101 PILLOW_TALK 200/1 100/2 102 AUTO_RACING 200/1 230/1 103 MOVIE_REVIEWS 200/1 100/2 104 HARDWARE 200/1 100/2 105 CURRENT_EVENTS 200/1 100/2 106 TRAVEL 200/1 100/2 107 SPORTS_CORNER 200/1 100/2 108 GENERAL_CHAT 109 TRIVIAL_PURSUIT 200/1 100/2 110 POLITICAL_EVENTS 200/1 111 MILITARY_&_FED_AGENC 200/1 112 COOKING 200/1 100/2 230/1 113 SYSOP_MAIL 200/1 100/2 230/1 114 NEWSLETTER 115 COMPUTER_4_SALE 200/1 100/2 116 SOFTWARE_SUPPORT 200/1 100/2 117 C_PROGRAMMING 200/1 118 QUICKBASIC 200/1 230/1 119 SCI_FI 200/1 100/2 120 FOR_THE_GAMER 200/1 100/2 230/1 121 FIELD_&_STREAM 200/1 100/2 122 US#1_MUSIC 100/2 ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ The first line is what they call you origin line. This origin line will be place at the end of all outgoing messages after they have been processed. The lines following are your area numbers, names, and node numbers. Here is an example: 113 SYSOP_MAIL 200/1 100/2 230/1 ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ | | | | --- Node numbers who Area number | who get this echo inside of BBS | Area name Just a few more things have to be mentioned about the operation of echomail. When a user calls to get echomail he/she will do one of the following: download the mail to read it offline, or read it online. No matter which is done, the following guidelines have to be met. 1. Quote ONLY parts of the messages you need to explain your point. 2. Delete the origin line of the message you are replying to. This is to prevent deletion of messages by some processors. 3. Be polite in your message. Nobody wants to be humiliated. Echomail will be sent in a defined hour. If there is a system in your area that is involved with USNet and the system is either a hub, region, or zone you may have a constant mail hour. This means you can send message anytime of the day. The mail hours are as followed: ÄÄÄ¿ EASTERN 4:00 AM ³ CENTRAL 3:00 AM ³ MOUNTAIN 2:00 AM ÃÄÄÄÄ Daylight Savings PACIFIC 1:00 AM ³ ÄÄÄÙ Required Echos - ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ We only ask that you carry two echomail groups. The required groups are USNET_CHAT and SYSOP_MAIL. USNET_CHAT is required so that all nets carrying echomail may interact. SYSOP_MAIL is required so that all sysops may interact with user intervention. SYSOP_MAIL is to be used only by Sysops and Co-Sysops. Applying For A Node Number - ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ This will be the easiest task of all. Inside of this package is a file called APPLY.NET. Fill this text file out and send it to 10:100/3. If you are just interested in a node number, not echomail, you may send the file to my system at 1-216-493-4413. Once I have received your application, you will received your net/node number though your mailer or though your BBS within 5 working days. If you wish to be a help site for your BBS program, or other software you must carry echomail and have extensive knowledge in the program you are using. Starting A New Echo - ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Starting a new echo is very simple. All that has to be done to start a new echo is; send the areatag name and a description of the conference to 10:100/3 and you will receive a message stating if the echo is a go. Please give me approximately 3 days to get back with you. What File You Can Get From 10:100/3 ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ You can request the following files anytime using the magic file name. NEWNODE: This Package ECHOLIST: This Of All USNet Echos NODE: The Latest Nodelist NODETXT: The Latest Human-Readable Nodelist ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ