Dec. 5, 1992 Here is a breakdown of changes to the PASSWRDS file required by STUNY mods to date. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- The first set of STUNY mods dated 07/04/92 add a 14th parameter to the PASSWRDS file. This parm sets the number of logins allowed before RBBS will force a caller to change their password. If this parm is set to 0 RBBS will not force any password change. The STUNY mods dated 07/24/92 add two more PASSWRDS parms. Although the docs say these parms are 14 & 15, they are actually 15 & 16, since the 14th parm was added in the 07/04 mods. Parm 15 is the number of carrier drops a user can have before their security level will be lowered. The 16th parm is the number of security levels to drop; IE: If the SysOp sets parm 15 to 10 and a caller has had that many total carrier drops, their security level will be lowered. If parm 16 is set to 2, and that user is a level 8, they will be dropped to level 6. The STUNY's dated 09/15/92 added no further changes to the passwords file. In the STUNY mods dated 11/10/92 another passwords file change occurred. This parm is set to either 0 or 1, and work as follows: 0 - Will not force the caller to read mail 1 - Forces caller to read mail at log-on. * So, to date, there have been four parameters added to the PASSWRDS file, and a simple breakdown would be: 14 - # of logins to allow before forcing caller to change password. 15 - # of carrier drops allowed before lowering caller security level. 16 - How many security levels to drop the caller. 17 - Force\not force mail read at log-in.