Clinton/Gore in '92??......................NOT!!! President Clinton, The Waffle House, Washington, D.C. This tagline has been taxed by a liberal Democrat. According to Slick Willie this tagline is in Decline Thanks for using Environmentally Correct E-Mail "There is a perfectly logical explanation.."-Clinton Slick Willie, The "Politically Correct" Robin Hood.. "....I'd rather be driving!" (With Ted Kennedy) Clinton-"I'll debate anytime anyplace ON MY TERMS." Clinton thought the IRA was the Internal Revenue! "Patriot Missles go down air shafts..." -Clinton High Lottery Number or High on Dope? Clinton..NOT! Willie, About Gennifer Flowers, did you inhale? Family Values Runs in the Family at the Kennedy's Assume Room Temperature; "Die" -Limbaugh Lexicon Arts & Croissant Crowd "Trendy lefties" -Limbaugh Make love to a Democrat ........Hug a Tree! Both Sides With Jesse Jackson? Wheres the other side? Legalize Marajuana.. Elect two Democratic Dopeheads! Big Government=Small Paycheck....Vote BUSH/QUAYLE The Hilary Factor... Practice birth control PLEASE! Tipper Canoe and Al Bore too! Support NAFTA, export Clinton and Bore