Files System Help: Files subcommands (Uploading requires access level 2 or higher): A - Ascii upload file to BBS (no error checks or masks) C - XMODEM Upload file to BBS (CRC mode) D - Directory of available (public) files G - Goodbye - sign off system H - Help file Q - Quit back to main BBS S - Send file from BBS (XMODEM protocol) T - Type file from BBS to caller (text dump) X - XMODEM upload - The IBM filename convention of using an 8 character filename with a 3 letter extension is observed. - The XMODEM (Christensen) file transfer protocol is supported, as well as a 2K upload capture buffer with XON/XOFF handshaking. The XMODEM protocol only works if both ends of the transfer are using a program supporting the protocol. - When uploading, the XMODEM protocol uses one of two error checking methods: checksum or CRC. Use the checksum upload ("X") option if you are unsure of whether your file transfer program can support CRCs.