Captain Vargas Enters the Room: SO, ya want to know more 'bout the gse, eh? Well I'll tell ya about 'er. The GSE is run on an IBM compatible computer with: 640k memory 20 meg hard drive 1 floppy drive Color monitor Hayes 1200 Smartmodem Zillions of disks.. This program is written in Turbo Pascal and is about 70% original code and is based on Turbo BBS by Bob Maxwell. oh yeah, one more thing, Ya know those neat plastic boxes ya can keep your disks in? I'm sure glad i got one of those things.. why just the other day.. 'The First Mate Chris Chronos taps the Captain on the shoulder and reminds him that he is babbling again. while the first mate wipes the drool from the captains chin you find yourself back at the GSE command console.'