.topic NoContext=0 MAIN Help ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ °±²Û³ NewEdit V1.03 ³Û²±° ÔÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ; Al Andersen PO BOX 2436 Sierra Vista, AZ 85636 CompuServe 71610,3214 Internet: aandersen@huachuca-emh2.army.mil Topics: {Dialogs:Dialogs} ³ {Editor:Editor_Commands} ³ {Menus:Menus} ³ {Glossary:Glossary} Updates will be available on CompuServe, BPROGA forum, in the OOP library. If you don't have access to CompuServe, send $10 to the above address with your name and address and I'll send it to you. Please specify whether you want a 5-1/4" or 3-1/2" diskette. Special thanks to Johnathan Stein and Tom Campbell for their contributions and support. Test code for this program was developed with SHAZAM. A SHAZAM version of NEDEMO is available from Johnathan Stein. Send $10.00 and your name, address and disk size (5¬ or 3«) to: Johnathan J. Stein Post Office Box 346 Perrysburg, OH 43552 419-666-7103 CompuServe 76576,470 .topic Dragging=1 DRAG Mode {MAIN Help:NoContext} The current window is being moved or resized. Press [Enter] to keep the current position, or [Esc] to restore the former position and/or size. .topic Menus=2000 MENUS Help {MAIN Help:NoContext} Select which menu you would like help on. Topics: {File:File_Menu} ³ {Edit:Edit_Menu} {Search:Search_Menu} ³ {Windows:Windows_Menu} {Desktop:Desktop_Menu} ³ .topic File_Menu=2100 FILE Menu [Alt]-[F] {MENUS Help:Menus} This menu allows you to access various file commands. Select which menu item you would like help on. Sub Topics: {Open:Open} ³ {New:New} ³ {Save Continue:Save} ³ {Save Done:SaveDone} ³ {Save File:SaveAs} {Change Dir:ChangeDir} ³ {Shell To DOS:ShellToDos} ³ {Exit:Exit} ³ ³ .topic Open OPEN [F3] {FILE Menu:File_Menu} Select a file from disk to edit. .topic New NEW {FILE Menu:File_Menu} Automatically open a blank edit window with the {title:GTitleBar} of UNTITLED. You can start typing text right away. .topic Save SAVE CONTINUE [F2] {FILE Menu:File_Menu} {SAVE Cmds:Saving} Save text in the current window to disk and continue editing. If your window is titled UNTITLED, you will be asked to supply a file name. Otherwise, the text is saved to disk using the current {window title:GTitleBar}. This command is disabled until you open an edit window. .topic SaveDone SAVE DONE [Ctrl]-[K]-[D] {FILE Menu:File_Menu} {SAVE Cmds:Saving} Save text in the current window to disk and close the edit window. If your window is {titled:GTitleBar} UNTITLED, you will be asked to supply a file name. Otherwise, the text is saved to disk using the current window title. This command is disabled until you open an edit window. .topic SaveAs SAVE FILE [Ctrl]-[K]-[F] {FILE Menu:File_Menu} {SAVE Cmds:Saving} Save text in the current window to disk under a new file name. You are asked to which file you would like to save the text. The file may be an existing disk file, or a new file. Once your text is saved, you can continue using the editor on the current edit window. Note that the {window title:GTitleBar} will change to reflect your new file name. This command is disabled until you open an edit window. .topic ChangeDir CHANGE DIR {FILE Menu:File_Menu} Change to another directory. .topic ShellToDOS SHELL TO DOS {FILE Menu:File_Menu} Drop into MS-DOS to use various DOS commands, run other programs, and do all those wondrous things MS-DOS allows you to do. When you are done using MS-DOS, type in "EXIT" and you will return to where you were in your application. .topic Exit EXIT [Alt]-[X] {FILE Menu:File_Menu} Terminate the current application and return to MS-DOS. Before the application is terminated, all windows on the {desktop:GDesktop} will be saved to the default desktop file on disk. The current video mode is saved with the {desktop:GDesktop}. The next time you use this application, the last {desktop:GDesktop} you had open will be restored, along with the video mode you were in. .topic Edit_Menu=2200 EDIT Menu [Alt]-[C] {MENUS Help:Menus} This menu allows you to cut, copy, and paste text to and from the clipboard. You can also undelete your last text operation, clear {selected text:GSelectedText} from your document without putting it into the clipboard, or view current clipboard contents. Sub Topics: {Undo:Undo} ³ ³ {Copy:Copy} ³ {Cut:Cut} ³ {Paste:Paste} {Clipboard:Clipboard} ³ ³ {Clear:Clear} ³ ³ {Spell Check:SpellCheck} ³ .topic Undo UNDO [Ctrl]-[U] {EDIT Menu:Edit_Menu} [Ctrl]-[Q]-[L] {EDITOR Cmds:Editor_Commands} Undo your last text operation. Whether you entered text that you don't really want, or accidentally deleted some text you would like to restore, UNDO will restore the text to its original context. However, you must select UNDO before you use any {cursor key:Cursor}. The UNDO buffer is based on cursor movement. As long as you are entering or deleting text you can UNDO it. This also applies to marking blocks of text and deleting them. The deletion can be undone, as long as you don't move the cursor with a {cursor key:Cursor} (i.e., [PgUp], [Right-Arrow], [Home], etc.). Once the cursor is moved, the UNDO buffer flushes itself and the original text context is forever gone. This does not apply to using any of the text {reformatting keys:Formatting}. Wordwrap can not be undone. Nor can paragraph or document reformatting. This command is disabled until you enter or delete text in an edit window. .topic Copy COPY [Ctrl]-[Ins] {EDIT Menu:Edit_Menu} [Ctrl]-[K]-[K] {MOVING Cmds:Moving} {SELECT Cmds:Selecting} Copy selected text to the {clipboard:Clipboard}. Using COPY indicates that you want to take a "copy" of your {selected text:GSelectedText}, leaving the text in your document intact. This command is disabled until you place text on the {clipboard:Clipboard}. .topic Cut CUT [Shift]-[Del] {EDIT Menu:Edit_Menu} [Ctrl]-[K]-[Y] {DELETE Cmds:Deleting} {SELECT Cmds:Selecting} Cut {selected text:GSelectedText} out of your document to the {clipboard:Clipboard}. Using CUT indicates that you want to "cut" your {selected text:GSelectedText}, removing the text from your document. This command is disabled until you place text on the {clipboard:Clipboard}. .topic Paste PASTE [Shift]-[Ins] {EDIT Menu:Edit_Menu} [Ctrl]-[K]-[C] {MOVING Cmds:Moving} Paste text into your document from the {clipboard:Clipboard}. In order to use this option, text must have been placed on the {clipboard:Clipboard} previously using {COPY:Copy} or {CUT:Cut} commands. This command is disabled until you place text on the {clipboard:Clipboard}. .topic Clipboard CLIPBOARD {EDIT Menu:Edit_Menu} View the contents of the clipboard. The clipboard will be blank unless you previously put something on it using the {COPY:Copy} or {CUT:Cut} commands. To exit the clipboard, press [Alt]-[F3] and you will return to your current edit window. .topic Clear CLEAR [Ctrl]-[Del] {EDIT Menu:Edit_Menu} {DELETE Cmds:Deleting} {SELECT Cmds:Selecting} Clear selected text from your document. This is much like the {CUT:Cut} option, but the {selected text:GSelectedText} is not put on the {clipboard:Clipboard}. Use this command only if you want to delete selected text for good. This command is disabled until you {select text:GSelectedText}. .topic SpellCheck SPELLCHECK {EDIT Menu:Edit_Menu} This option demonstrates how the current edit window can be saved to disk to allow an external spelling checker to be run. Once the spell checker is done, the window is reopened for editing. .topic Search_Menu=2300 SEARCH Menu [Alt]-[S] {MENUS Help:Menus} {EDITOR Cmds:Editor_Commands} This menu allows you to look for and/or replace text within your document. It also offers the option of quickly repeating the last find or search/replace action. Sub Topics: {Find:Find} ³ {Search/Replace:Replace} {Again:Again} ³ .topic Find FIND [Ctrl]-[Q]-[F] {Search Menu:Search_Menu} Find a particular bit of text in your document. A {dialog box:GDialogBox} will appear asking you what text to find, and gives you the option of finding text that is case sensitive or whole words only. This command is disabled until you open an edit window. .topic Replace SEARCH/REPLACE [Ctrl]-[Q]-[A] {SEARCH Menu:Search_Menu} This is similar to using {FIND:Find} text, however you also have to provide text with which to replace text you find. A {dialog box:GDialogBox} will appear asking you what text to find, what text to replace it with, and if the search is case sensitive, for whole words only, to prompt before replacing text, or to replace all finds without prompting. This command is disabled until you open an edit window. .topic Again AGAIN [Ctrl]-[L] {SEARCH Menu:Search_Menu} This will allow you to quickly repeat the last {FIND:Find} or {SEARCH/REPLACE:Replace} action without having to enter your {FIND:Find} or {SEARCH/REPLACE:Replace} parameters into a {dialog box:GDialogBox} again. This command is disabled until you open an edit window. .topic Windows_Menu=2400 WINDOWS Menu [Alt]-[W] {MENUS Help:Menus} This menu allows you to navigate amongst the different windows open on the {desktop:GDesktop}, resize of move a window, or arrange your windows in a tile or cascade pattern on the {desktop:GDesktop}. Sub Topics: {Resize/Move:Resize} ³ {Zoom:Zoom} ³ {Previous:Prev} ³ {Next:Next} {Close:Close} ³ {Tile:Tile} ³ {Cascade:Cascade} .topic Resize RESIZE/MOVE [Ctrl]-[F5] {WINDOWS Menu:Windows_Menu} Resize or move the current window on the {desktop:GDesktop}. The first thing you will note is that the {window border:GWindowBorder} will change color. You can now resize or move the window. ÉÍ[þ]ÍÍÍÍÍ Title ÍÍÍÍÍ[]Í» <--Title Bar º º º º º º º º º º ÈÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÄÙ <--{Resize corner:GResizeCorner} To resize the window, hold the [Shift] key down and press the right or down arrow. If you are using a mouse, you must first click on the bottom right {"resize" corner:GResizeCorner} of the window, and while holding the mouse button down, move it right or down to make the window grow. You reverse the process to shrink the window. To move the window, you press the arrow key that corresponds to the direction you want to move the window. To move it quickly, press the [Ctrl] key and the arrow key that corresponds to the direction you want to move the window. If you are using a mouse, you must place the mouse cursor on the {title bar:GTitleBar} of the window, press the mouse button, and move the window to where you want it while you hold the mouse button down. When you are done resizing/moving the window, press [Enter] and the {window border:GWindowBorder} returns to its default color. If you are using a mouse, just let go of the mouse button. This command is disabled unless a window that can be resized/moved is on the {desktop:GDesktop}. .topic Zoom ZOOM [F5] {WINDOWS Menu:Windows_Menu} Toggle between filling the {desktop:GDesktop} with the current window, or shrinking the window to its normal size. ÉÍ[þ]ÍÍÍÍÍ Title ÍÍÍÍÍ[]Í» <--Title Bar º º º º º º º º º º ÈÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÄÙ <--Resize corner If you are using a mouse, click on the arrow(s) on the {title bar:GTitleBar} of the window. Windows without arrow(s) on the {title bar:GTitleBar} of the window can not be zoomed. This command is disabled unless a window that can be zoomed is on the {desktop:GDesktop}. .topic Prev PREVIOUS [Shift]-[F6] {WINDOWS Menu:Windows_Menu} Go back to the previous window on the {desktop:GDesktop}, if you have multiple windows open. Note that there is a bug in TurboVision. If you have only one window open on the {desktop:GDesktop} and try to go to the previous window and then the next window, your cursor gets lost. Simply press a key to get the cursor back. This command is disabled unless there is at least one window on the {desktop:GDesktop}. .topic Next NEXT [F6] {WINDOWS Menu:Windows_Menu} Go to the next window on the {desktop:GDesktop}, if you have multiple windows on the {desktop:GDesktop}. Note that there is a bug in TurboVision. If you have only one window open on the {desktop:GDesktop} and try to go to the previous window and then the next window, your cursor gets lost. Simply press a key to get the cursor back. This command is disabled unless there is at least one window on the {desktop:GDesktop}. .topic Close CLOSE [Alt]-[F3] {WINDOWS Menu:Windows_Menu} Close the window that is currently selected on the {desktop:GDesktop}. You select this option when you are done using a window. You may also press the [Esc] key in many instances, or use the mouse to click on the {close icon:GCloseIcon} in the upper left corner of a window. Close Icon:[þ] ÉÍ[þ]ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ[]Í» º º º º º º º º º º ÈÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍͼ This command is disabled unless there is at least one window on the {desktop:GDesktop}. .topic Tile TILE {WINDOWS Menu:Windows_Menu} Arrange all windows on the {desktop:GDesktop} in a tile pattern. An example of four windows tiled on the {desktop:GDesktop} would look like this: ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ É[þ]ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ1Í[]»ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ2ÄÄ¿ ³ ³ º º³ ³ ³ ³ º º³ ³ ³ ³ º º³ ³ ³ ³ ÈÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍͼÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ ³ ³ ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ3ÄÄ¿ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ4ÄÄ¿ ³ ³ ³ ³³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ Tiled Windows This command is disabled unless there is at least one window on the {desktop:GDesktop}. .topic Cascade CASCADE {WINDOWS Menu:Windows_Menu} Arrange all windows on the {desktop:GDesktop} in a cascade pattern. An example of four windows cascaded on the {desktop:GDesktop} would look like this: ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ1Ä¿ ³ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ2Ä¿ ³³ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ3Ä¿ ³³³É[þ]ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ4Í[]» ³³³º º ³³³º º ³³³º º ³³³º º ³³³º º ÀÀÀÈÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍͼ Cascaded Windows This command is disabled unless there is at least one window on the {desktop:GDesktop}. .topic Desktop_Menu=2500 DESKTOP Menu [Alt]-[O] {MENUS Help:Menus} This menu allows you to load and store the {desktop:GDesktop}, and to toggle between regular and 43/50 line screen mode. Sub Topics: {Load Desktop:LoadDesktop} ³ {Store Desktop:SaveDesktop} ³ {43/50 Lines:ToggleVideo} ³ ³ .topic LoadDesktop LOAD DESKTOP {DESKTOP Menu:Desktop_Menu} Load a previous {desktop:GDesktop} from disk. Note that you must have previously saved a {desktop:GDesktop} for this option to work, and it is always retrieved from the same file. The video mode of the previous {desktop:GDesktop} is restored when you load that {desktop:GDesktop}. .topic SaveDesktop SAVE DESKTOP {DESKTOP Menu:Desktop_Menu} Save your current {desktop:GDesktop} to disk. Note that the {desktop:GDesktop} is automatically saved when you exit the application, and it is always saved to the same file! The video mode of the current {desktop:GDesktop} is also saved to the file. .topic ToggleVideo 43/50 LINES {DESKTOP Menu:Desktop_Menu} Toggle between regular and 43/50 line video mode, providing your video card can support it. This option is disabled if your video card does not support 43/50 line video mode. .topic Editor_Commands=2700; EDITOR COMMANDS {Main Index:NoContext} The NEWEDIT editor is a small, compact, 64K editor based on the Borland Integrated Development Environment (IDE) editor. Unlike the IDE editor, it also supports wordwrap, and several other WordStar commands. Sub Topics: {Centering:CenterText} ³ {Cursor:Cursor} ³ {Deleting:Deleting} {Formatting:Formatting} ³ {Indenting:IndentMode} ³ {Inserting:InsertLine} {Margins:RightMargin} ³ {Moving:Moving} ³ {Marking:Marking} {Saving:Saving} ³ {Searching:Search_Menu} ³ {Selecting:Selecting} {Tabs:Tabbing} ³ {Undo:Undo} ³ {Wordwrap:Wordwrap} .topic Cursor CURSOR Cmds {EDITOR Cmds:Editor_Commands} The following topics are available for cursor movement: Sub Topics: {Appearance:InsMode} ³ {Char Left:CharLeft} ³ {Char Right:CharRight} {Document End:TextEnd} ³ {Document Start:TextStart} ³ {Jump Line:JumpLine} {Jump Mark:JMarker_Menu} ³ {Line Down:LineDown} ³ {Line End:LineEnd} {Line Start:LineStart} ³ {Line Up:LineUp} ³ {Page Bottom:EndPage} {Page Down:PageDown} ³ {Page Up:PageUp} ³ {Page Top:HomePage} {Scroll Up:ScrollUp} ³ {Scroll Down:ScrollDown} ³ {Word Left:WordLeft} {Word Right:WordRight} ³ ³ .topic Deleting DELETE Cmds {EDITOR Cmds:Editor_Commands} The following topics are available for deleting text: Sub Topics: {Char Left:DelChar} ³ {Char Right:BackSpace} ³ {Line:DelLine} {Line End:DelEnd} ³ {Line Start:DelStart} ³ {Selected Clear:Clear} {Selected Cut:Cut} ³ {Word:DelWord} ³ .topic Formatting FORMAT Cmds {EDITOR Cmds:Editor_Commands} The following topics are available for formatting text: Sub Topics: {Document:ReformDoc} ³ {Paragraph:ReformPara} .topic Marking MARK Cmds {EDITOR Cmds:Editor_Commands} The following topics are available for text place markers: {Goto:JMarker_Menu} ³ {Set:SMarker_Menu} .topic Moving MOVING Cmds {EDITOR Cmds:Editor_Commands} The following topics are available for moving text: Sub Topics: {Copy Text:Copy} ³ {Paste Text:Paste} .topic Saving SAVE Cmds {EDITOR Cmds:Editor_Commands} The following topics are available for saving text: {Save And Continue:Save} {Save And Done:SaveDone} {Save To File:SaveAs} .topic Selecting SELECT Cmds {EDITOR Cmds:Editor_Commands} The following topics are available for selecting text: {Clear:Clear} ³ {Copy:Copy} ³ {Cut:Cut} {Hide:HideSelect} ³ {Start:StartSelect} ³ {Word:SelectWord} .topic Tabbing TAB Cmds {EDITOR Cmds:Editor_Commands} The following topics are available for setting and using tabs: {Set:SetTabs} ³ {Use:TabKey} .topic BackSpace DEL CHAR RIGHT [BackSpace] {DELETE Cmds:Deleting} [Ctrl]-[H] {EDITOR Cmds:Editor_Commands} Move the cursor to the left one space, deleting the character before it. .topic CenterText CENTER LINE [Ctrl]-[Q]-[C] {EDITOR Cmds:Editor_Commands} Center text on the line your cursor is sitting on. Text is centered according to the current value of the right margin. This command is disabled until you open an edit window. .topic CharLeft CHAR LEFT [Left Arrow] {CURSOR Cmds:Cursor} [Ctrl]-[S] {EDITOR Cmds:Editor_Commands} Move the cursor to the left one space. No characters are deleted. .topic CharRight CHAR RIGHT [Right Arrow] {CURSOR Cmds:Cursor} [Ctrl]-[D] {EDITOR Cmds:Editor_Commands} Move the cursor to the right one space. No characters are deleted. .topic DelChar DEL CHAR LEFT [Del] {DELETE Cmds:Deleting} [Ctrl]-[G] {EDITOR Cmds:Editor_Commands} Delete the character to the right of the cursor. All other characters on the line are moved to the left to fill the vacant space. .topic DelEnd DEL TO END LINE [Ctrl]-[Q]-[Y] {DELETE Cmds:Deleting} {EDITOR Cmds:Editor_Commands} Delete all characters from the current cursor position to the end of the current line. .topic DelLine DELETE LINE [Ctrl]-[Y] {DELETE Cmds:Deleting} {EDITOR Cmds:Editor_Commands} Delete the current line. All lines below it are moved up by one line. .topic DelStart DEL TO START LINE [Ctrl]-[Q]-[H] {DELETE Cmds:Deleting} [Ctrl]-[Backspace] {EDITOR Cmds:Editor_Commands} Delete all characters from the current cursor position to the start of the line. .topic DelWord DELETE WORD [Ctrl]-[T] {DELETE Cmds:Deleting} {EDITOR Cmds:Editor_Commands} Delete characters from the current cursor position to the last character in the word, if the cursor is sitting in a word. If the cursor is sitting in spaces, all spaces to the beginning of the next word will be deleted. .topic EndPage PAGE BOTTOM [Ctrl]-[End] {CURSOR Cmds:Cursor} {EDITOR Cmds:Editor_Commands} Move the cursor to the bottom of the current page. A page is defined as all text that is within the current window frame. .topic HideSelect HIDE SELECTION [Ctrl]-[K]-[H] {EDITOR Cmds:Editor_Commands} {SELECT Cmds:Selecting} Unhighlight any text you may have selected. You press this key sequence if you decide you don't need to perform any action on the selected text. Pressing the down arrow without the [Shift] key will do the same thing. .topic HomePage PAGE TOP [Ctrl]-[Home] {CURSOR Cmds:Cursor} {EDITOR Cmds:Editor_Commands} Move the cursor to the top of the current page. A page is defined as all text that is within the current window frame. .topic IndentMode AUTO-INDENT [Ctrl]-[Q]-[I] {EDITOR Cmds:Editor_Commands} Toggle the editor auto-indent feature on/off. Auto-indent will automatically indent the cursor to the same position on the next line as the first character on the current line when [Enter] is pressed. If Auto-Indent is on, an "I" will appear on the edit window indicator line. This command is disabled until you open an edit window. .topic InsertLine INSERT LINE [Ctrl]-[N] {EDITOR Cmds:Editor_Commands} Insert a carriage return and line feed pair at the current cursor position. All characters at the cursor position and to the end of the line will be moved down to the next line. Unlike the [Enter] key, the cursor stays at its current position and does NOT move down to the next line. .topic InsMode INSERT MODE [Ins] {CURSOR Cmds:Cursor} [Ctrl]-[V] {EDITOR Cmds:Editor_Commands} Toggle the cursor between insert and overstrike mode. In insert mode, characters are inserted into the text at the current cursor position and all characters after the cursor are moved to the left. In overstrike mode, characters at the cursor position are replaced with the new character you type. .topic JumpLine JUMP TO LINE [Ctrl]-[J]-[L] {CURSOR Cmds:Cursor} Quickly jump to any line in your document. A {dialog box:GDialogBox} will appear that requests the line number you wish to jump to. Valid entries are 1 through 9999. Your cursor will remain on the current line if you enter an invalid line number. This command is disabled until you open an edit window. .topic LineDown LINE DOWN [Down Arrow] {CURSOR Cmds:Cursor} [Ctrl-[X] {EDITOR Cmds:Editor_Commands} Move the cursor down to the next line. .topic LineEnd LINE END [End] {CURSOR Cmds:Cursor} [Ctrl]-[Q]-[D] {EDITOR Cmds:Editor_Commands} Move the cursor from its current position to the end of the line. .topic LineStart LINE START [Home] {CURSOR Cmds:Cursor} [Ctrl]-[Q]-[S] {EDITOR Cmds:Editor_Commands} Move the cursor from its current position to the start of the line. .topic LineUp LINE UP [Up Arrow] {CURSOR Cmds:Cursor} [Ctrl]-[E] {EDITOR Cmds:Editor_Commands} Move the cursor up one line. .topic NewLine NEW LINE [Enter] {EDITOR Cmds:Editor_Commands} [Ctrl]-[M] Insert a carriage return at the current cursor position. The cursor will move down to the next line. If Auto-Indent is on, the cursor will indent to the the same position as the first character of the line the cursor was on when [Enter] was pressed. Otherwise the cursor goes to the first position of the new line. .topic PageDown PAGE DOWN [PgDn] {CURSOR Cmds:Cursor} [Ctrl]-[C] {EDITOR Cmds:Editor_Commands} Move the cursor down a page at a time through your text. Note that a page is defined as all text that is within the current window frame. This is not a "true" page down feature, in that the first time you press the key the cursor simply goes to the bottom of the current page. You'll probably have to press it twice to get to the next page. Thereafter, it works as a true page down feature. .topic PageUp PAGE UP [PgUp] {CURSOR Cmds:Cursor} [Ctrl]-[R] {EDITOR Cmds:Editor_Commands} Move the cursor up a page at a time through your text. Note that a page is defined as all text that is within the current window frame. This is not a "true" page up feature, in that the first time you press the key the cursor simply goes to the top of the current page. You'll probably have to press it twice to get to the previous page. Thereafter, it works as a true page up feature. .topic ReformDoc DOCUMENT REFORM [Ctrl]-[Q]-[U] {FORMAT Cmds:Formatting} Quickly reformat your document text. A {dialog box:GDialogBox} will appear that allows you to select whether to begin reformatting at the current cursor position or from the beginning of the document. Reformatting is based on the position of the first character in the first line of a paragraph and the current right margin setting. You must be VERY careful when using this feature for you can easily ruin your document's appearance using the reformatting feature. You can NOT undo the reformatting process. It is permanent. Therefore, you are advised to save your document BEFORE you use this feature. This command is disabled until you open an edit window. .topic ReformPara PARAGRAPH REFORM [Ctrl]-[B] {FORMAT Cmds:Formatting} Quickly reformat a paragraph. Reformatting is based on the position of the first character of the current line the cursor is on and the current right margin setting. Reformatting takes place from the current line to the end of the paragraph. You can NOT undo the reformatting process. It is permanent. This command is disabled until you open an edit window. .topic RightMargin RIGHT MARGIN [Ctrl]-[O]-[R] {EDITOR Cmds:Editor_Commands} Set a right margin value for the editor. A {dialog box:GDialogBox} will appear that asks you to enter a right margin value. Right margin values may range from 10 to 255. The default right margin is 76. The right margin is used by the editor wordwrap, reformatting, and centering features to determine where to wrap a line of text. This command is disabled until you open an edit window. .topic ScrollDown SCROLL DOWN [Ctrl]-[Z] {CURSOR Cmds:Cursor} {EDITOR Cmds:Editor_Commands} Emulates the IDE function of scrolling the screen up while maintaining the cursor position. If the original cursor position scrolls off the screen, the cursor scrolls down a line. This forces the cursor to stay in the upper left corner of the screen should the original cursor position scroll away. .topic ScrollUp SCROLL UP [Ctrl]-[W] {CURSOR Cmds:Cursor} {EDITOR Cmds:Editor_Commands} Emulates the IDE function of scrolling the screen down while maintaining the cursor position. If the original cursor position scrolls off the screen, the cursor scrolls up a line. This forces the cursor to stay in the lower left corner of the screen should the original cursor position scroll away. .topic SelectWord SELECT WORD [Ctrl]-[K]-[T] {EDITOR Cmds:Editor_Commands} {SELECT Cmds:Selecting} Highlight the current word the cursor is sitting on. The word is marked from the current cursor position to the next space or end of line, whichever comes first. The marked word is put into the clipboard without further effort on your part. Marking works in the normal manner, i.e., it disappears the moment you move the cursor. Note that NOTHING will happen if you try to use this command when the cursor is sitting on a space or the end of a line. .topic SetTabs TAB STOPS [Ctrl]-[O]-[I] {TAB Cmds:Tabbing} Enter custom tab stop preferences in a {dialog box:GDialogBox}. These tab stops are used to allow you to quickly insert spaces, or jump over text to a designated tab stop. This command is disabled until you open an edit window. .topic StartSelect START SELECT [Ctrl]-[K]-[B] {EDITOR Cmds:Editor_Commands} [Shift]-[Down Arrow] {SELECT Cmds:Selecting} Start selecting text. Selected text is that text which is not the same color as normal text. You select text when you want to perform a particular action on that text and no other text, such as {COPY:Copy}, {CUT:Cut}, {CLEAR:Clear}, etc. .topic TabKey TAB KEY [Tab] {EDITOR Cmds:Editor_Commands} [Ctrl]-[I] {TAB Cmds:Tabbing} Move the cursor to the next tab stop. Tab stops default to every fifth character on a line. You may reset the tab stops by using [Ctrl]-[O]-[I]. When in INSERT mode, the cursor will attempt to go to the next tab stop, happily INSERTING SPACES as it looks for that next stopping point. If it is at the last tab stop, it stops inserting spaces and takes a big jump to the first character of the next line. Try to keep tab use to a minimum when the cursor is in insert mode. You eat up valuable buffer space real quick! When in OVERSTRIKE mode, the cursor will attempt to go to the next tab stop, happily skipping over characters as it looks for that next stopping point. If it is at the last tab stop, OR the line is too short to allow it to reach the next tab stop, it takes a big jump to the first character of the next line. .topic TextEnd DOCUMENT END [Ctrl]-[PgDn] {CURSOR Cmds:Cursor} [Ctrl]-[Q]-[C] {EDITOR Cmds:Editor_Commands} Move the cursor from its current position to the end of the document. .topic TextStart DOCUMENT START [Ctrl]-[PgUp] {CURSOR Cmds:Cursor} [Ctrl]-[Q]-[R] {EDITOR Cmds:Editor_Commands} Move the cursor from its current position to the start of the document. .topic WordLeft WORD LEFT [Ctrl]-[F] {CURSOR Cmds:Cursor} [Ctrl]-[Right-Arrow] {EDITOR Cmds:Editor_Commands} Move the cursor to the beginning of the previous word. Use this feature when you want to quickly jump from word to word. .topic WordRight WORD RIGHT [Ctrl]-[A] {CURSOR Cmds:Cursor} [Ctrl]-[Left Arrow] {EDITOR Cmds:Editor_Commands} Move the cursor to the beginning of the next word. Use this feature when you want to quickly jump from word to word. .topic Wordwrap WORDWRAP [Ctrl]-[O]-[W] {EDITOR Cmds:Editor_Commands} Toggle the editor wordwrap feature on/off. Wordwrap allows you to type in text and automatically wrap to the next line when the cursor reaches the current right margin setting. If wordwrap is on, a "W" will appear on the edit window indicator line. This command is disabled until you open an edit window. .topic JMarker_Menu,JumpMark1,JumpMark2,JumpMark3,JumpMark4,JumpMark5,JumpMark6,JumpMark7,JumpMark8,JumpMark9,JumpMark0=2750 GOTO MARKER [Ctrl]-[Q]-[#] {CURSOR Cmds:Cursor} {MARK Cmds:Marking} Using the WordStar [Ctrl]-[Q]-[#] key sequence, where "#" is a number 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9, or 0, will allow you to access up to 10 place markers you have previously set in your text. Your cursor will go nowhere if you try to jump to a non-existant marker. This command is disabled until you open an edit window. .topic SMarker_Menu,SetMark1,SetMark2,SetMark3,SetMark4,SetMark5,SetMark6,SetMark7,SetMark8,SetMark9,SetMark0=2770 SET MARKER [Ctrl]-[K]-[#] {MARK Cmds:Marking} Bring up a sub menu that allows you to set up to 10 place markers in your text. Using the WordStar [Ctrl]-[K]-[#] key sequence, where "#" is a number 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9, or 0, will allow you to set up to 10 place markers in your text. This command is disabled until you open an edit window. .topic Dialogs=2800 DIALOG Menu {MAIN Help:NoContext} The following topics are available for {dialog boxes:GDialogBox}: {Cancel/No:DCancel} ³ {OK/Yes:DOk} ³ {Change Dir:DDirName} {Find:DFindText} ³ {Jump To Line:DLineNumber} ³ {Reformat:DReformDoc} {Replace:DReplaceText} ³ {Right Margin:DRightMargin} ³ {Tab Stops:DTabStops} .topic DCancel,DNo Cancel Ü No Ü {DIALOG Menu:Dialogs} ßßßßßßßß ßßßßßßßßß Clicking on these buttons, or pressing [Esc], says "No, go back to what I was doing -- don't change or do anything!". .topic DOK,DYes Ok Ü Yes Ü {DIALOG Menu:Dialogs} ßßßßßßßß ßßßßßßßßß Clicking on these buttons, or pressing [Enter], says "Yes, keep the changes I've made". .topic DAbout ABOUT The Program {MAIN Help:NoContext} This is just an introductory screen. Ego and all that jazz! Press [Enter] or click on the OK button to continue. .topic DDirName DIRECTORY NAME [Alt]-[N] {DIALOG Menu:Dialogs} {DIR Tree:DDirTree} {FILE_Menu:File_Menu} You may type in a directory name, or press the down arrow to get a history of previous directory names. If you are using the mouse, click on the {history icon:GHistoryIcon} to the right of the {input line:GInputLine}. .topic DDirTree DIRECTORY TREE [Alt]-[T] {DIR Name:DDirName} {CHDIR Button:DChDir} Move the highlighted bar with the up/down arrow keys, or your mouse, to the directory of your choice. Note that the current directory will remain highlighted. .topic DChDir CHDIR Button {DIR Tree:DDirTree} {REVERT Button:DRevert} Pressing the CHDIR button will move you into the directory tree area. .topic DRevert REVERT BUTTON {CHDIR Button:DChDir} {DIR Name:DDirName} Pressing the REVERT button will change the directory selection to what it was when you originally brought up this {dialog box:GDialogBox}. .topic hcDName FILE Name [Alt]-[N] {DIALOG Menu:Dialogs} {FILES List:hcDFiles} Enter the file name you would like to load. Press [Enter] to accept the current contents on the {input line:GInputLine}. You can also press the down arrow to bring up a {history list:GHistoryIcon} of any previous entries. .topic hcDFiles FILES List [Alt]-[F] {DIALOG Menu:Dialogs} {FILE Name:hcDName} Files are shown in alphabetical order. You can use the down/up or left/right arrows, or PgUp/PgDn, to navigate about the file list, moving the highlight bar as you go. You can also start typing the name of the file you want and the highlight bar will move to that file name. .topic DFindText FIND Text [Alt]-[T] {DIALOG Menu:Dialogs} {FIND Options:CCaseSensitive} {SEARCH Menu:Search_Menu} Type in the text that you wish to find. You can also press the down arrow key to bring up a history list of the last text you looked for. Clicking the mouse on the {history list icon:GHistoryIcon} to the right of the {input line:GInputLine} will do the same thing. .topic DLineNumber LINE Number {DIALOG Menu:Dialogs} Enter a line number from 1 to 9999. You may press the down arrow to select from a history list of previous entries, or use the mouse to click on the {history icon:GHistoryIcon} to the right of the {input line:GInputLine}. .topic DReformDoc REFORMAT Text {Reform Current:CReformCurrent} {Reform Entire:CReformEntire} {DIALOG Menu:Dialogs} Select one of the buttons to tell the editor where you want to start searching. You may click on the appropriate button with your mouse, or use the up/down arrow keys to highlight the proper button. .topic DReplaceText REPLACE Text [Alt]-[N] {DIALOG Menu:Dialogs} {REPLACE Options:CPromptReplace} {FIND Options:CCaseSensitive} {SEARCH Menu:Search_Menu} Type in the replacement text you want. You can also press the down arrow key to bring up a history list of the last replacement text. Clicking the mouse on the {history list icon:GHistoryIcon} to the right of the {input line:GInputLine} will do the same thing. .topic DRightMargin RIGHT MARGIN {DIALOG Menu:Dialogs} Enter a right margin value from 10 to 255. Press the down arrow or click on the {history icon:GHistoryIcon} to the right of the {input line:GInputLine} to bring up a history list of prior entries. .topic DTabStops TAB Stops {DIALOG Menu:Dialogs} Use your right/left cursor keys to move the cursor to the tab stop you want to delete/set. Press the spacebar to delete tabs, or any other character key (like [x]) to set a tab stop. IMPORTANT: If you press spacebar immediately after you bring this dialog up, all tab stops will be erased! You can push the down arrow or click on the {history icon:GHistoryIcon} between the OK and CANCEL buttons to bring up a history list of previous tab stop settings. .topic CCaseSensitive=2900 FIND Case Sensitive {FIND Text:DFindText} {Whole Words:CWholewords} {REPLACE Text:DReplaceText} Select this box to search for case sensitive text, which means text must match the case of the text you entered before a match is found. You may select this box by clicking with your mouse, or use the up/down arrow keys to highlight the proper box. The [Spacebar] will toggle the box on/off. .topic CWholeWords FIND Whole Words {FIND Text:DFindText} {Case Sensitive:CCaseSensitive} {REPLACE Text:DReplaceText} Select this box to search for whole words only, which means that no match will be found if the text you input is part of a word (i.e, TIME -- "sometime" is NOT a match). You may select this box by clicking with your mouse, or use the up/down arrow keys to highlight the proper box. The [Spacebar] will toggle the box on/off. .topic CPromptReplace REPLACE Prompt On Replace {REPLACE Text:DReplaceText} {Replace All:CReplaceAll} {FIND Text:DFindText} Select this box to request the editor to prompt you for each matching occurance before replacing text. You may select this box by clicking with your mouse, or use the up/down arrow keys to highlight the proper box. The [Spacebar] will toggle the box on/off. .topic CReplaceAll REPLACE Replace All {REPLACE Text:DReplaceText} {Prompt On Replace:CPromptReplace} {FIND Text:DFindText} Select this box to request the editor replace all matching occurances without prompting. You may select this box by clicking with your mouse, or use the up/down arrow keys to highlight the proper box. The [Spacebar] will toggle the box on/off. .topic CReformCurrent Reform Current {REFORMAT Text:DReformDoc} {Reform Entire:CReformEntire} Select this button if you want to reform your document starting at the line the cursor is currently on. You may select this button by clicking with your mouse, or use the up/down arrow keys to highlight the proper button. The [Spacebar] will toggle the box on/off. .topic CReformEntire REFORM Entire {REFORMAT Text:DReformDoc} {Reform Current:CReformCurrent} Select this button if you want to reform your entire document, starting with the very first line. You may select this button by clicking with your mouse, or use the up/down arrow keys to highlight the proper button. The [Spacebar] will toggle the box on/off. .topic Glossary=3000 GLOSSARY Menu {MAIN Help:NoContext} The following topics are available for help. {Close Icon:GCloseIcon} ³ {Desktop:GDesktop} {Dialog Box:GDialogBox} ³ {History Icon:GHistoryIcon} {Input Line:GInputLine} ³ {Memory Indicator:GMemIndicator} {Menu Bar:GMenuBar} ³ {Pulldown Menu:GPullDownMenu} {Resize Corner:GResizeCorner} ³ {Selected Text:GSelectedText} {Status Bar:GStatusBar} ³ {Title Bar:GTitleBar} {Window Border:GWindowBorder} ³ .topic GCloseIcon GLOSSARY Close Icon {GLOSSARY Menu:Glossary} The close icon appears in the upper left corner of almost every window. By clicking on it with your mouse, you can quickly close a window. If you are not using a mouse, press [Alt]-[F3] or [Esc]. Close Icon:[þ] ÉÍ[þ]ÍÍÍÍÍ Title ÍÍÍÍÍ[]Í» <--Title Bar º º º º º º º º º º ÈÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÄÙ <--Resize corner .topic GDesktop GLOSSARY Desktop {GLOSSARY Menu:Glossary} The desktop refers to all the space on the screen between the {Menu Bar:GMenuBar} and the {Status Bar:GStatusBar}. All windows that appear in this area are considered part of the desktop. .topic GDialogBox GLOSSARY Dialog Box {GLOSSARY Menu:Glossary} A dialog box is a window that pops up to either tell you of some error condition that has occured, or to request further input before an action can be completed. An example is the Change Directory dialog, which requests you enter the name of the directory you would like to change to. A dialog box can several {input lines:GInputLine}, such as the search/replace dialog, and usually has several buttons associated with it that allow you to tell the dialog whether to accept or abort your dialog. .topic GHistoryIcon GLOSSARY History Icon {GLOSSARY Menu:Glossary} The history icon is a little box with the down arrow in it. It is usually situated near an {input line:GInputLine} within a {dialog box:GDialogBox}. The history icon is selected by pressing the down arrow, or clicking on it with the mouse. It brings up a new window that contains a list of all previous commands that may have been input. The list is usually 10 items deep. You can select from this list by using the mouse to scroll through it, or the up/down arrow keys. Pressing [Enter] accepts the input and places it on the {input line:GInputLine}. This feature allows you to quickly pick previous entries. .topic GInputLine GLOSSARY Input Line {GLOSSARY Menu:Glossary} An input line is always found within a {dialog box:GDialogBox}. It allows you to enter data to allow some further action to take place. Input lines will usually have a {history icon:GHistoryIcon} associated with them, thereby allowing you to quickly select from amongst a list of previous entries. .topic GMemIndicator GLOSSARY Memory Indicator {GLOSSARY Menu:Glossary} The memory indicator is situated on the bottom right corner of the screen, at the end of the {status bar:GStatusBar}. It shows you how much memory is available for further use by the application. Memory available is shown in "bytes." .topic GMenuBar GLOSSARY Menu Bar {GLOSSARY Menu:Glossary} The menu bar is the bar that goes across the top of your screen with the names of the {pulldown menus:GPulldownMenu} in it. Pressing the [F10] key will highlight one of the menu titles, or pressing the [Alt] key and the highlighted letter of the menu name will pull down that menu. Clicking on the menu name with a mouse will do the same thing. .topic GPulldownMenu GLOSSARY Pulldown Menu {GLOSSARY Menu:Glossary} A pulldown menu is a menu of options that is usually not visible unless you request to "pull it down." The {menu bar:GMenuBar} contains the names of the various pull down menus available for your use. You press the [F10] key to access the {menu bar:GMenuBar} and and use the arrow keys to pick the menu name you want. Then press [Enter] to pull the menu down. An alternate method is to use the [Alt] key in conjunction with the highlighted character of the menu name. Clicking on the menu name with a mouse will do the same thing. .topic GResizeCorner GLOSSARY Resize Corner {GLOSSARY Menu:Glossary} The "resize corner" of a window is the bottom right corner that appears a bit different from the rest of the {window border:GWindowBorder}. By clicking on it with a mouse, you can resize a window to the dimensions you want. Not all windows have this corner, for not all windows can be resized. ÉÍ[þ]ÍÍÍÍÍ Title ÍÍÍÍÍ[]Í» <--Title Bar º º º º º º º º º º ÈÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÄÙ <--Resize corner .topic GSelectedText GLOSSARY Selected Text {GLOSSARY Menu:Glossary} Selected text is that text which you highlight in your document. Once text has been selected, you may COPY, CUT, or CLEAR the text. Selected text has a different color than regular text. .topic GStatusBar GLOSSARY Status Bar {GLOSSARY Menu:Glossary} The status bar is the bar that appears at the bottom of your screen. The bar is there to inform you of the commands that are available for your use. The bar is also used to provide information as to what a particular menu option will do. .topic GTitleBar GLOSSARY Title Bar {GLOSSARY Menu:Glossary} Every window has a title bar. The title bar is simply the name of the file that is associated with this particular window. The title bar of a dialog box us usually an indicator as to the function of that dialog. ÉÍ[þ]ÍÍÍÍÍ Title ÍÍÍÍÍ[]Í» <--Title Bar º º º º º º º º º º ÈÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÄÙ <--Resize corner .topic GWindowBorder GLOSSARY Window Border {GLOSSARY Menu:Glossary} All windows have a border around them, be it an edit window or a {dialog box:GDialogBox}. The border tells you several things about a window. If the border is highlighted, it means that window is the active window, or the one you are using. If the border is not highlighted, it means the window is not active. If the border changes to a color that is not normal for active or inactive windows, it means you are resizing and/or moving it. .topic GZoomIcon GLOSSARY Zoom Icon {GLOSSARY Menu:Glossary} The zoom icon is located in the upper right corner of most windows. It means that this window can be zoomed in on to fill the whole {desktop:GDesktop} or can be zoomed out of to resume its normal size. Not all windows can be zoomed. {Dialog boxes:GDialogBox} are usually not "zoomable." Zoom Icon [] ÉÍ[þ]ÍÍÍÍÍ Title ÍÍÍÍÍ[]Í» <--Title Bar º º º º º º º º º º ÈÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÄÙ <--Resize corner