MagArtDa Emerald Coast Software's Magazine Articles Database Version 2.01 Load this program into your computer while you are reading or scanning through your computer magazines each month. As you are reading or scanning, you will be able to quickly and easily enter information about an article, tidbit, program, advertisment, hardware, etc. Once the information is entered, you will be able to retrieve it on a moments notice. MagArtDa is a full featured, complete, fully functional and not crippled, professional quality software program. If you are like me, you subscribe to a number of magazines. While reading these magazines each month, I come across many interesting items, articles and tidbits. Later on, especially when I am writing a program, I recall that I have seen some information in one of the magazines that I would like to review because it could save me a lot of programming time, or, while having a friend over, just to have something that would spark a good conversation or discussion. To search through the back issues of many magazines in order to find the information that would save me a lot of time, or, would be a good conversation topic, would waste even more valuable time. ( Your friend might get tired of waiting or get mad, and go home ). Not with MagArtDa. Find that topic, article or tidbit in seconds. Don't lose a friend.