USING SUBACCOUNTS TO TRACK HOUSEHOLD EXPENSES Subaccounts, a new feature with version 6.0, gives MONEYCOUNTS EXTRA users the capacity to generate detailed and specific reports and graphs about groups of accounts. This feature is convenient in a business application where a summary or detailed report of an account group is desired. However, it is also a useful feature in a home accounting application. The subaccount option could be used to track the total amount paid for utilities, insurances, automobile expenses and other expenses. Accounts must be created in a parent/child format. Select the option A. Accounts from the Main Menu of MONEYCOUNTS 6.0. Next choose option A. to add new accounts. The at (@) sign is the key indicator for subaccounts. This sign is required for MONEYCOUNTS to recognize the account as a subaccount. No spaces are entered between the parent header, the at (@) sign and the child description. Parent headers may be as long as 25 characters or as short as four characters. Keep in mind when creating parent headers the description line is limited to 25 characters. A shorter parent header may be important if the description of an account is lengthy. REPORTS Several types of reports are offered at the Report Processor Menu. After choosing the report needed, MONEYCOUNTS presents a screen with the options to change the defaults, or send to the screen, disk or printer. MONEYCOUNTS allows changing report defaults when one of the following options is selected: Actual for Year, Budget for Year, Actual Vs Budget, Actual Vs Prior Month, or Chart of Accounts. By pressing the letter key next to the option, the option toggles from one choice to another. Press [D] and the subaccounts will be combined. Press [D] again, and the subaccounts will show in detail. GRAPHS Both pie charts and bar charts can display a complete financial picture. A bar chart graphs individual account activity from one month to the next. A pie chart displays the makeup of a particular account or account category for any one period. A bar chart should be generated to show the monthly total of an individual account for a period of a year. A pie chart could be prepared to display the percentage of total utilities compared to all other expenses; it could also show the percentage of an individual subaccount to the total of that account. A graph may be displayed as either a pie chart or bar chart. Only bar charts may be displayed for individual accounts. Only pie charts may be prepared for financial statement data ( Income Statement, Assets, Debt/Equity ). The option is presented to use year-to-date totals when graphing financial statement data. [A] Account Data Individual accounts. Bar chart only. [B] Categories: Option 1. Graphs all accounts. Bar chart or pie chart. [C] Categories: Option 2. Combines subaccounts. Bar chart or pie chart. [D] Income Statement. Profit and Loss. Pie chart only. [E] Assets. Asset Accounts from the balance sheet. Pie chart only. [F] Debt and Equity. Liability and equity accounts from the balance sheet. Pie charts only. CUSTOMIZED HEADINGS When reports or graphs print with subaccount groups, MONEYCOUNTS uses the parent account title for the report or graph title. A file may be created with QUITEWRITE or another word processor to customize report headings. The file should consist of the subaccount prefix, an equals sign ( = ), and the desired heading. This file must be saved in as ASCII format, in the MONEYCOUNTS data directory or on the data floppy, with the file name SUBHEAD.DAT. Since this file is located within the data files, each data directory or floppy disk may contain a different SUBHEAD.DAT file. This allows for a wide range of customized report headings.