.topic Edit EDIT Menu (Alt-E) {ΔΩ Prior:NoContext} Cut-and-paste editing commands. Topics: {Undo:undo} {Cut:cut} ³ {Copy:copy} ³ {Paste:paste} ³ {Show clipboard:showclipboard} {Clear:clear} .topic Undo Help on UNDO {ΔΩ Prior:edit} Cancel changes to the current line. .topic Cut Help on CUT (Shift-Del) {ΔΩ Prior:edit} Remove selected text, place in Clipboard .topic Copy Help on COPY (Ctrl-Ins) {ΔΩ Prior:edit} Copy selected text into Clipboard .topic Paste Help on PASTE (Shift-Ins) {ΔΩ Prior:edit} Insert selected text from Clipboard into the current window at the current cursor position. .topic ShowClipboard Help on SHOW CLIPBOARD {ΔΩ Prior:edit} Open the Clipboard window. .topic Clear Help on CLEAR (Ctrl-Del) {ΔΩ Prior:edit} Delete selected text. Does not place in Clipboard.