The following is provided by The Bible Study Center of Irvine, Kentucky as a thought starter from one of over 2200 in-depth Bible Studies we have available. If you would like more Info, write to us at P.O. Box 1, Irvine, Kentucky 40336 or call our computer bulletin board at (606) 744-6079 OR (606) 723-3333 to download files of ascii text Bible Studies which you can use with any type of computer. Most of the Bible studies on the BBS get into much deeper areas of the scriptures including many aspects of REVELATION and prophecy for today covered in deep detail. If you like more depth to your studies than most people are used to getting, give the board a try. YOU WILL NEVER BE ASKED FOR DONATIONS, ETC. We offer NO OBLIGATION Bible Studies WITHOUT anyone pestering you for money or anything else. Our studies will only interest SERIOUS Bible students and will DOWNRIGHT BORE anyone else. Over 2200 studies available; 300/1200/2400/9600/14400 baud (v.32/v,32bis/HST/v.42bis) 24 hours a day. This study may be freely posted on other bbs' and distributed to others provided this leader remains with the study text at all times. PEOPLE OFTEN ASK US, "WHAT IS YOUR CHURCH LIKE???" In some ways, that question is difficult to answer. Our MAIN emphasis is to STUDY the DEEPER ASPECTS of the Bible. God stated in Jeremiah 3:15 (prophesying of the New Testament Church) that He would give PASTORS who would "FEED (God's people) with KNOWLEDGE AND UNDERSTANDING". Paul taught in Acts 20:28 that the ministry has the responsibility of "FEEDING" God's people (with SPIRITUAL food), and Jesus emphasized the very same teaching in John 6:53-63 where his talk of His people "eating" him was a reference to our FEEDING upon the WORD OF GOD (vs. 63). The following questions are about just a few of the subjects we have studied during services in past years. HOW MANY OF THESE QUESTIONS CAN YOU ANSWER? KNOWING THE MEANING OF THE SCRIPTURES IS MUCH MORE IMPORTANT THAN JUST KNOWING WHAT THEY SAY!!!! (1) Why is the number 40 so special in the BIBLE and what does it mean for us who live in today's world? (2) What does Jephthae's sacrifice of his daughter SYMBOLIZE concerning the church today? He is listed as "faithful" (Heb. 11). (3) What does the transfer of POWER from Elijah to Elisha have to do with us SPIRITUALLY today? (4) What does God's intervention in the building of the tower of Babel teach us SPIRITUALLY today? (5) Why does Paul the apostle refer to his teachings as "MY GOSPEL" (Romans 2:16 & 16:25, 2 Timothy 2:8)? (6) What do the sun, moon, stars, and planets symbolize in the Bible. Is Peter's use of them in Acts 2 the same as in Revelation? (7) What does the detailed and graphically descriptive account of Ehud and Eglon in Judges 3 have to do with us today symbolically? (8) How did Samson's life depict in great detail the prophesies of the New Testament age, and in what manner gives us prophecy today? (9) What was so important in the book of RUTH, that God saw fit to have it written (instead of other details) that we who live today might have prophetic insight as to EXACT details of future years? (10) Why is the LAST PART of Solomon's life and story left out of the Bible, and what does it teach us for today (PROPHETICALLY)? (11) What are the SEVEN TRUMPETS of REVELATION; when do they "sound"; and WHAT DO THEY PROCLAIM? (12) What does the division of Moses' life into 3 periods of 40 years teach us prophetically in the NEW COVENANT CHURCH AGE? (13) What special significance does the cave at Machpelah portray prophetically to God's true people today? (14) For what spiritually symbolic reason did GOD PURPOSELY cause 18 years of Jesus' life to be omitted from Bible accounts? (15) What did the division of Israel into TWO TRIBES and into TEN TRIBES symbolize that gives a "key" to part of REVELATION? (16) What did the LITERAL VIRGIN CONCEPTION AND BIRTH of Jesus symbolize concerning the Church TODAY (in this very age)? (17) Since MUSIC is a science based on numerics, and since music uses the same NUMBER SYSTEM as does the Bible (emphasis on 1,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,12,13 and uses the other numbers as well), what special spiritual picture is shown in the octave scale (seven notes) and the full octave (twelve notes)? What is the spiritual picture presented by the minor and seventh chords? What is the spiritual picture presented by the need of being precisely ON KEY, in order to prevent discordant sounds? (18) Why do people WRONGLY teach that the NEW JERUSALEM (called the "bride, the lamb's wife") in Revelation 21 is HEAVEN? (19) What are the nearly 200 little details in Joseph's life which not only point to Jesus' physical incarnation, but also give us an ACCURATE TIME CLOCK (prophetically) TODAY? (20) What does the similarity between Joseph's brethren, Jephthae's brethren, and the striking difference between them and the brethren of Isaac, Abel, and Jacob SYMBOLICALLY have to do with God's true people during the next few years (prophetically)? (21) What did Jesus REALLY PORTRAY when He washed the disciple's feet and ate the passover meal with them? (22) Since Paul showed in Romans 1:20 that the things of NATURE (ie. all that God has created) are used by God to teach even the DEEP SPIRITUAL THINGS about His own nature and divinity, WHAT OTHER OLD COVENANT WRITINGS did Paul use to him to understand that principle of Biblical interpretation? (23) Could it be that today's A.I.D.S. disease is something God is using to try to teach a spiritual lesson? If so, WHAT? (24) What special BIBLICAL fact about the serpent in the Garden in Eden would allow modern scientists to see the error of evolution? (25) Has man discovered ALL the planets in our solar system? According to Bible symbolism, could there be 3 MORE? (26) What does a solar eclipse represent spiritually according to Bible symbolism? (27) What does the Bible show that the science of GRAVITY symbolizes spiritually? Does it show that a large percentage of professed "christianity" today is GRAVELY IN ERROR? (28) What details in the story of the fall of the wall of Jericho are especially symbolic and prophetic for our day? (29) What are the "DRAGON", the "BEAST", and the "FALSE PROPHET" in the Book of Revelation (ACCORDING TO THE BIBLE RATHER THAN MAN'S WILD IMAGINATION)? (30) What are the TWELVE stages of spiritual growth, and how are they symbolized and described in detail in the scriptures? (31) What do you have to do today to have (spiritually) a "coat" like Joseph's? What color is it SPIRITUALLY? (32) What does the Bible use as a picture to PLAINLY show us that most churches today DO NOT follow GOD'S WILL in the arrangement of their church services? (33) Why did Jesus fulfill the 14th and 15th verses of Isaiah 7, but NOT THE REST OF THE CONTEXT? (34) What did Jesus' transfiguration REPRESENT SPIRITUALLY??? How do we experience it (spiritually) today? (35) When was the FULL end of the Old Testament, and the FULNESS of the NEW TESTAMENT? (36) What are the LIES that MOST churches today tell about the story of Jonah, and what TRUTHS are hidden from "view" by those lies? (37) What are some of the common LIES told in 99% of churches today ABOUT JESUS HIMSELF? THERE ARE DOZENS OF THEM. They are not a matter of interpretation, but a simple IGNORING of the actual statements of the scriptures. (38) To what extent does the Bible teach that the "type" or parable will be fulfilled which is illustrated by the fact that Jesus did not have any bones BROKEN in His body? (39) Who are the "kings of the earth" in the Book of Revelation, and what is said about them that is REALLY significant for us today? (40) What is the extremely important message for us today (prophetically speaking) that is symbolized in parable form in the life of King Josiah? (41) Who was Melchisedek, and what does HIS VERY IMPORTANT JOB teach us about the years ahead of us today (He WAS NOT Jesus)? (42) What are the TWO-FOLD symbolic meanings that Paul the apostle gives to Abraham, Sarah, Isaac, Hagar, and Ishmael in Galatians 4? What do they signify for those of us who truly serve the TRUE GOD today? (43) What is the special significance (pertaining to the Old Testament "types") of Paul's teachings in Romans 2:28-29, Galatians 3:16-23, etc., and Peter's teachings in 1 Peter 2:5-10? (44) In 2 Corinthians 3, Paul the apostle SHOWED very plainly that the "LETTER" (literalization) of the law (the Old Testament writings from God) BROUGHT SPIRITUAL DEATH, while the "SPIRIT" (spiritual interpretation and understanding in the "heart") brought "LIFE" spiritually. What is the FURTHER significance of the "type" or parable that he used concerning MOSES' SHINING FACE??? (45) What is the TRUE significance (Biblically) of the "glass darkly" and "face to face" vision that Paul spoke of in 1 Corinthians 13? NOT THE COMMON MODERN MISCONCEPTION WHICH IS CONTRARY TO BIBLE!!! (46) What is the HIDDEN SPIRITUAL PICTURE which is portrayed by the CREATION of woman from Adam's "RIB"??? Why does the Bible PROVE that God did not use ONE RIB, but used 12 RIBS (HIS ENTIRE SIDE)??? (47) What is the special lesson for us today portrayed in parable by the LITERAL, HISTORIC event which God saw fit to record in Genesis 11? What in particular do the SLIME, MORTAR, BRICKS, and STONE represent? (49) What is the SYMBOLIC meaning of the sabbath and holy days (Colossians 2)? (50) What is the symbolic picture portrayed for us who live today by the 12 stones placed in Jordan by the Israelites, and the 12 stones REMOVED from the Jordan by them? (51) What is the spiritual significance of all of the names of those people who helped to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem after the captivity in Babylon? What do they teach us today? (52) What does King David's relationship with Bathsheba symbolize and prophetically portray concerning the church today? (53) What is the resurrected body of God's people REALLY going to be like? Why are so many lies about such being taught today? Does it really make any difference if we are taught the truth about such things, or is it unimportant? (54) What did it symbolize when Jacob wrestled with God, and God allowed him to "prevail"??? (55) What does Isaiah 44:6 mean? Please contact us if you would like further information. (56) How does the Bible teach concerning the spiritual symbolism which is portrayed in the 3 separate temptations that Jesus faced in the wilderness after His 40 day fast? In what manner is that episode in Jesus' life a SPECIAL PICTURE of events in the BODY OF CHRIST (the true church) in these last days??? (57) The religious world says that salvation begins when we are "BORN AGAIN". We know that PHYSICAL LIFE begins with conception, and we also have much scripture to prove that the physical life and body are symbolic of spiritual things. Since James 1:18 tells us that God has "BEGAT" us (ie. provide the "seed" for CONCEPTION) through the word of TRUTH, could it be that the RELIGIOUS WORLD LIES, and we are actually SAVED when we are spiritually CONCEIVED (birth is part of the spiritual GROWTH process). (58) What do the 24 courses of the Old Testament priesthood symbolize? How is that important to us today?? (59) What is symbolized by the relationship that Judah had with Tamar? Why is that prophetic for the church world today??? (60) The Bible is very detailed and specific about the various "dukes" who were descendants of Esau. What do they symbolize spiritually, and WHY is that important to you and I today??? (61) The SEVEN days of LITERAL creation are used BIBLICALLY to symbolize the giving of initial spiritual life and the stages of spiritual growth. It is a very involved picture which has taken us many, many hours to teach in our church. What scriptures are the key texts (not in Genesis) that PROVE this symbolism, and what are the many details illustrated in Genesis 1 which are symbolic pictures of SPIRITUAL THINGS?? (62) There are two lineages that spring forth from Adam in the first chapters of Genesis. The one lineage is through SETH, and the other lineage in through CAIN. BOTH ARE CAREFULLY DETAILED through 7 generations, and then 3 more generations are added. Jude even refers to ENOCH as the seventh from ADAM. WHY does the Bible give such details, and what do they symbolize which can be proven to be PROPHETIC for the true church TODAY??? (63) What is symbolized by the "seven days" mentioned in Genesis 7:10 which is EXTREMELY important prophetically for God's people today??? The LITERAL had to do with the last days of the ARK BEFORE the flood began to come upon the earth. (64) What is symbolized by the "casting down of Mose's rod" and it becoming a SERPENT??? Why is it for us today??? (65) What is the significance in type of the FOUR kinds of PRIESTS in Moses' day, and what do they portray to us today??? (66) What did it symbolize when Moses put his hand in his robe and it became leprous, and then was also miraculously healed by reversing the process??? Does that happen spiritually today??? (67) What did it typify spiritually when Jesus turned the WATER into WINE at the mirage feast of Cana. Does that teach us something PROPHETIC OF THIS DAY??? (68) What do the RAVENS which fed Elijah symbolize that is a spiritual picture for you and I today??? (69) What is symbolized spiritually by the OMISSION of the tribe of DAN, and the inclusion of the tribe of Manasses in Revelation 7:5-8??? Is that important today?? (70) What dimension will the resurrected body of God's people dwell in according to the Bible??? Why is that important for us to know NOW??? (71) What does the Bible show is a VERY IMPORTANT TRUTH which is shown in the natural realm by the molecular and atomic structures of the various ELEMENTS?? Why is that such a CRITICAL TRUTH??? (72) What GREAT and IMPORTANT TRUTH for today (essential) is illustrated symbolically in the ceremonial teachings of the Old Testament concerning clean and unclean beasts?? What do those typify? (73) What does the historical account of BALAAM and his ass typify in spiritual symbolism? Why is that lesson SO IMPORTANT TO US TODAY??? (74) What did John the apostle really mean in 1 John 4:1-6 when he said that AT THAT VERY MOMENT, "Jesus IS come in the FLESH". That text was written about 30 years after Jesus' ascension to heaven. Is that STILL TRUE today??? (75) What special symbolic picture which is portrayed in one of the types in Isaac's life SHOWS plainly in TYPE what the mission of the TRUE CHURCH is today??? How can we prove that Biblically?? (76) What is the SPECIAL TRUTH which is shown in the type of the BRAZEN SERPENT that is overlooked by 99% or more of the people who teach on that type today??? What does it have to do with a proper understanding of such scriptures as John 3:13-16, and the commonly used words in the religious world today, "WHOSOEVER WILL MAY COME". (77) Most religions are very aware of the MAIN aspects of typology which are demonstrated in the tabernacle of Moses. What are some of the very special details which are commonly overlooked, such as the spiritual symbolism of the AREA of the holy place versus the MOST HOLY, etc??? Did ALL the priests serve in the tabernacle??? WHY NOT??? (78) What is the EXTREMELY important symbolism of the NUMBER 153 in the Bible, and why was that exact number of FISH caught in John 21:11??? (79) What is so significant in the spiritual picture which is symbolized in the life of LEGION that concerns the TRUE church today??? Why MUST we be aware of this teaching??? (80) Gideon's army was manifest in THREE DIFFERENT STAGES. What does the symbolism of his story prophesy to God's true people today? (81) What does the fire symbol represent in Malachi 4 and other similar texts??? (82) When Elijah "battled" the 850 false prophets on Mount Carmel, WHAT DID IT SYMBOLIZE that is so significant for you and I as God's children today??? (83) What was the spiritual significance of the altar of earth that the children of Israel constructed under the leadership of Moses?? Does that have any significance for us today??? (84) What did Jezebel symbolize that is very important if you and I are to understand the difference between true and false "christianity" today??? What about Naboth's VINEYARD and Jezebel's interest in it for her husband AHAB'S sake??? Does that have any significant lessons for us??? WHAT ARE THE HIDDEN DETAILS???? (85) What do the various peace, meal, sin, trespass, and wave offerings teach us about our salvation in the New Covenant??? (86) What Old Testament type teaches so many details about prayer that it proves that very likely over 99% of the "praying" done today is actually putting people in touch with the "god of this world" (Beelzebub), rather than with the TRUE GOD??? What in the symbolism of the type shows that PRAYER is generally misunderstood, EVEN BY GOD'S TRUE PEOPLE??? (87) What is the VERY SPECIAL SYMBOLISM pictured in the transition from SARAH to RACHEL, and the fact that BOTH THEIR WOMBS WERE SHUT UNTIL GOD MIRACULOUSLY OPENED THEM??? What is so important about that type which affects us today??? (88) What scriptures ACTUALLY PROVE that everything that the Bible tells about HISTORICALLY (that happened from the time of creation until the destruction of Jerusalem in A.D. 70 which fully finished the Old Covenant) has several levels of spiritual pictures which portrays different aspects of spiritual truths???? Some of those truths point directly to the literal life of Jesus in HIS PHYSICALLY BODY, and some of them point to the life of Jesus as manifest in HIS SPIRITUAL BODY; THE CHURCH!!! (89) What is the spiritual symbolism which is pictured by the Pharoah who knew Joseph (Gen. 41), versus the pharoah who "knew not Joseph" (Exodus 1:8)??? (90) When does the typical (symbolic) picture of Joseph "saving the world" (with his food which was stored during the years of plenty) come to pass in the New Covenant??? Was it fully fulfilled in the early church, or does it come to pass FULLY IN OUR DAY??? (91) What is symbolized by Jephthae's brethren putting him out of their fellowship, and then asking him to lead them later when the enemy became too much for them to know how to handle???? Does the Bible show any kind of connection of this type with details concerning the true church in the last days???? (92) What is symbolized by the seven nations of ITES which God commanded the children of Israel to drive out of Canaan??? How do we spiritually fulfill those things today??? (93) What do the SIX CITIES OF REFUGE REPRESENT (symbolically), and how does that pertain to God's church today?? (94) What does ancient BABYLON symbolize, and why does God use that symbolism in a spiritual sense in the Book of Revelation??? (95) The twelfth and highest level of spiritual growth is represented by BENJAMIN. The second level from the top (level 11) is represented by Joseph. Why does God (for the sake of the type) actually allow the removal of Joseph as a tribe, and replace BOTH THE TRIBES OF JOSEPH and LEVI with the tribes named after the sons of Joseph....Ephraim and Manesseh??? What does those two tribes teach us spiritually today??? (96) What are the meanings for today of the spiritual significance of the RITUALS which pertained to the offering of the RED HEIFER in the Old Covenant??? (97) What will we do in heaven, and what scriptural types show the answers to such questions??? What will be the GREAT differences in the BODIES of God's people in heaven, and what are the causes of those differences??? How does the Bible PROVE that we will not LEARN ANY MORE PRINCIPLES OF THE WORD OF GOD IN HEAVEN....WHAT WE LEARN WE WILL HAVE TO LEARN HERE!!!??? Why will a large part of God's people have to be LED by OTHERS of God's people in Heaven??? How does the Bible PROVE that we will NOT KNOW ONE ANOTHER IN HEAVEN AS WE HAVE KNOWN ONE ANOTHER HERE?? In other words, you will not know that your mother (if she is there) was your mother here on earth. We will ONLY KNOW one another as BROTHERS AND SISTERS IN ONE GREAT BIG FAMILY WITH NO PREFERENCES. How does the Bible prove that??? (98) What does the evergreen tree symbolize in the Bible, and what does that have to do with our lives today as Christians??? (99) What does the Bible teach about the symbolism of the woman's time of month, and her purification afterwards??? Does this have any prophetic significance for today??? (100) What is the SEEMING discrepancy in Matthew 1:1-17, and why is it important for us today to understand that Matthew did not make a mistake when he speaks of 14 generations to Christ, and yet there are only 13 generations listed to Jesus' birth???? What is the symbolic significance of the three periods of fourteen generations which Matthew mentions??? (101) What can we learn by a study of the spiritual symbolism of the building and destruction of Solomon's temple, Zerubbabel's temple, and Herod's temple? (102) What prophetic truth and insight into the deeper details of the 12 stages of spiritual growth can be seen illustrated by the types in the lives of the patriarches of the book of Genesis?? Which men did God choose for this picture (we are NOT referring to the 12 sons of Jacob)??? (103) What is the hidden spiritual (typical) meaning of the events mentioned in Genesis 12, 13, and 14? What do they show us prophetically today?? (104) Noah released 2 birds from the ark. Why did one return and one did not? What does that mean to us prophetically TODAY? SO, WHAT IS TRUTH??????????????????????? Ask just about ANYONE who goes to church and they will tell you THEIR CHURCH preaches the TRUTH. YET, there are many DIFFERENT doctrines taught by the various denominations, and MANY different ways in which the Bible is interpreted. EVERYONE CANNOT be RIGHT!!!! HOW CAN GOD'S PEOPLE TODAY KNOW FOR SURE WHAT IS TRUE? 1 Timothy 3:15 But if I tarry long, that thou mayest know how thou oughtest to behave thyself in the house of God, which is the church of the living God, the pillar and ground of the truth. What is Paul meaning in this text when he speaks of the church as the "PILLAR" and "GROUND" of the truth??? The word "ground" is translated from the Greek word which means a SOLID FOUNDATION SUPPORT. The word "PILLAR" means a solid UPRIGHT SUPPORT. Paul sees the (TRUE) church as: TRUTH | | <--pillar _______|_______ground So what does this illustration tell us about the church??? It should be VERY CLEAR from Paul's statement that GOD'S TRUE CHURCH is to be a FOUNDATION and a means of UPHOLDING GOD'S TRUTH. How MUCH truth??? ALL OF IT that God sees fit to give understanding on, in any AGE of the New Covenant. This ALSO helps us to understand why ANY CHURCH WHICH DOES NOT TEACH AND "UPHOLD" (pillar) THE FULNESS OF TRUTH WHICH GOD HAS REVEALED IN THIS DAY IS FALSE . In Romans 1:19-20, PAUL SAID THAT GOD CREATED THE NATURAL THINGS IN THIS WORLD TO REVEAL SPIRITUAL THINGS. CONSIDER: (1) PHYSICAL LIFE IS SUSTAINED BY PHYSICAL FOOD, which consists of substances made from the same materials from which WE ARE PHYSICALLY made. LITERALLY SPEAKING, WE ARE WHAT WE EAT. (2) God uses the physical to illustrate the spiritual, so SPIRITUAL LIFE IS SUSTAINED BY SPIRITUAL "FOOD", AND SPIRITUAL "FOOD" IS MADE OF "SPIRITUAL" MATERIALS.....NOT LITERALIZATION OF SPIRITUAL THINGS. Just as it takes a LOT of eating of physical food in order to grow up and labor as an adult (physically), EVEN SO IT TAKES MUCH SPIRITUAL FOOD TO GROW UP IN A SPIRITUAL SENSE. WE ARE WHAT WE EAT SPIRITUALLY, AND WILL NEVER BE ANY GREATER IN GOD'S SIGHT THAN OUR SPIRITUAL "FOOD" WHICH WE ARE FED BY OUR PASTOR. That is what we are spiritually "made" of! 2 Timothy 3:15-16 3:15 And that FROM A CHILD THOU HAST KNOWN the holy scriptures, which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus. 3:16 All scripture [is] given by inspiration of God, and [is] profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: REMEMBER , WHEN THE BIBLE SAYS, ALL SCRIPTURE IS "PROFITABLE" TO YOU AND I FOR DOCTRINE AND INSTRUCTION, IT IS PRIMARILY REFFERING TO THE WRITINGS OF THE OLD COVENANT BRETHREN (THAT PEOPLE COMMONLY CALL THE "OLD TESTAMENT"). THAT IS WHAT TIMOTHY WAS TAUGHT (AS THIS TEXT MENTIONS) FROM THE TIME HE WAS A CHILD (NOTHING ELSE WAS YET WRITTEN THEN, AND THIS WAS WRITTEN DURING THE !!NEW TESTAMENT!! PERIOD OF TIME). THAT IS ALSO WHAT JESUS, PAUL, PETER, JOHN, JAMES, AND ALL THE OTHERS PREACHED FROM IN THEIR DAY, AND IT IS STILL OUR MAIN SOURCE OF SPIRITUAL "TYPES" OR SYMBOLIC ALLEGORIES (PARABLES) TO "FEED" UPON TODAY. A PARABLE CAN BE A TRUE STORY; THE FACT THAT IT IS A PARABLE MEANS THAT IT HAS SYMBOLIC AND HIDDEN SPIRITUAL MEANINGS AS WELL AS HISTORICAL VALUE. IF THOSE SCRIPTURES WERE GOOD ENOUGH TO JESUS AND TIMOTHY, THEY ARE CENTAINLY VERY IMPORTANT FOR YOU AND I TODAY. Just how important IS all of this spiritual "food"??? (1) Jesus is typified by the PASSOVER LAMB (1 Cor. 5:7). (2) Literal Israelites (picturing God's True people symbolically today... ie. TRUE CHRISTIANS) were commanded by God to STAY IN THE HOUSE where the blood was applied to the door, and EAT THE ENTIRETY OF THE LAMB. That included all the "purtenance thereof" or in other words, THE ENTIRE LAMB...ALL OF IT!!! (Exodus 12:8-9) (3) Any part of the lamb that was not eaten by the morning of the DEPARTURE was destroyed by fire, so it was too late to eat it (Exodus 12:10). (4) Those types illustrate how we are to "feed" on Jesus. Notice HIS WORDS about the subject in John 6 (words in CAPS mine): 6:53 Then Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily I say unto you, Except ye eat the flesh of the Son of man, and drink his blood, ye have no life in you. (NO SALVATION WITHOUT "FEEDING"). 6:60 Many therefore of his disciples, when they had heard [this], said, This is an hard saying; who can hear it? (THE DISCIPLES WERE THINKING JESUS MEANT THIS LITERALLY!!!) 6:63 It is the spirit that quickeneth; the flesh profiteth nothing: the words that I speak unto you, [they] are spirit, and [they] are life. THE ONLY "WORDS" THAT ARE THE SOURCE OF SPIRITUAL LIFE TODAY ARE THOSE JESUS SENDS THROUGH HIS TRUE MINISTRY. JUST BECAUSE PEOPLE USE THE BIBLE AND SPEAK FROM IT DOES NOT MEAN IT IS INDEED LIGHT AND TRUTH FOR TODAY!! EVEN THE DEVIL HIMSELF PREACHES AND TELLS PEOPLE TO LIVE RIGHT, AND SO DO THE DEVIL'S PREACHERS. NOTICE 2 CORINTHIANS 11:13-15 (13) "For such [are] false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ." (14) "And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light." (15) "Therefore [it is] no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works." The Greek word translated "transformed" means to "DISGUISE ONESELF". Satan's ministers DISGUISE THEMSELVES as the ministers of RIGHTEOUSNESS (telling people to live right, and speaking against sin). Just because a preacher speaks out against sin DOES NOT MEAN HE IS SENT FROM GOD.....EVEN SATAN'S PREACHERS DO THAT. A TRUE MAN OF GOD WILL BRING DEEPER UNDERSTANDING OF THE PRINCIPLES OF GOD TO GOD'S TRUE PEOPLE, AND WILL STRIVE TO CONCEAL THEM FROM THE WORLD AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE (MATTHEW 13:10-17). Satan's preachers deceive by the preaching against sin, while striving to use fleshly emotionalism and highly emotional "sermons" to appeal to man's FLESH, rather than SPIRITUAL TRUTH and spiritual emotion to appeal to the HEARTS of God's people. Many people ask us why we call ourselves the Bible Study Center. Actually, that is only a title we use on the sign on the building. We feel it best describes the purpose for our existence as a church, and therefore that name best suits our (BUILDING). It TRULY IS a Bible Study Center. However, we realize that the building is NOT the church, as the word "church" actually means an "assembly of people". Therefore, while our BUILDING is a Bible Study Center, we who study and serve God together here in the congregation are actually an assembly (church) of God's people. Therefore, we are the CHURCH OF GOD (not a denomination), while our building (Bible Study Center) is the place we meet to study. So, are we some kind of "new age" church, or a dangerous cult??? No!!! We are CHRISTIANS IN THE TRUEST BIBLICAL SENSE! I don't say that to boast, but we Do truly have one main purpose in life, and that is to learn and live by the WHOLE WORD OF GOD. We believe in striving to LIVE by what we teach EVERY DAY of the week! Of course you MAY meet someone who claims to be from this congregation who does not do that. We cannot control WHO comes in our door, but we can assure you that if we find out about their lives not being the kind of example that reflects Jesus Christ, we will certainly remove any such person from any working position of any kind within the congregation! We don't believe it is right for HYPOCRITES or SPIRITUAL BABIES to have a special part in the service!