The following is provided by The Bible Study Center of Irvine, Kentucky as a thought starter from one of over 2200 in-depth Bible Studies we have available. If you would like more Info, write to us at P.O. Box 1, Irvine, Kentucky 40336 or call our computer bulletin board at (606) 744-6079 OR (606) 723-3333 to download files of ascii text Bible Studies which you can use with any type of computer. Most of the Bible studies on the BBS get into much deeper areas of the scriptures including many aspects of REVELATION and prophecy for today covered in deep detail. If you like more depth to your studies than most people are used to getting, give the board a try. YOU WILL NEVER BE ASKED FOR DONATIONS, ETC. We offer NO OBLIGATION Bible Studies WITHOUT anyone pestering you for money or anything else. Our studies will only interest SERIOUS Bible students and will DOWNRIGHT BORE anyone else. Over 2200 studies available; 300/1200/2400/9600/14400 baud (v.32/v,32bis/HST/v.42bis) 24 hours a day. This study may be freely posted on other bbs' and distributed to others provided this leader remains with the study text at all times. ************************* DEATH IN THE POT ************************* Most people who study the Bible fail to realize the intricately balanced and entertwining nature of the scriptures and of Bible symbolism. We would like to cover a very simple "type" which will help to illustrate this fact. 2 Kings 4:38 thru 41: 4:38 And Elisha came again to Gilgal: and [there was] a dearth in the land; and the sons of the prophets [were] sitting before him: and he said unto his servant, Set on the great pot, and seethe pottage for the sons of the prophets. 4:39 And one went out into the field to gather herbs, and found a wild vine, and gathered thereof wild gourds his lap full, and came and shred [them] into the pot of pottage: for they knew [them] not. 4:40 So they poured out for the men to eat. And it came to pass, as they were eating of the pottage, that they cried out, and said, O [thou] man of God, [there is] death in the pot. And they could not eat [thereof]. 4:41 But he said, Then bring meal. And he cast [it] into the pot; and he said, Pour out for the people, that they may eat. And there was no harm in the pot. It says in this passage that Elisha came again to Gilgal. This is important in that there was a time when Elisha had come to Gilgal before. (2 Kings 2:1) This time he comes there was a dearth in the land. This is the same famine that is spoken of in 2 Kings 8:1, and was to last for a period of seven years. Since "seven" would represent the spiritual, this famine symbolizes spiritual famine that the prophets said would come upon this world (Amos 8:11). God told Amos it would not be a hungering for literal bread, but that it would be a famine for the hearing of the word of God. Please consider the following based on what we have already studied in the previous chapters of this book: (1) There is a CENTRAL THEME that runs through the Bible that by now the reader has probably noticed. It is also a daily theme in the life of every living creature on this planet (which God intended in order to convey the spiritual lesson). That "theme" is centered on the subject of EATING. Notice the following brief outline as just a few of the MANY examples which could be given. A) Adam and Eve cast out of Eden for EATING from the wrong TREE. B) Firstborn slain in houses where PASSOVER meal not EATEN. (Ex. 12) C) Many Israelites slain for not wanting to EAT MANNA. (Numbers 11) D) EAT "butter and honey".."refuse evil; choose good". (Isaiah 7) E) Must EAT Jesus' "flesh and blood" (type..WORD OF GOD. Jn.6:53-63) F) EATING unleavened bread "type" of (E) (Ex.12:15,23:15, 1 Cor.5:7) G) "Seven women" (symbolic) want to "EAT" own bread. (Isaiah 4:1) The list could go on and on but if we combine these thoughts with our study in the last chapter about a prophet who is SLAIN BY A LION sent by God (for eating in the wrong place) we can see that the subject is an important one (spiritually speaking). It is SO TRUE that we are what we eat (both physically AND SPIRITUALLY). We want to make this study of "death in the pot" as clear as we can in its meaning, so we will (as usual) have to look at another symbolic picture to fully portray the TRUE meaning of this thought concerning "EATING". John 6:30-63; note especially the following verses: 54) Whoso EATETH my flesh, and drinketh my blood, hath eternal life; and I will raise him up at the last day. 56) He that EATETH my flesh, and drinketh my blood, dwelleth in me, and I in him. 57) As the living Father hath sent me, and I live by the Father: so HE THAT EATETH ME, even he shall live by me. 63) It is the spirit that quickeneth, the flesh profiteth nothing; THE WORDS that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life. It is easily understood from JOHN 6 that "manna" is a "type" or symbol of Christ, but it pictures Him in a special manner. There are multitudes of people today who feel that when they partake of what is called the "Lord's supper", they are fulfilling what Jesus said to do here in John 6. When we begin to read these passages of scripture we need to realize that Jesus was not speaking literally of partaking of his flesh or even literally partaking of bread and wine (grape juice) as symbols of his flesh. We cannot receive the fulfillment of a "type" by simply partaking of another "type" or symbol of the same REALITY. Jesus tells us in verse 63 that it's the spirit that quickeneth (giveth life). He continues and says that the flesh profits nothing! The problem people had back then was that they saw only the fleshly picture! When Jesus said, "You must drink of my blood and eat of my flesh," all they could think of was his literal, physical body! Jesus made it plain that the flesh profits nothing! You could have eaten the entire body of Jesus Christ, and that would not have provided any spiritual help or life! Jesus said HIS WORDS were spirit and life! The Church that Jesus purchased with His blood (Acts 20:28) was built on Christ as a manifestation of the living word of God (JOHN 1) which Christians may "feed" on SPIRITUALLY today just as Jesus taught. I am not talking about the BIBLE literally as being the "word of God", for if that were the case, you would have perpetual INDIGESTION on your way to heaven. When I speak of the "word of God", I am talking about the spiritual TRUTH that is HIDDEN in the Bible. The children of Israel ate the literal manna in the wilderness and they died, but if you eat the spiritual manna today you won't die! You will have everlasting life! Jesus said it is very important that we eat this bread if we want to live forever with him! If we don't feed on heavenly bread, we are not going to make it to glory! Let's turn to the book of Exodus and briefly study the types of the manna just as the Bible gives them. In the 12th chapter we read where the children of Israel were delivered from the bondage of Egypt's Pharoah and taskmasters (picturing salvation from the bondage of Satan and his agencies). Then we come to the place where the children of Israel began to get hungry. You will find that when you get saved (redeemed from Egypt), you begin to have an appetite for spiritual food. You begin to get hungry for the things of God. I have seen people get so hungry for spiritual things that they didn't want to eat any physical food anymore (of course they still had to). When the children of Israel had been redeemed and were led into the wilderness they became hungry. Lets read about it in Exodus 16: 2. And the whole congregation of the children of Israel murmured against Moses and Aaron in the wilderness. Here we have a approximately two to three million people in number (the Bible shows 600,000 fighting MEN), who had just been redeemed by this "blood of the lamb" (as a "type"). Where are they now? The same place you go when you get delivered. They were in the wilderness of Sin! Someone might say, "Well, the Lord doesn't save us to sin!" True, but he still leaves you where sin goes on all around you. The wilderness of Sin was all around them and it made them hungry. They couldn't find anything suitable for food. When we get saved, we begin to look around us and there is nothing in this world to feed us! When you were out in sin perhaps you went out every night of the week trying to find something to satisfy! That's why people do things like smoking, drinking, and partying around with the world. They are trying to find something that satisfies. When you get saved you suddenly realize that smoking, drinking, cussing, partying, lusting, etc., do not satisfy anymore! Yet, on every side it is a sinful wilderness, and you are spiritually hungry! As a babe in Christ, if you are not careful you will begin to murmur as Israel did! They didn't know how to say, "God we are hungry; feed us." So what did they do? They murmured and complained! Those people had just seen the miracle of God in the passover night! They had just seen the miracle of the crossing of the Red Sea! Yet after all God had done for them, they still questioned whether He could provide them with food. It's the same situation today. There are people that get saved in false religion but they are just babes in Christ. They begin to murmur and complain. They don't understand that if they would ask God, He would lead them to the truth and a true Pastor (Shepherd) who would feed them (see Acts 20:28 and Jeremiah 3:14- 15). Instead, they murmur and complain! Exodus 16:4, "Then said the Lord unto Moses, behold I will rain bread from heaven for you, and the people shall go out and gather a certain rate every day, that I may prove them, whether they will walk in my law or no." Notice that the source of manna is from heaven. He said, "I will rain bread from heaven." It didn't grow in the wilderness! We need to get this thing straight. For Bible preaching to be genuine manna, it MUST be heaven sent! The preacher must get it directly from God! Manna has to come from heaven or it does no one any good. TRUE manna is not invented, produced, or manufactured by men. This is why we constantly emphasize to people that the Bible contains God's word but it is not God's word by itself! The Holy Spirit must help us feed on it! If the Bible is God's word in itself, then everybody can get God's word; everybody can go in the store and buy manna. Paul said the natural man (lost) cannot receive spiritual truths (I Corinthians 2:7-14). A lost person can read the Bible, but they cannot receive the true manna that comes down from heaven. There is a lot of preaching right out of the Bible that is not manna from heaven! It is not manna if it is invented, manufactured, pieced together, or dreamed up by men! A lot of people are being led astray by false preachers because (as they say), "he is reading it out of the Bible." Friend, the Bible is not the Word of God! The word of God comes down from heaven! Men had the word of God before they even had the Bible! They preached the "word" before the Bible was ever printed! You will never find one place in the Bible where Jesus referred to printed pages as being the word of God. He called it scripture. The Holy Spirit has to take the scriptures and reveal the hidden spiritual truths that lost people can't see due to their spiritual blindness (II Corinthians 4:3-4, Matthew 13:10, etc...). Why did God send manna from heaven? Many people don't realize why God sends His word to us to eat. There are so many people today who just sit there and say, "Bless me Lord, bless me Lord." Brother, He didn't send it to bless. He sent it so you would obey it! He blesses you for obeying it! Someone might say, "Why do I sit under the sound of the gospel and get blessed?" It's because your heart is reaching out and saying, "Yes, Lord I'll do it!" God knows if you mean business and if your heart says "Amen." You can be blessed by false preaching! One way is if you are not truly saved and a false preacher gives you false comfort. Then the devil blesses you and you think it's of God. Another way that you can get blessed by a false preacher is to be a saint of God who lacks understanding of genuine blessings. Your flesh can get blessed by his preaching. How is that? If you are an emotional person he may stir your emotions and you will probably mistake it for spiritual blessing. Flesh will bear witness with flesh and you will think it blesses you. If the preacher preaches about something that the flesh likes (ie: material prosperity), you will feel blessed, but only in the flesh. Read with me again from verse 4, "then said the Lord unto Moses, behold I will rain bread from heaven for you and the people shall go out and gather a certain rate every day that I may prove them whether they will walk in my law, or no ". In our language today, we would say, "Whether they would walk in it or not." Most people would say that manna was sent from heaven to fill their bellies. No! Manna is sent from heaven to test us. If it's really God's word it will be a challenge to us to live in such a manner as to deserve God's blessing. It won't be the kind of message that just hands it out, "Here come and get it, and I'll heal you, or provide for you, or bless you." If you want this help from God you are going to have to be willing to commit yourself to the will of God and follow Him. If you want physical blessings you are going to have to be willing to commit yourself to the will of God whatever it might be. God sends manna from heaven to test us and if we pass the test He will provide for us! Any preacher that preaches the blessings of God and doesn't lay down the conditions for being blessed is preaching false doctrine. Friend, the preaching is only manna when it digs into our life and promises blessings if we live according to the will of God. Away with this devilish preaching that hands out blessings to everyone. According to Exodus 16:4, we must be willing to spend some time and effort in order to gather up what God has sent. Surely if we must labor to earn our physical food, it will be necessary to labor for the spiritual! Many of the saints in this congregation drive nearly a hundred miles or more each way just to come here to gather manna. It is not easy, but the Lord makes it worthwhile for His TRUE PEOPLE. Exodus 16:11 "And the Lord spake unto Moses, saying, I have heard the murmurings of the children of Israel, speak unto them, saying, at even ye shall eat flesh, and in the morning ye shall be filled with bread: and ye shall know that I am the Lord your God. And it came to pass, that at even the quails came up and covered the camp: and in the morning the dew lay round about the host. And when the dew that lay was gone up, behold, upon the face of the wilderness there lay a small round thing, as small as the hoar frost on the ground." Notice where this manna was accumulated. It was round about the host. In other words, it was all around the camp. Just think; there might have been folks down in Egypt that would have liked to taste some manna but they weren't in the right place! You would have had to be in the camp of Israel and delivered from Egypt before you could get the manna. The manna was round; a "small round thing". There's truth in that thought that thrills me every time I think of it. Friend, do you realize that no matter where you start in God's word you will always end up coming back to the same place? You'll find that truth will always fit all the pieces of the puzzle together perfectly. Truth in Genesis always fits snugly with truth in Revelation. Jesus said He is the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end. A round object always has its beginning and ending at the same spot, and that is true no matter where you start. What better symbol of Jesus and the word? As you study you'll find that you will follow scriptures that intertwine and interconnect (in thought and teaching) throughout the Bible. Eventually, you'll end up returning to your original text. For example, to study Revelation you'll work your way to Genesis and on through the Bible. You'll eventually end up right back in Revelation. The Word of God will never contradict itself! The Bible does because of translation problems, details that God included to "blind" those who are not honest, etc. However, God's word is round like the manna so all "rolls" together beautifully! Exodus 16:16 says, "This is the thing which the Lord hath commanded. gather of it every man according to his eating, an omer for every man." An omer is three to three and a half quarts. They were going to have quail in the evening. They needed the manna to last them through the day. You don't need much strength through the evening because you are going to bed. The manna is what gave them strength for their labors through the day. Most people's stomachs are supposed to hold only a pint and three and a half quarts is seven pints. The Lord gave them plenty to eat didn't he? When you eat God's manna, do you eat until you're full? God wasn't trying to make gluttons out of them but He was trying to feed them plenty! They probably griped about him giving them too much! That's the way it goes today too! First people complain about starving; then they complain about the long messages! It must have taken a long time to gather three quarts of something that was as small as frost! It is the same way spiritually. You can't fill your bucket in a hurry! It is impossible to truly feed God's sheep with sufficient food in a short period of time. Thirty- minute sermonettes just won't do it. In the 14th verse he said it was on the ground! It is the same way today (spiritually). We are not going to get it by standing up proudly and saying how righteous and holy we are! When people went out to pick up those little pieces of manna they would not have gotten to do much standing! They had to bend over and they may have even gotten down on their knees. Brother, that's how we are going to have to do it today. If we want to feed on heavenly food we must get down and humble ourselves! We must get our eyes open enough to see our own weaknesses and quit allowing the devil to blind us so we only see our brother's sins! A holier-than-thou attitude is a stench in the nostrils of God according to Isaiah 65 and other passages. No one will ever get much heavenly food to eat until they realize they are nothing and Jesus is everything! Israel either gathered the manna or trampled it under their feet. It was all around the camp, so as they went out they either picked it up or walked on it! It is the same way today with God's manna from on high. Either you are going to gather it up or you are going to trample it under your feet. To feed on this bread of life is to take it into your spiritual being to the extent that it actually becomes part of you. This will enable you to live a life influenced by the manna. Otherwise, you are just trampling it under foot! Verses 17 and 18 say, "And the children of Israel did so and gathered some more, some less. And when they did mete it with a omer he that gathered much had nothing over and he that gathered little had no lack. They gathered every man according to his eating." Someone might say, "God said for each man take an omer but some of them didn't. It almost sounds like that was alright. Does that mean we don't really need to eat as much spiritual "food" as God supplies for us?" God wants us to take an "omer" but if we take less it doesn't mean that he is going to cut us off. It simply means we won't have as much to eat for strength! Some people require more strength than others don't they? Some people use their strength more than others do! Some people labor more to help others find Christ and so use more spiritual energy. Those who take more manna have more strength to accomplish more for God. Some take less but it's not because God wants them to! God's word was "Take every man an omer", but some didn't. Exodus 16:19 says, "And Moses said, Let no man leave of it till the morning." This shows that it is essential that we "feed" upon FRESH spiritual food, and not something some preacher got out of some old book, or else is a REHASH of an old "sermon outline". It is sad, but if you will do some checking, you will find that MOST "sermons" that are preached in the world today are "old messages" gotten from someone who lived in an age of the past where "LIGHT" WAS NOT NEARLY AS BRIGHT AS TODAY. THAT IS NOT FRESH "MANNA". Exodus 16:15 says, "And when the children of Israel saw it, they said one to another it is manna, for they wist not (knew not) what it was, and Moses said unto them this is the bread which the Lord hath given you to eat." If you look at the word "manna" in the Hebrew it means "What is it?" That is still a good name for the Word of God today as far as the natural man is concerned! The natural man still says "What is it; I don't get it; what do you mean?" The natural man can read the Bible, but he can't feed on the word! To help us see this type, look in verse 31 of the text: It says, "and the house of Israel called the name thereof manna, and it was like corriander seed, white: and the taste of it was like wafers made with honey." Everyone knows what white symbolizes. White is always a symbol of purity throughout the scriptures. Someone might say, "it must be a type of Jesus." That is only part of the picture. Jesus is a manifestation of the Word of God which is just as pure as Jesus. Psalms 119:140 Thy word [is] very pure: therefore thy servant loveth it. Proverbs 30:5 Every word of God [is] pure: he [is] a shield unto them that put their trust in him. Exodus 16:31 said the taste of the manna was like wafers made with honey. Psalms 19 will tell you that the law and the judgments of God are sweeter than honey in the honeycomb. Only a Christian can feel that way! No lost person feels the judgments of God are sweeter than honey in the honeycomb. Why? Because they don't like them a bit! It's not manna to them. It's only manna to the people of God! Lost people just don't like the taste of it! If you will notice in verses 19 and 20, you will see why they don't. "Moses said let no man leave of it till the morning. (A lost person has to leave it; they cannot eat it.) "Notwithstanding they hearkened not unto Moses; but some of them left of it until morning and it bred worms, and stank: and Moses was wroth with them." Is it any wonder why lost people don't like the taste? They can't get it down so they leave it until the morning and try again when it's full of worms and stinking. No wonder they don't like it! The law of God shows them their need, but it's not sweet to them! If you don't love God's law and delight in it as Paul said he did (Romans 7:22), then friend you are lost! Many people say, "How do you know whether a person is saved or lost." Ask them if they love the law of God! If they don't love it with all their heart they are not saved (Psalms 1:2 and Psalms 119- 47)! A lot of folks just listen to the preaching with their head and not their heart. Friend, you have got to eat it! It doesn't do you any good at all just to look! It doesn't do you any good at all just to hear about it! You must eat it to do you any good! In Numbers 11:4 and 5 it says, "And the mixed multitudes that were among them fell a lusting: and the children of Israel also wept again, and said, who shall give us flesh to eat? We remember the fish, which we did eat in Egypt freely; the cucumbers, and the melons and the leeks, and the onions, and the garlic." There is nothing wrong with those vegetables, but they represent (among other things) that which causes the "stinking breath" spirits of people in SPIRITUAL "Egypt". According to the scriptures people in sin are a stench in the nostrils of God! Today you have lost people and hypocrites right among the people of God. They are "mixed multitudes" and all they do is complain about the manna! You can always tell a hypocrite or lost person because they complain about manna! To a lost person the preaching of truth is either boring, too lengthy, offensive, or is just not of any interest to them! Numbers 11:8 says, "And the people went about and gathered it, and ground it in mills, or beat it in a mortar, and baked it in pans, and made cakes of it: and the taste of it was as the taste of fresh oil." Isn't it amazing how people are always trying to improve on manna. They were trying to fix it up where it would taste better. They ground it, they beat it, they baked it, and they made cakes out of it. That means they must have sweetened it! Isn't that what folks in the religious world are doing today to the manna from heaven? Brother, they don't like it the way it is! However, any preacher that changes the manna (Word of God) is feeding false doctrine! Satan's preachers (II Corinthians 11:13-15) still make use of the basic manna. They deceive by changing it here and there. They don't like it the way God gives it. Someone might say, "I like to eat the manna but I just can't seem to find much real spiritual food in churches today." I would like for you to see the reason many people can't get the manna of God. It's not that he doesn't want to give it. Revelation 2:17 (Jesus speaking), "He that hath an ear, let him hear what the spirit saith unto the churches; to him that overcometh will I give to eat the hidden manna." (We've circled back to Revelation). God HIDES the TRUE MANNA so the "NATURAL MAN" cannot receive it. Remember Paul's words in I Corinthians 2:10 as he spoke of the mystery wisdom of God's word? "But God hath revealed them (the deep truths) unto us by His spirit: for the Spirit searcheth all things, yea, the deep things of God." Surely by now the reader can see how the Bible uses symbolism which pertains to the process of "EATING". Using the principles that we have proven so far in this book, let us look more closely at the symbolism in the story of the "GREAT POT". If we look again at the text in 2 Kings 4 we notice the following details that are easy to recognize as spiritual "KEYS" to understanding the text. (1) There was a "dearth" (famine) in the land...Type of a LACK of GOOD spiritual food. (2) Even the "sons of the prophets" (a kind of minister's school) were without good food. (3) Since God has control over FAMINE, He was purposely allowing this time of FAMINE to affect even the GREAT POT from which the "sons of the prophets" usually received their FOOD. (4) We stated in the beginning of this chapter that the famine was the same as mentioned in 2 Kings 8:1 as being seven years in length. This may seem absurd to the reader, but we must remember that this text (as many others in the Bible) is not written completely in Chronological order, but rather in the order that God inspired which reveals the TRUTH to His people while HIDING it from the "natural man". You should at least be able to see that for the sake of the type, 2 Kings 8:1 continues the story about the woman mentioned in the earlier part of 2 Kings 4. The important thing is to realize that ALL FAMINES symbolize spiritual famine, and therefore (in "type") they are ALL SEVEN YEARS LONG (spiritually speaking...some of famines in the Bible were literally three years long)!!!! This should be easy to see if you study the seven years of famine in Joseph's day and God's offer of seven years of famine for David's punishment (2 Samuel 24:13). (5) This story takes place in "GILGAL" which means the place of the "wheel" or "round rolling" thing. THIS SHOULD REMIND THE READER OF THE SYMBOLISM PORTRAYED TO US IN THE "ROUND" SHAPE OF THE MANNA, AND THE RESULTING PICTURE OF THE WORD OF GOD AS SOMETHING WHERE ALL PARTS COME BACK TOGETHER AGAIN. (6) Since GOOD FOOD was in short supply, the "sons of the prophets" were almost poisoned by the fruit of a "wild VINE". Matthew 24:24 shows that the enemy would like to TRY to POISON even the very "elect" of God but that is not possible. GOD WILL ALWAYS MAKE CERTAIN THERE IS AN ELISHA PRESENT IN ORDER TO PROTECT HIS PEOPLE. We live in a time today when people think they have plenty to eat. It's because there are so many SPIRITUAL "poisonous gourds" that are plentiful round about us. People are finding laps full just as this man in 2 Kings 4:39. What is sad is that there usually IS NO SPIRITUAL ELISHA AROUND TO DO AWAY WITH THE POISON IN THE POT. WHAT CAN Elisha be a picture of here. We know he pictures Jesus, but he pictures him spiritually manifested through his "body" the TRUE CHURCH. That's the way Jesus manifests himself in the New Testament dispensation. Ephesians 1: 1:22 And hath put all [things] under his feet, and gave him [to be] the head over all [things] to the church, 1:23 Which is his body, the fulness of him that filleth all in all. You can always tell if Jesus' spiritual body is around. Wherever HE IS, the famine ceases for the "sons of the prophets". What does the title "sons of the prophets" represent? It didn't mean that these were the prophet's kids. There were not even that many TRUE PROPHETS (study and I think you will agree). It didn't mean that these were the physical offspring of the prophets. If you'll study the Old Testament scriptures you'll find that the term "sons of the prophets" had reference to those who were students or followers of the prophets of God. They studied their teachings and writings. Today you and I are those who follow after the words God has sent to us by the prophets of God were divinely inspired and have written it down. We are those who are striving to gain understanding of God's will in a way that he might direct our lives. Today we are still sons of the prophets in a spiritual sense. Elisha was present in the midst of the "sons of the prophets" and had the answer to the famine that encompassed them. He gives them the simple message, "Set on the great pot, and seethe pottage for the sons of the prophets." He told his servant to do that task. Does the "body of Christ" and all those who follow it's teachings have a "servant" today? If you will notice, Elisha did not tell ALL of the people to go prepare the "GREAT POT". He gave THAT command exclusively to his "servant". Whether we like it or not GOD still uses the work of the PASTOR in that manner. He said unto his "servant" (NOT plural). Elisha didn't say "all you sons of the prophets go out there and do your best to heat up some pottage and eat it". The question wasn't "where shall we find food?". Symbolically speaking, the food was in the great pot. It is a great pot in the sense that there is plenty of food to suffice for ALL HONEST HEARTS even in the midst of the worst famine. It's no wonder that he specified the "great" pot. It would have been different if he had said "go out there and get the pot and seethe some pottage." I praise God that the "pot" from which He feeds HIS CHILDREN TODAY is STILL a GREAT POT!!! We stressed in the beginning of this chapter on the "great pot" that (as verse 38 of our text says) Elisha "came AGAIN to Gilgal". This is very important for us to notice in order to understand the TIME PERIOD when this "type" takes place in REAL LIFE. Rather than cover this thought in detail, we will just outline it for now: (a) When Elijah was in GILGAL the first time, he was there with ELIJAH (2 Kings 2:1). (b) When Elijah "went away", Elisha received TWO-FOLD of the spiritual power that Elijah had manifest (2 Kings 2:9 and note the works of Elisha). (c) Jesus (spiritual Elijah) did many wonderful works, but told his TRUE DISCIPLES that they (HIS SPIRITUAL "BODY" or ELISHA) would do "GREATER WORKS" because he was going away (John 14:12). (d) The first time spiritual Elisha was in Gilgal (i.e. "the wheel" or the "circle" of fellowship in the WORD OF GOD) it was with spiritual Elijah present. (e) The SECOND time that Elisha comes into GILGAL (or true spiritual fellowship in the TRUE WORD OF GOD presented as a means of such a "circle" or fellowship), THE GREAT POT HAS TO BE HEALED AND FAMINE IS PREVAILING. (f) In these last days, we live in a time when the "GREAT POT" has been POISONED. Only the true "Elisha" ("body of Christ") has the answer and the remedy for the disaster that would otherwise prevail over "the sons of the prophets" today. (g) Meal is an ingredient for TRUE BREAD, and in this case, the TRUE INGREDIENT of GOD'S word will heal the pot IF "ELISHA" CASTS IT INTO THE "GREAT POT"!!! (h) Many people do not understand WHY the Lord is having to get his people to feed on TRUTH and thereby overcome the effects of the "POISON" that has been eaten from the pot in the past. God is today bringing us to the place where the work has been done so there is "no harm in the pot". GOD IS ATTEMPTING TO SAVE OUR SPIRITUAL LIVES BY PURGING THE "POISON" FROM THE "GREAT POT". (i) The ones who have poisoned the pot are those who have "gathered" from the "WILD VINE". MANY WELL MEANING PEOPLE AND PREACHERS HAVE ADDED POISON TO THE POT BECAUSE THEY GATHERED THEIR DOCTRINES AND TEACHINGS from the wrong source. Please NOTE: (1) The one who added the poison in our text did so ignorantly. (2) The one who added the poison was WORKING HARD TO SERVE. (3) The one who added the poison was ATTEMPTING TO FEED those who symbolize the people of God in this text. Many people today think they are serving God just because they are busy attempting to get "food" to feed His children. This "type" should help us to see this is not always true. It was a time of famine, and yet right in the midst of this famine this one person at least would have had the impression that there was plenty of food around. Why? Because he went out to gather food and he found a whole lap full. Today the appearances in the religious world are the same (Jesus tells us in Matthew 13 that the field is the world). One of the details of this "type" that may confuse the reader has to do with the "wild vine" and its fruit which in our Bible is called "gourds". The Hebrew word translated "gourds" means to "burst". The implication of the term is that it is some kind of fruit which "bursts" forth with "juice" from within. We studied in an earlier chapter about the "vine of the earth" in Revelation 14:18-20 (see; we have made the circle {GILGAL} again and are back in Revelation), and we found that those "grapes" were bursting forth with "blood" up to the "horse bridles". This "vine" is quite DIFFERENT than the one we see in John 15. Jesus said, "I am the vine and ye are the branches". In the "vine of the earth", the Bible shows us a picture of false religion that is "earthly" or of the FLESH. Instead of being the true vine that comes down from heaven and is sustained and nourished from above, we find that this vine grows up from beneath. It is trying to produce the same FRUIT that the true heavenly vine produces, but it's origin is different. That means we should expect FALSE professors to be very good counterfeits of true "Christian" people. The "vine of the earth" (the "field") is trying to produce something that appears to be the same kind of fruit as that which grows on the vine of heaven. If we are TRUE BRANCHES IN THE TRUE VINE, we will produce TWO DIFFERENT KINDS OF "FRUIT". One is actually the fruit of the Spirit of God. Another "fruit" that the Lord wants each one of us to produce are the "grapes" that grow on vines. Those grapes are representative of the word of God. The Bible gives many typical pictures of grape juice as a perfect symbol of God's word. In fact the Bible speaks of TWO BASIC TYPES OF "WINE": (1) Pure unfermented "GRAPE JUICE" which is taught to be GOOD in the Bible and which Jesus produced from water (Isaiah 65:8, 1 Timothy 5:23, John 2, etc.). This is the "wine" that symbolizes the TRUE "word of God" (i.e. Isaiah 55). (2) FERMENTED alcoholic "wine" which is FORBIDDEN (Proverbs 23:29-33, Ephesians 5:18, etc.). This is the "wine" that makes people "drunk" and symbolizes the CORRUPTED or "poisoned" WORD OF GOD. This is the kind that makes false professors of "christianity" DRUNK (Revelation 17:2). Friend, those "GRAPES" of the "vine of the earth" NEED to be put under the wrath of God. Time and time again we speak out against false teachings about the Bible. People ask why do we preach so much against false doctrines? The reason why is that we are living in the time of the "wine press". One of our main duties today is to put the "squeeze" on these grapes from the vine of the earth. So what the man in 2 Kings 4 was gathering "looked" like food. There seemed to be plenty of it even in the midst of famine. We find that the man himself did not know there was anything wrong with it. It says in the last part of the 39th verse, "...for they knew them not." He's saying they didn't know these wild fruits were poison. They didn't realize the harm that could be done by them. Do you realize that's the same condition we have in professing "christianity" today? I'm not just talking about LOST people out in the false religious world. That's the same thing we have to deal with right amongst the sons of the prophets. Where did he go to gather these wild vines? He went out in the "field"; out into the "world" in "type". We would like to point to the "type" and show you that nobody died. Friend, we're going to have to face facts that the body of Christ as a whole has in times past been affected by a "pot" in which honest people desiring to serve the Lord have gathered some fruit from the "vine of the earth" or "wild vine". We can praise the Lord that we live in the day when he is casting in the "meal" of TRUTH and is healing the "GREAT POT". No HONEST HEART has to die spiritually today. Back in the first century church they had a "body of Christ manifest. Paul came along and was pouring in true meal. They'd started out with a great pot, but the disciples began to bring in some of the creeds and doctrines of the traditions of men. It was actually fruit of the "wild vine", but they didn't know it. Study Acts 15 and Galatians 2 noticing the problems they had. There was quite a turmoil going on between Paul and the apostles. This was because the other apostles were still bound with the literal and ceremonial teaching of the law, and the apostle Paul understood that the law of God was a ceremonial symbolic picture of SPIRITUAL things for the New Testament age. I have known people to get very upset when the pastor has to get up before the congregation and apologize for teaching something wrong. The pastor is only trying to add "meal" to the "great pot", but some people think that just because someone has added some fruit from the "wild vine" in the past, and it took the pastor awhile to discover it, that the pastor is false. The real fact is that ANY TRUE PASTOR TODAY is going to have to straighten out some of their teachings in order to get rid of the poison in the "great pot" of today. I know of people who have left the "body of Christ" for such reasons and have gone and sat in the "field" to eat poison (almost 100 percent poison in many cases). Friend, if you eat poison you are going to have a poison attitude. If you eat poison you're going to have a poison mind (spiritually speaking), and you'll stand against anything that isn't poison. YOU WILL EVEN STAND AGAINST GOD AND HIS TRUTH. It is possible that the man who mixed in the fruit of the "wild vine" was entirely innocent of any WILFUL transgression, but there was death in the pot just the same. People today will many times claim to be sinlessly perfect, even though they find that they have TAUGHT WRONG DOCTRINES. 1 John 5:17 says "all unrighteousness is sin". Since "unrighteousness" is NOT-RIGHT-NESS, do you suppose that IGNORANTLY adding "death" to the pot could be SIN? Could it be what the BIBLE calls a "sin of ignorance"? Let's look in Matthew 13:33 "Another parable spake he unto them; The kingdom of heaven is like unto leaven, which a woman took, and hid in three measures of meal, till the whole was leavened." We've shown you before that meal is a true ingredient of true bread. Meal is a good ingredient. In 2 Kings 4 Elisha took meal and put it in the pot to neutralize the effects of the poison. Matthew 13:33 shows us that this "woman" (which is symbolic of MYSTERY BABYLON that is pictured in Revelation 17) took and mixed "leaven" into the TRUE "meal" of the word of God. I have heard preachers teach on this parable in Matthew and say the LEAVEN was the GOSPEL. Let's check and see what the Bible has to say about leaven. Matthew 16: 16:11 How is it that ye do not understand that I spake [it] not to you concerning bread, that ye should beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and of the Sadducees? 16:12 Then understood they how that he bade [them] not beware of the leaven of bread, but of the doctrine of the Pharisees and of the Sadducees. 1 Corinthians 5: 5:6 Your glorying [is] not good. Know ye not that a little leaven leaveneth the whole lump? 5:7 Purge out therefore the old leaven, that ye may be a new lump, as ye are unleavened. For even Christ our passover is sacrificed for us: 5:8 Therefore let us keep the feast, not with old leaven, neither with the leaven of malice and wickedness; but with the unleavened [bread] of sincerity and truth. If we look collectively at these texts, we can easily see that LEAVEN is used to symbolize false doctrine and evil living. TRUTH (PAUL SAID) IS "UNLEAVENED BREAD". When we add to this picture the teaching of the Old Testament ceremonial "types", we can learn (ie. in Exodus 12:15, etc.) that UNLEAVENED BREAD SYMBOLIZES THE TRUTH WITHOUT THE CORRUPTION OF FALSE DOCTRINES ADDED (THAT MAKES THE BREAD LIGHT AND FLUFFY BUT WITHOUT REAL SUBSTANCE). SO IN MATTHEW 13 "MYSTERY BABYLON" IS PICTURED (IN THE RIGHT AGE...THE FOURTH PERIOD OF THE SPIRITUAL "KINGDOM" WHICH IS THE FOURTH SEAL PERIOD) AS SHE LEAVENS WHAT LITTLE TRUE "MEAL" ("three measures") IS LEFT FROM THE 1ST, 2ND, AND 3RD SEAL AGES. SHE CORRUPTS WHAT LITTLE TRUE INGREDIENTS THAT ARE LEFT AND PUTS "DEATH IN THE POT" and Protestantism results from all of the "leaven". Matthew 13: 13:33 Another parable spake he unto them; The kingdom of heaven is like unto leaven, which a woman took, and hid in three measures of meal, till the whole was leavened. False religion has mixed in leaven to the degree that even what they had that was truth is no longer truth at all. Some items that false religion teaches are true, but the principle of truth isn't there. So the false teachings that are taught along with the TRUE THINGS "leaven" the entirety of the doctrine and that corrupts the whole teaching. Every great pot (and there is one in every congregation of God's true people), has a servant of Elisha (ie. a servant of Christ) that has been commissioned to put the pot on, seethe it, and serve pottage to the sons of the prophets. So every true congregation has a pot to seethe and a servant to seethe it, but every single pot has been poisoned from the "leaven" of the doctrines and traditions of men which have been ADDED in the past. There's not a single congregation in existence in the world today that hasn't had some poison in the pot. God has protected those who have eaten out of the pot in the past, but now the time has come that He is bringing forth His light. If we go on eating today WITHOUT mixing in the meal we will be poisoned. If you notice our text in 2 Kings 4, the men did not notice the "POISON" BEFORE they ate, but rather noticed it AFTER they began eating. Yet there was not one of them who died. What would have happened if instead of mixing in the meal like Elisha told them to do, they would have said "we just finished eating it and it didn't kill us so we're not going to change it. We're just going to keep eating it like it is". They would have died if they did that. Many people today react in that same manner when they are shown that the religious organization that they are a part of has "POISON" or in other words, FALSE DOCTRINE in the POT. We are living in a day when the Lord has exposed the poison and given the "meal" to neutralize it, but most preachers and most churches do not care to bother. THEY SEEM TO THINK THAT JUST BECAUSE THEY HAVE SURVIVED THE "POISON" SO FAR THAT THEY WILL CONTINUE TO DO SO. MANY WILL NO EVEN ADMIT THERE IS POISON IN THEIR "POT". You won't find any true child of God that has been spiritually destroyed by having been taught something wrong in the past, as long as they walk in the light when it comes forth. God protects us until the time when we are given light on a particular subject. Think of what could have happened in this particular story. Let's say the servant who was told to put on the pot had gone out and gathered the the "wild vine" fruit, brought it in, and put it in the pot. Let's say that he then began eating, found it to be poison, and Elisha told him that he had to add more meal to the pot. What if the servant had an attitude that he couldn't do that because people might think he was a bad cook. He might fear for his reputation too much to be willing to humble himself and do what was necessary to correct for his ignorance. That is just like SO MANY PEOPLE TODAY. They won't admit they have been wrong, but go right on preaching the "traditions of men". I HAVE HAD PASTORS TELL ME THAT THEY COULD SEE THAT WHAT WE WERE SHOWING THEM WAS TRUE, BUT THAT THEY COULD NOT CHANGE THEIR TEACHINGS FOR FEAR OF LOSING THEIR JOBS. SAD, SO SAD!!! The meal was added because the sons of the prophets came to the realization that there was something in the pot that shouldn't be there. The effects of the poisoning brought it to Elisha's attention. Elisha told them it would be alright; just add some meal. But they had to wait until it was brought to light that there was something wrong in the pot before any changes could be made. Some people say that it is not important what you teach just as long as you are sincere. This man was seemingly very sincere when he went to gather the wild herbs. He went out into the field as sincerely as anybody could. He began to search and gather herbs as sincerely as anybody has ever gathered herbs. He gathered a lap full of fruit as sincerely as anybody has ever gathered a lap full of fruit. He was a hard worker, and sincere in all that he was doing. He was going to eat out of the same pot. He was one of the sons of the prophets. He wasn't someone wanting to kill them off. He was fixing something that he himself was going to be partaking of. He was sincere in it, but sincerity is not enough. He was sincerely wrong. The thing that is so wonderful is the fact that true sons of the prophets (genuine sons, not those that just profess to be) are never able to be deceived for very long. They tasted the poison before it killed them. Very likely there could have been people there who when they found out there was death in the pot, got scared. They may have stopped eating, and sat there in their seat. In "type" it would be like someone being told by their pastor that he had been shown by the Lord that some of the "spiritual food" that he was feeding was in error (i.e. poison). Elisha came walking in and they asked him what they should do. He said to just add more meal; SPIRITUALLY SPEAKING just put more TRUTH in the "great pot" so it will neutralize the effects of the "poison" from the wrong teachings of the past. Then there could be one person saying, "there has been poison in the pot in the past, so how do we know that adding more meal will do the job"? Such a person will probably decide they aren't going to take any chances and they will leave. If there were such a person back in Elisha's day, he would have left and probably died of starvation. The only place around where there was any food was in the great pot. Many times when a person worries about their spiritual food, it is a lack of faith. It you have genuine faith in Jesus Christ, our Elisha, then you have faith to believe that as long as your heart cries out for that which is genuine, he's not going to feed you "serpents in place of bread". He's not going to feed you a stone, or something that is not edifying. If we begin to feel something is wrong with the SPIRITUAL FOOD that God has provided and we are in a TRUE body of Christ, then we need to realize that any fears we have about our spiritual food SHOWS a lack of faith in our "Elisha". That is the same as saying that we don't believe that He can take care of us. Today, someone might find an ingredient (doctrine) that in past years was added in, but was wrong. Yet the Lord brings it to our attention and helps us to pour in fresh meal (TRUTH). Friend, we have to face facts; the "light" of yesterday is not the "light" of today. Many times Christians today may not realize so many traditions and creeds of men have been mixed into the pot. They may believe those teachings are part of the ingredients of the pottage. How do you know you've found the "great pot"? There are actually TWO main things that will help us here. (1) If we are "feeding" spiritually from the "GREAT POT" the preacher will have been mixing in the "MEAL" of TRUTH and showing where HIS and OUR past beliefs have been wrong. He will make right any teaching that is wrong as God brings NEW UNDERSTANDING of the "LIGHT" for today. Fresh "meal" has a neutralizing effect on any "poison" doctrines of men taught to us (that we have "eaten" spiritually) in the past. (2) This has to do with your faith. You can't say that the Lord led you to a true spiritual "body of Christ", but yet you are not sure about the teachings. That is like saying that you know the Lord led you, but He might want to poison you. That is not showing much faith. There was not one single person hurt or damaged from feeding on this "pot" because ELISHA was there. You won't find the question of "taste" found in this entire type. There wasn't one place where Elisha stood up and asked if everyone liked the taste. He just told them there was famine out there and they could either eat out of this pot or go out and starve. That is the same situation we have today. The Lord will protect the "pot" today, and it is a great enough "pot" that it contains plenty for everyone. We will never go without sufficient spiritual food as long as we have a willingness to eat out of the GREAT POT. When we eat our physical food, we don't look at it and say, "this might be poison so I better not try it". Instead we have prayer and thank the Lord for the food, commit our keeping unto Him as we partake of it, and then we dig in and eat! When you go to the services to eat spiritual food you need to take the time to do the same thing spiritually. Pray and commit your keeping unto the Lord, give Him thanksgiving, and ask Him to take care of you through the message. To do anything else would be to lack in faith. If you are certain that the Lord is providing "MEAL" for the pot where you go to church (ie. that the teachings are gradually being "unpoisoned" and "neutralized" as your pastor is given greater "light" by God) then you need to DIG IN AND "EAT". We need to trust that the Lord will provide for us spiritually. We can't be skeptical and think that maybe He will allow poison to remain in the "pot". Look in the literal and physical realm. A man doesn't say a prayer for food he's about to eat, then not eat any because it might be poisoned or contaminated. (How would the wife feel?) The-husband-has-to-have-the-faith-that-his-wife-is-cooking-for-his- benefit, and not to get rid of him. IT WOULD BE A MISERABLE LIFE IF A PERSON HAD TO CONSTANTLY GUARD AGAINST BEING POISONED BY THOSE WHOM THEY LOVE AND WHO LOVE THEM. We have to have faith that if we are saved the Lord wants us strengthened and not killed. Friend, if you have that much faith then you could have the same experience that the "sons of the prophets" had. They ate from a pot that had been POISONED, but with no harmful effects. IF WE LISTEN TO THE LORD HE WILL SPARE US FROM THE "DEATH IN THE POT". Before we end this chapter I would like to give some examples of why we have been stressing that the Bible MUST be spiritually interpreted before it becomes the word of God. If one LITERALIZES the scriptures, they are FULL of contradictions. It is our sincere prayer that the reader will study the following in the light of what we are presenting these things to show and not for the purpose of pulling out of this context in order to try to TEAR DOWN the Bible. There are many contradictions in the Bible if one does not know how to "rightly divide" it. The "types" or symbolic spiritual pictures are the ONLY means that one has to TRULY determine the real meanings of the many various passages which seem to be an endless maze of contradictions. The following should give the reader at least a brief picture of WHY WE NEED TO UNDERSTAND THE TYPES IN ORDER TO PROPERLY INTERPRET THE BIBLE. THESE ARE ONLY A VERY FEW OF THE MANY THOUSANDS OF SEEMING CONTRADICTIONS. COMPARE: (1) Acts 9:7 The men with Paul heard the voice speaking. Acts 22:9 The men with Paul did not hear the voice. (2) John 15:15 Jesus told his disciples all that God showed him. John 16:12 Jesus had many things to tell them but could not. (3) 2 Samuel 24:1 God caused David to number Israel. 1 Chronicles 21:1 Satan caused David to number Israel. (4) Matthew 19:26 "With God all things are possible". Judges 1:19 The Lord could not drive out the iron chariots. (5) Numbers 22:20 God gave Balaam permission to go. Numbers 22:21-22 God was angry because Balaam went. (6) Genesis 32:30 Jacob said "I have seen God face to face". Exodus 24:9-10 Seventy-four men "saw the God of Israel". Exodus 33:11 The Lord spake to Moses "face to face". Isaiah 6:1 Isaiah saw the LORD. Exodus 33:20 No man can see God's face and live. John 1:18 "No man hath seen God at any time". 1 Timothy 6:16 "Whom no man hath seen nor can see". (7) John 3:16 "For God so loved the world..." Psalms 5:5 God HATES ALL WORKERS OF INIQUITY. Romans 9:11-13 God hated Esau before he had done any evil. (8) Deuteronomy 32:4 and Psalms 5:4 God does no evil. Isaiah 45:7 and Amos 3:6 God creates evil. Lamentations 3:38 Out of God's mouth comes good and evil. (9) Exodus 20:5 and Deuteronomy 29:20 God is a JEALOUS God. Proverbs 27:4 and Song of Solomon 8:6 Jealousy is EVIL. (10) Exodus 2:25 God had respect unto the children of Israel. 2 Kings 13:23 God had respect unto the children of Israel. Psalms 138:6 God has respect unto the "lowly" (humble). Genesis 4:4-5 God had respect unto Abel and to his offering. 2 Chronicles 19:7, Romans 2:11, 1 Peter 1:17 NO RESPECT..... (11) Matthew 4:7 "Thou shalt not TEMPT the Lord thy God". Deuteronomy 6:16 Israel TEMPTED the Lord their God. Acts 15:10 "Why TEMPT ye God"? Malachi 3:15 "They that TEMPT God are even delivered". James 1:13 God cannot be tempted. (12) Genesis 9:22-25 God cursed Ham's children for Ham's sin. Exodus 20:5 Iniquity of fathers on future generations. Joshua 7:24-26 Achan's family also punished with death. Deuteronomy 24:16 Others not to die with the guilty party. Ezekiel 18:4 & 20 Children not to die for father's sins, etc. Romans 2:5-6 Every person judged for their OWN deeds. (13) Exodus 9:12 God hardened Pharoah's heart. Exodus 10:1 God said He hardened Pharoah's heart. Exodus 11:10 "the Lord hardened Pharoah's heart". Deuteronomy 2:30 God hardened Sihon's heart. Joshua 11:20 "It was of the Lord to harden their hearts". John 12:40 God blinded their eyes and hardened hearts. Romans 9:18 God hardens whom He wills. Hebrews 3:8 Man hardens his own heart. Proverbs 28:14 Man hardeneth his own heart. Exodus 8:15 and 32, Exodus 9:34 Pharoah hardened his heart. 2 Chronicles 36:13 Man hardens his own heart. (14) Exodus 15:3 "The Lord is a man of war". Romans 15:33 "Now the God of peace be with you all". (15) Deuter. 7:16 God told Israel to "consume" all the enemies. 1 Samuel 6:19 God killed 50,070 men for looking in ark. 1 Samuel 15:2-3 God said to kill man, woman, babies, etc. Jeremiah 13:14 God said He would not have mercy, but destroy. Hebrews 12:29 "Our God is a consuming fire". 1 Chronicles 16:34 The Lord's "mercy endureth forever". Psalms 145:9 "The Lord is good to all...mercies..". James 5:11 "The Lord is .....OF TENDER MERCY". (16) 1 Timothy 6:16 God dwells in the LIGHT. 1 Kings 8:12 and Psalms 97:2 God dwells in DARKNESS. (17) Numbers 4:3 Levites must be 30 years old to serve. 1 Chronicles 23:24 Levites served from 20 years old. (18) Mark 15:25 Jesus crucified at the THIRD hour. John 19:14-18 Jesus crucifixion began at the SIXTH hour. (19) 2 Kings 8:26 Ahaziah was 22 years old when he began to reign. 2 Chronicles 22:2 Ahaziah was 42 years old when reign began. (20) 2 Samuel 24:24 David paid 50 shekels of silver to Ornan. 1 Chronicles 21:25 David paid 600 shekels of gold to Ornan. (21) Numbers 35:4 Levitical cities to extend 1000 cubits. Numbers 35:5 Levitical cities extended 2000 cubits. (22) Mark 1:16-29 Peter and Andrew's home was in Capernaum. John 1:44 Peter and Andrew's home was in Bethsaida. (23) 2 Kings 23:30 Josiah DIED at Meggido. 2 Chronicles 35:24 Josiah DIED at Jerusalem. (24) Joshua 11:16-23 Joshua conquered "the whole land" of Canaan. Joshua 13:1-6 and Judges 2:23 Joshua left much unconquered. (25) Matthew 28:19 The word of God to be preached to ALL nations. Acts 16:6 The Holy Ghost forbade them to preach in ASIA. (26) Matthew 5:1- The sermon on the mount preached on a mountain. Luke 6:17- The sermon on the mount preached on a plain. (27) Numbers 14:25 The Amalekites and Canaanites dwelt in valley. Numbers 14:43-45 The Amalekites and Canaanites dwelt on hill. (28) 1 Chronicles 10:6 Saul and "all his house" died. 2 Samuel 1-2:8-10 One of Saul's sons later became king. (29) 1 Samuel 16:21-23 David was Saul's armorbearer and musician. 1 Samuel 17:55-58 Later, Saul does not know David. (30) 2 Samuel 5:14-16 David had eleven children in Jerusalem. 1 Chronicles 14:4-7 David had thirteen children born there. 1 Chronicles 3:5-8 Thirteen children, different names. As we have shown so far in this book, God PURPOSELY has caused the Bible to be put together in such a way as to reveal SPIRITUAL truth to HIS TRUE PEOPLE, while causing others to be deceived. PRAISE GOD there is a cure for the "death in the pot", and we also praise HIM that He is providing an abundance of "meal" in these last days.