ISIT -- Sets ERRORLEVEL 1 if system day equals command line entry. By Brian E. Smith. This program will let your batch files (AUTOEXEC, especially) execute programs depending on the day of the week. The syntax of this program is: ISIT [day] Where [day] is Sunday, Monday, ..., Saturday. If the system day matches the day on the command line, ERRORLEVEL 1 will be set for future processing. For example, consider this batch file: ECHO OFF ISIT FRIDAY IF ERRORLEVEL 1 ECHO T. G. I. F. IF NOT ERRORLEVEL 1 ECHO TOO BAD. If this batch file is run on a Friday, the computer will respond "T. G. I. F", otherwise "TOO BAD". You can use this program to run hard disk unfragment programs, backups, or whatever you need to run on a weekly basis. I hope this program will be useful to you. If it is, please let me know. I'd like to hear from you. Brian E. Smith 59 Main Street Piedmont, SC 29673