Just some notes about the REBOOT code. 1. This code was compiled with Borland C++ 3.1 2. The control break handler function is used to intercept control break key board requests. 3. The date and time of each reboot can be saved to the file REBOOT.LOG if it exists in the directory from which the program was called. 4. The password has been hard coded into the program so if you want to change it(you probably will) then change the constant on the strcmp call. 5. The whole point of this program is to reboot your computer so this is done through the use of BASM code. The variable Reset_Flag contains the address of the location where the flag for reset is stored. There are two values that I know work: 0x1234 - Warm boot and 0x0000 - Cold boot(memory test). The BASM code executes a jmp 0xffff which starts the reboot process. Any comments or questions can be sent to: [75470,3627] Joe Chavez (714)782-3747