Conco Respiratory - Lymphatic Systems (Immune System) Conco: A combination of nourishing food s to enhance the natural ability of the body to resist and overcome illness. This formula opens passage ways, eliminates phlegm and mucus, relieves a runny nose, colds, fluid congestion, fever, etc. Conco is effective in generating strength, energy and well-being. Conco nourishes the basic IMMUNE SYSTEM, enhances the body's resistance to ALLERGIES, colds, flu, reduces cerebral swelling and pain (including migraine headaches), aids in the relief of congestion of the air passages of the chest and head (sinuses, bronchial), and nourishes he lymphatic and respiratory systems. The immune system consists of cells that attack invaders (phagocytes, killer T Cells, B Cells) and cells tat suppress the attacking cells would multiply out of control and become themselves a problem. In a healthy immune system, the attacking and suppressing cells act in balance to meet invaders with just the right degree of force. We become sick when he forces are out of balance. Allergies and auto- immune diseases come from too much of the attacking force; infectious diseases come from too much of the suppressing force. Conco feeds the body to allow the body to maintain balance. In a 30 day study of 400 high school students during the flu season, subjects who took the Immune System Formula recorded no absences; 20% of those who did not take the formula recorded absences. In a similar study, students whose throats were sprayed with an extract of this formula showed reduced bacteria counts when compared with controls. Conco has historically been used for: * Strengthening the body systems that protect against flu and colds * Relief of fevers and headaches, to include migraines * Relief of allergies * Regulation of auto-immune conditions * Soothing of he stomach and reduction of tendency to vomit * Relief of the muscle and joint pain that accompanies influenza * Relief of congestion of that air passages of the chest and head (sinuses, bronchial, etc.) ************* CONCO Ingredients and Their Areas of Focus Mint: Bronchitis, chills, cold, colic, digestion fever, gas, influenza Silver Flower Colds, laryngitis, elimination of fever, antibacterial and infection Chuan-Wioug Root Colds, joint pain, flu,pregnancy, child birth, nursing mothers Angelica Root Opens air passageways, rheumatism, arthritis, pain relief Licorice Hormone herb, stimulates glands, tonic for intestinal tract, adrenal glands, colds, coughs, diabetes, female problems Bamboo Leaf Cools fever, viral infections, colds, toxic poisoning, nervous tension, convulsions