REGENERATION REGENERATION is an event within the body that occurs over a span of time. It is an ongoing process sometimes exciting, sometimes discouraging, sometimes even uncomfortable. It includes two major body activities: 1. The activity of CLEANSING or eliminating toxic matter and 2. The activity of BUILDING new cells These activities can be recognized by some interesting "signs and symptoms". The activity of CLEANSING may reveal: 1. New and different aches and pains or intensified old ones 2. Elimination overload, signified by nausea, constipation, diarrhea, body order, excessive perspiration, skin breakouts or bad taste in the mouth 3. Loosing of mucus and its discharge from body orifices. 4. Chills and fever 5. Thirst, loss of appetite, weight loss 6. Greater need for sleep The activity of BUILDING could include: 1. New and different aches and pains or intensified old ones 2. Increased appetite 3. Greater need for sleep 4. Signs of increased need for calcium, such as muscle cramps, breaking fingernails, toothaches, irritability If these descriptions above are due to CLEANSING or REBUILDING, the inconveniences are temporary, and can be assisted by the appropriate body nourishment. Formulations that best support CLEANSING process are CALLI, LIFESTREAM AND CONCO. Distilled water is also useful. The formulations that best support the REBUILDING process are; * Nuplus * Alpha C20, * ASSIMILAID and * PRIME AGAIN. Other formulations maybe used according to the individual's needs Remember, your body has an intelligence of it's own! Get in tune and listen to YOUR Body!